Untitled Flashcards Set

Russia & Western Powers in Asia

1)      Russia expanded into three main areas

a.       Russia moves westward to find more water seaports and more natural resource

                                                                                                  i.      Russia still needs to industrialize, theyre very behind

                                                                                                ii.      These areas could help Russia out

b.      Transcaucasus-Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan

c.       Central Asia

d.      Southern Middle East-Uzbekistan, Turkestan, and Afghanistan

2)     All of this put pressure on Great Britain which in turn almost brought the two empires close to war numerous times

3)     French Indochina-Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos

a.       This all started under Napoleon III whose wife was Catholic and asked for protection of Catholic missionaries in the region

                                                                                                  i.      Not more territory or resources

                                                                                                ii.      New imperialism isn’t necessarily after financial pursuit (a part sometimes)

                                                                                              iii.      France gets involved because napoleon’s wife wants to protect missionaries

b.      Vietnam becomes a French colony and later on this is part (important) of the second world war

                                                                                                  i.      Trace vietname war back to French roots

4)     Boxer Rebellion & Open Door Policy

a.       1899 US proposed Open Door Policy to carve China up into Spheres of Influence

                                                                                                  i.      China was very controlled by British, barely an entity

                                                                                                ii.      Everyone wanted a piece of  china for themselves

1.       Not colonize china, but wanted access to trade, markets and ultimate as national prestige

b.      The Chinese government was too weak to resist

c.       In 1900 the Boxers rebelled and the Chinese government had to ask for Western aid

                                                                                                  i.      Boxers rebel hard

                                                                                                ii.      Boxers because they are martial artists

                                                                                              iii.      Europeans didn’t have an understanding of martial art, used as derogatory term

d.      Thousands of Chinese were killed and was a humiliation for China


Tools of Imperialism

1)      New Technologies were extremely important

a.       Steamboats

b.      Firearms-Enfield Rifle & Maxim Machine Gun

                                                                                                  i.      Enfield rifle uses a cartridge, no more shoving gun powder, you have bullet and self-contained cartridge

                                                                                                ii.      Machine guns- don’t matter about amount, one person with a machine gun can kill lots of people at once

c.       Quinine medicine to combat Malaria

d.      Why Europeans were so successful

                                                                                                  i.      Europeans didn’t have military technology prior to 1800s, tropical diseases in Africa

                                                                                                ii.      Note: Chinese empire was very educated and technologically advanced up to end of 1800s

                                                                                              iii.      What changed? Chinese invested money elsewhere, Europeans built up incredible military through guns and chips

2)     Missionary Work

a.       Every nation that engaged in imperialism had missionaries

                                                                                                  i.      Religion is still big

                                                                                                ii.      Missionaries to convert

                                                                                              iii.      Why?

1.       Ustification

b.      There was a lot of humanitarian work done

                                                                                                  i.      Some people do try to help out!

c.       However a lot of racism and discrimination also went along with this

                                                                                                  i.      May have good intentions, they have social Darwinism mentality

d.      Often times educational facilities were set up

e.       In many cases missionaries pushed for protection opening up greater expansion

f.        Later on, many missionaries also pushed for more rights on indigenous people

                                                                                                  i.      For example helps ghandi use Christianity to help

g.       Missionary work turned Christianity into a global religion

h.      Women played a key role in missionary activities although they often followed well-established gender roles

Science and Imperialism

1)       Wherever Europeans went, scientists went as well as the scientists wanted discoveries and this in turn furthered imperialist goals

2)     Botany

a.       Thousands of new plants came into European knowledge and many were cultivated in greenhouses such as Kew Garden in London

b.      These plants were a source of wonder but profit as well-coffee, tea, rubber, ect

3)     Zoology

a.       New animals were brought into European knowledge and zoos were set up for people to view, this prompted the creations of museums

4)     Medicine

a.       Often a justification for imperialism, Western medicine was able to bring about an end to many diseases that had ravaged people around the globe for centuries

b.      No real regard for medical professionals in other places however

5)      Anthropology

a.       Unfortunately in many cases the study of other peoples was tainted with racist ideology

b.      Polygenesis-the idea of multiple origins of humanity-this was used to justify imperialism and racial ideas of superiority

c.       This would lead to things like phrenology and eugenics

6)     Anything and everything was put on display back in Europe-including, horrifically, other humans

a.       Continent wide fairs and exhibits

12.4.24 ( New Imperialism and Africa

Modern Imperialism and Great Birtain

7)      Imperialism policy of extending a nations authority by terriorital acquisition or by establishing economic and political harmny over other nations

8)     This had been happening since 1500s but something changed in late 1800s that was really important

9)     Britain dominated colonization and imperialism!

10)  Imperialism of freee trade, free market liberation          

a.       Opium wars 1839-1842 and 1856-1860

                                                                                                  i.      Chinese government refused to let British sell opium trown in india to Chinese people

                                                                                                ii.      British won and gained control of hong kong and lots of other trading ports, reparations

b.      India and 1857 sepoy rebellion

                                                                                                  i.      Syaring in 1600s east india company made trading network in India

                                                                                                ii.      Mughal empire was lowkey in charge of india but it was actually the British in charge and they ruled indirectly

                                                                                              iii.      British and sepoy soldiers reinforced ranks but they actually rebelled in 1867 over worries of animal fat being used in cartridges

                                                                                               iv.      Rebels killed lots of britihs officers and families but the British responses killed thousands of Indians

                                                                                                 v.      In 1858 government of india art was passed under dirsell adminiatraiton and Queen Victoria became empress of India and country was put under direct control

11)   All of these shows the main goal of extracting more goods

Characteristics and Motives 1870-1914

1)      new?

a.       Number of European countries involved now and even Japan and America!

                                                                                                              i.      Freed trade impersialism was abonded in favor of direct control! Including sphere of influence and protectorate

                                                                                                            ii.      Huge amount of racism and social Darwinism involved

                                                                                                          iii.      Focused on asia and Africa

b.      Why?

                                                                                                              i.      Marxist theories put forth by lenin or a quest for all resources are all wrong and fall short

1.       Marxist would say money to be made, exploit people

                                                                                                            ii.      But this isn’t what is really happening

                                                                                                          iii.      European powers generally thought it was necessary for a great power to acquire terriroity and there was a sense of competition (especially with fears about the collapse of the ottoman empire) social Darwinism, a white mans burden and a need to protect strategic interests

                                                                                                           iv.      Economic factors for sure but they wanted to make different races civilized

Scramble for Africa

1)      France 1830 under Charles X conquered Algeria and by 1870s much of northwestern Africa

2)     Great Britain 1869 suez canal opened but by 1882 egyptians revolted against oppressive taxes forcibly put in place for the canal, result was decades of British rule after rebellion was put down

a.       Made British more involved in Africa

3)     Competition between the French and British was decided peacefully

4)     Belgian congo 1884 king leopold II used personal wealth to have congo mapped and explored, tricked natives into signing agreements that basically gave away their land

a.       Convinced other European naions to honor these agreements and the congo was his personal property

                                                                                                              i.      Leopold enacted a system of brutal slavery in the pursuit of rubber extraction, millions of africans died

b.      By 1908 the sheer horror was revealed and leopold was forced to give up the congo

Scramble for Africa w/ Germany and South Africa

1)      Germany only got involved because Bismarck saw it as a political advantageous, he thought it would take French focus off Germany in Europe, particularly in east and west Africa

a.       When the Herero people revolted in west Africa, the Germans slaughtered all adult males and pushed the women and children into camps, tens of thousands died in the Herero Genocide

b.      Bismarck still worried bout that franco Prussian war

2)     1884 berlin conference: Europeans formally divided up Africa in a way they thought would bring civilization and commerce to the region

3)     South Africa

a.       Originally set up as a Dutch colony but was captured by British during the Napoleonic wars

b.      Anglo-Zulu war 1879

                                                                                                              i.      British trying to expand more military, come into contact with Zulu tribe

                                                                                                            ii.      Best example of native people in Africa being able to stand up for any length of time

                                                                                                          iii.      They are able to pushback on British for a while

                                                                                                           iv.      But British have machine guns, Zulu have only like arrows, spears

c.       Boer war 1899-1902

                                                                                                              i.      Dutch people worked with British to exterminate zulu, then they try to force British out of this region

                                                                                                            ii.      When native tribes leave, then Europeans fight

                                                                                                          iii.      Modern end weapons are used on each other

                                                                                                           iv.      A prelude to what WW1 will look like

d.      An extremely racist and oppressive system was set up known as apartheid

12.3.24 ( Modern Thought and Culture

Reading and Science

12)  Literacy rates soared through Europe in the 1800s but they varied depdning on the region

a.       People were reading not just book but newspapers!

b.      These are educated populations

13)  Philosophy

a.       Positivism: Auguste Comte believed there were  three stages of scientific development- theological, metaphysical and exact descriptions

                                                                                                  i.      Factual knowledge is gained through observation that can be then used to better/dix the world

                                                                                                ii.      Metaphysical

1.       People coming up with ideas of their own, no precise instruments

2.      No precise language

                                                                                              iii.      Exact descriptions

1.       Scientific methods! Logical thinking!

                                                                                               iv.      Puts religion on back burner

14)  Charles Darwin

a.       Did not cme up with the theory of evolution but he did explain it with his ideas on natural selection in The Origin of Species

                                                                                                  i.      How this happened would be drawn from the work of Gregor Mendel

                                                                                                ii.      Darwin’s work was highly controversial

b.      Social Darwinism: promoted by Herbert Spemcer t the detriment of humankind

15)  New discoveries like x-rays and radiation

16)  This all spurs on nationalism


Questions of Religion

1)      all of the new science and thinking of the age challenged centuries old beliefs

2)     Writers like Friedrich Nietzche questioned the validity of the Bible and its teachings about sacrifice and love arguing war and courage have accomplished more

3)     Government across Europe were distrustful of organzed churches with established dogma and special privileges

4)     Catholic church and pope remained powerful figure in lots of people lives despite changes tere was a religious revival across Europe in 1800s

a.       Papal infability declared in 1870

b.      Catholic church was very conservative and Vatican refused to join Italy until 1929

5)      Great Britain and France formally separated school from religion or provide equal funding

6)     Kulturkampf: civil government under Bismarck tried to purge the influence of the catholic church, particularly in education, to strengthen the power of the government (papal infability thing was concerning to bimark)

a.       May laws were the result requiring German priests to be educated in german school

b.      This kulturkampf failed as roman Catholics pushed back to a point where Bismarck didn’t see any advantage to continuing this policy

Modern Culture and Thought

1)      modernism: movement in all forms of art

a.       critical of the middle class lifestyle

b.      explaining and examining modern life in a confusing world

2)     art: impressionism, post-impressionism, and cubism

a.       claude monet, Vincent van gogh, pablo Picasso

3)     psychoanalysis: attempts to analyze and understand humanity

a.       Sigmund freud

                                                                                                              i.      Words on dreams  Interpretation of Dreams

                                                                                                            ii.      New models of internal organization from numerous essays and books

1.       Id- unconscious amoral and irrational party that is aggressive and pleasure seekng

2.      Supergo- conscious moral imperatives and societal expectations

3.      Ego- this is what regulates the prush and pull between the id and supergo or the concisous and unconscious

b.      there would be numerous splits in thought but this would be the foundation of modern sociology and psychology

Women and Modern Thought

1)      Unfrtounately society across Europe remained intensel misogynistic

a.       While people like Darwin or freud supported education for women they also talked about them as being inferior or incomplete

b.      These views were reflected in numerous writings and paintings of the late 1800s

c.       The dominant ideas of the day relegated women to the role of child bearing and child rearing which in the eyes of many made them inferior

2)     Set the stage for future movements

a.       Virgina woolf and A room of Ones Own 1929

                                                                                                              i.      Posited for a women to be a thinker and a writer needed their own space and income

                                                                                                            ii.      Asked if women needed to imiate men but voncluded men and women need to share the sensibilities or thoughts of each

3)     Feminism ecame associated with gender roles and radicalism 

a.       Conservative political movements stressed traditional roles for women in society and the home

12.2.24 ( Political Developments

Jewish Emancipation

17)   Late 1700s saw increasing rights given to jews but not in Eastern Europe, especially not in Russia

a.     State allowed and condoned pogroms against Jewish communities

18)  19th century saw  legal rights given to Jews, so Jews joined liberal organizations, oppression of the past largely dissipated

a.       Worked as a government officials, university professors, lawyers etc.

19)  Late 1800s virulent anti-Semitism once again erupted

a.     1894 Dreyfus affair in France

                                                                                                  i.      Dreyfus was a Jewish artillery officer accused of treason (passing military secrets to Germany)

                                                                                                ii.      Evidence was a letter with military information in a trash can with Dreyfus handwriting

                                                                                              iii.      Dreyfus found guilty

                                                                                               iv.      NO evidence that really said he wrote it

                                                                                                 v.      Exonerated in 1906

                                                                                               vi.      Illustrates that Jews get rights, they aren’t really getting fairness because of antisemitism

1.       Widely covered in news

b.      Firestorm

c.       So Dreyfus “committed” a crime, but people grouped together all Jews, antisemitism is bubbling up, court found him distrustful because he was Jewish

d.      Proof reforms were categorical and not fully societal

Labor and Socialism

1)      After 1848 laborers largely stopped rioting and instead joined unions or political organizaitions to share their voice

2)     Union membership in skilled and unskilled work grew because it was legal in most European countries, but not Eastern Europe

a.       Late 19th  centuries

3)     Most European nations had total male suffrage by late 19th century so governments had to listen to working class

a.       Working class did in fact make most of society

b.      Eastern Europe of course did not do this, they are falling behind s of course a revolution is brewing

4)     1864-1876 International Working men’s Association or First International: incorporated a wide variety of political parties and different ideologies

a.       Marx gave the inaugural address

                                                                                                              i.      Not everyone agreed with him!!!!

b.      Key point: Marxism or socialism did not hold broad appeal! Debatable

5)      Less people are choosing violence more are choosing words, communism is going down because now people are getting rights, Again, people want stability, communism hate stability

GB, France, Germany

1)      GB is a standout

a.       British government wanted to facilitate talks between labor and management so less revolts

b.      Fabians: socalists that wanna work in the system to make a moderate version of socialism in the GB government

                                                                                                              i.      GB is kinda okay with this

                                                                                                            ii.      No hard Marxism

c.       GB started to institute some socialist reforms

2)     France

a.       Situation with labor was tumultuous and no real unity was happening

b.       Numerous unions, socialists and anarchists in opposition to conservatives and middle class

c.       Strikes and riots were common

                                                                                                              i.      But no overthrow of government

                                                                                                            ii.      French gov. slowly started to give into these demands like minimum wage

3)     Germany; German sSocial Democratic Party

a.       SPD huge political organization that Bismarck hated (so conservatives)

                                                                                                              i.      Bismarck institutes healthcare so SPD cannot take over

                                                                                                            ii.      You gotta give a little

                                                                                                          iii.      SPD gets a lot of what it was looking for even though it’s cut by Bismarck

                                                                                                           iv.      Erfurt Program

1.       SPD used this program and argued that the government should take control of needs of government

a.       Sounds kinda Marxist but they think that factories, power plants and train stations should be run by the government

b.      This program also says “this should happen” but also “let’s work with government” so again no revolutions or revolt

2.      Edward Bernstein critics marx!

a.       Overthrowing system with revolution is not universally wanted

b.      Lots of people criticize Marx, Marx end goal is wrong!

                                                                                                                                                                                      i.      People say communism and Marx need revision

                                                                                                                                                                                    ii.      Bernstein is a good example, SPD listens to Bernstein

3.      Looking at Germany, Bismarck gives people liberal/socialist things like pensions and healthcare, that’s because of SPD that looks at Marx ideas and backs off from extreme stuff to instead work in the system,

b.      Western Europe LOOKS DOWN AT RUSSIA!!

Russia in Late 19th Century

1)      Russian realizes they gotta industrialize

a.       Also people are not happy in Russia

2)     Tsar Alexander II and Nicholas II understood Russia had to industrialize

a.       Count Sergei Witte made Russia industrialize

b.      No one really benefits from this! These serfs aren’t really free

3)     Former serfs in the countryside languished in poverty, most peasants had to work for more prosperous farmers known as kulaks

4)     Political parties formed like the Social Revolutionary Party or Cadets: Russia had no representivie institutions though

a.       No way to express themselves unless they wanna do some violence

b.      Russian Tsars are totally autocratic, tell people what to do, educated people want stuff to change but they can’t say their wants unless they do violent stuff

5)      Kulaks=burgoisie

6)     Vladmir Ilyich Ulyanov or Lenin: future leader of communist revolution

a.       1897: Lenin brother was executed for being in a plot to kill Alexander III, this radicalized him and so he joined SDP of Russia

b.      Exiled forces worked together, Lenin included and debated each other

c.       Lenin argued revolution in Russia had to be led by revolutionaries (elite and poor) and could not spontaneously happen with class

                                                                                                              i.      Small group of revolutionaries and educated people needed to force a revolution to happen

                                                                                                            ii.      GOTTA GET A TEMPORARY DICTATORSHIP TO FORCE A REVOLUTION

                                                                                                          iii.      Lenin is a violent fella! This revolution couldn’t spring up from common people, it had to happen by a dictator/small group to force it, then control could be released

1.       Justification to become a dictator, Lenin will never give it up

d.      1903 Lenin (now very very extreme) forced debate on questions and the Russian Social Democratic Party split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks

e.       Bolshevik mean majority but they aren’t majority

                                                                                                              i.      Lenin is a propogandist

Russo Japanese War

1)      Revolution of 1905 and Russo-Japanese War

a.       Nicholas II became Tsar in 1894 not the greatest of leaders

b.      Russia lost badly which prompted protest at home

c.       January 22nd 1905 (Sunday Bloody Sunday) peaceful protestors approached the Winter Palace and hundreds were gunned down

d.      1905 workers councils or soviets formed in Russian cities

e.       1906 Nicholas II was forced to give in and create a Duma

                                                                                                              i.      Nicholas appointed Pyotr Stolypin as prime minister

1.       Stolypin crushed revolutionary dissent but cancelled peasant payments on land from serf emancipation, he was hated

f.        The regime of Nicholas II struggled with poor leadership and scandal

g.       RASPUTIN!

2)     Russia’s authoritarian monarchy could not handle the difficulties of modernization

Women Stuff

Population and the Second Industrial Revolution

20) The European population exploded in a way it never had and never would again

a.       Birth rates and immigration were high

b.      Much of this had to do with new technologies and more food

21)  The Second Industrial Revolution

a.       Britain was no longer completely dominant and continental powers such as Germany caught up

b.      The second revolution was about steel, chemicals, and electricity

                                                                                                  i.      Bessemer process with steel

1.       Europeans always knew how to make steel but it was really impressive

2.      Need to integrate oxygen and exposures to it, Henry Bessemer comes up with an easy process

3.      How they figured out how to make steel on a large scale

4.      Matter?: Iron is brittle, it will be too heavy and brittle for structures and bridges. Steel on the other hand is a lot more flexible, stronger. Skyscrapers, ships, bridges, made from steel

a.       Everything we use is possible because of steel

                                                                                                ii.      Electricity became essential to modern life

                                                                                              iii.      Gottlieb Daimler: invented internal combustion engine-Henry Ford made it available to people

1.       What we have in cars and trucks

                                                                                               iv.      These are being developed but not used in widespread use, cars are a luxury item for super, ultra wealthy. Not until 1910s or 1920s that cars become readily available

22) Economic Difficulties

a.       The late 1800s was a period of economic trouble for Europe

                                                                                                  i.      Over speculation and overexpansion combined with bad weather(bad harvests) put Europe in a challenging place

1.       Overspeculation means investing. Wealthy individuals were making risky investments, they put the economy on rickety stilts

2.      Overexpansion: new technology and factories were making too much but not enough of a market

a.       Internal combustion engine could make lots of cars, but only a limited number of people would buy

3.      Continues to push communism

b.      This fueled socialist and communist movements throughout Europe

                                                                                                  i.      Revolutions of 1848, later portion of 1800s won’t be heavy on revolutions but there is a large increase in communist and socialist parties because of the economic difficulties

                                                                                                ii.      People are living longer though! Life isn’t wonderful and great though

23) Britain was no longer dominant in industrialization

a.       AN OUTCOME!!

                                                                                                  i.      They started it!

b.      US and Germany had caught up and surpassed Great Britain

                                                                                                  i.      Late 1800s

c.       Britain still had plenty of wealth and a high standard of living

d.      Why?

                                                                                                  i.      In both US and Germany degrees in the sciences were seen as more valuable than in Britain, British factories were older and less updated(wealthy British industrialists tended to buy landed estates not invest back in factories), and a burgeoning arms race with Germany over ships that produced nothing of value for civilians

                                                                                                ii.      Emphasis on colleges and universities to learn about science (electrical engineering, chemistry, physics)

1.       Britain colleges people got degree in chemistry was seen as dirty

2.      Ideal was white gloved artistocrat

3.      Education was kinda grimy

4.      An education was expected to be in classical literature, you want degrees in mathematics not literature

5.      British aristrocracy and people who could go to college

                                                                                              iii.      Many factories Britain makes become fallow, they let things go, not updated

1.       Later 1800s British made products that were seemed as inferior and lackluster to US

2.      Aristrocrats bought more land than investing into factories

                                                                                               iv.      Arms race over ships

1.       Leading up to WW1 era

2.      Britain and Germany get in a race to see who can make big ship

3.      Competition doesn’t do anything for civilians

a.       Tax money goes to weapons

Middle Class Life and Growing Urban Development

1)      The middle class had once been a revolutionary group but now they had won rights and had property-they wanted peace/stability to keep it

a.       More people move into middle class

b.      No more revolutions, they want stability!

c.       Proves marx wrong

2)     What is the middle class?-incorporates a lot from wealthy industrialists like the Krupp family down to the petite bourgeoisie(clerks, secretaries, ect.)

a.       Industrialists

b.      Arms manufacturers

c.       People are moving into petite bourgeoisie!

d.      Revolutions would burn down the stability that the petite bourgeoise and the people of the middle class were enjoying

e.       The communist manifesto never manifests because people want stability

3)     The influx of people into cities continued to grow and present problems

a.       Cities were filthy and got worse-cholera outbreaks

                                                                                                              i.      Nasty stuff

                                                                                                            ii.      Filthy and disgusting

b.      Little thought in urban planning

c.       Paris-1850-1853 under Napoleon III the city was redesigned to be cleaner/more efficient-also easier to send in soldier with wide streets-no more barricades

                                                                                                              i.      Does do some good things

                                                                                                            ii.      Like this!

                                                                                                          iii.      Reforms the city. Makes it nice and clean. Redesigns it, takes apart streets and buildings and designs it with wide streets, sewers, thought given to housing and placement

1.       Not all of this was done to benefit the people

2.      He wanted larger streets so barricades couldn’t happen

3.      Paris becomes a model city!

d.      Suburbs were created as a result of railroads and helped with population growth

                                                                                                              i.      You don’t need to live in the city where you work all the time

                                                                                                            ii.      Not as many people needed to live in cities

e.       Public health-governments throughout Europe passed laws

                                                                                                              i.      Great Britain: Public Health Act 1848

                                                                                                            ii.      France Melun Act 1851

1.       Two examples of European government passing legislation for clean cities and better health

2.      Middle class wanting to keep want it has

f.        Governments recognized good housing was needed and sort of addressed this problem

Womens Social Inequality

1)      Women and property: basically upon entering marriage women lost any and all access to property and legal identity regardless of their social class

a.       Applies to all social class

b.      Great Britain: Married Women’s Property Act 1882 allowed married women to own property but was limited and it was worse elsewhere in Europe well into the 1900s

                                                                                                              i.      was limited

                                                                                                            ii.      best example of something changing

2)     Family law: women were seen as minors and had no legal rights to their children or ability to divorce

a.       Women had no legal rights to leave a marriage

b.      By the late 1800s many European countries allowed for divorce in cases of abuse but that had to be proven in a court dominated by men

                                                                                                              i.      Example of unfairness

c.       Women’s health and reproduction such as contraception or abortion could not be discussed and in most cases were illegal

                                                                                                              i.      Birth control was looked down upon, never discussed

3)     Educational Barriers

a.       Almost everywhere women were excluded from anything beyond a basic education, and in many areas that too

b.      The only profession that was really open to women was teaching as it was seen as an extension of the domestic realm

c.       This was starting to change by the late 1800s but discrimination was everywhere


New Employment Patterns

1)      More jobs became available for women in the late 1800s: telephone operators, clerks, secretaries, ect.

a.       These were really only for young unmarried women: women could be paid less because men were supposed to support them and once married child-rearing interfered with work

b.      The more money a family had the less likely a woman was to work

                                                                                                              i.      Upper classes and aristocratic women did not work

2)     Working-Class Women

a.       There were always more people looking for work than there were jobs

b.      Even if you had a job you couldn’t support yourself

c.       Prostitution was extremely common everywhere, thousands of women turned to this to make money

                                                                                                              i.      Couldn’t go to the law about this stuff

                                                                                                            ii.      Horribly abused

                                                                                                          iii.      This is everywhere

d.      Exploitation was unfortunately depressingly common

                                                                                                              i.      Even though it was legal it wasn’t like the police stopped it. Only way police got involved was if someone of wealth was upset about something

3)     Middle-Class Women

a.       Cult of Domesticity: women of means could purchase the products of the Industrial Revolution and manage domestic servants-they managed the household

b.      Charitable work: this was seen as an extension of family life and was an area a woman could expand beyond the household

c.       Family size: middle-class families tried to limit family size to maintain a certain style of life

                                                                                                              i.      Children cost money

Political Feminism

1)      Liberal movements had done little for women and women themselves were often reluctant to join feminist groups organizations as it could jeopardize other aspects of their lives-still, over the centuries many women had argued for more rights

a.       Lots of women join suffrage women

b.      Liberals discuss an ability to be apart of a political system

                                                                                                              i.      You’d think they would welcome women

                                                                                                            ii.      They did NOT

2)     Britain had the most vibrant women’s suffrage movement

a.       Millicent Fawcett represented the more conservative part-work within the system

b.      Emmeline Pankhurst representative the more radical part-public and at times violent

                                                                                                              i.      Many followers were imprisoned and force fed but women in Great Britain got the right to vote in 1918

                                                                                                            ii.      Radical!

                                                                                                          iii.      Violence

1.       Government buildings set on fire

2.      Examples of women that will throw themselves in front of carriages of aristrocrats

3.      Some women commit suicide to emphasize the point that women are not treated like humans but instead property, this needs to change

                                                                                                           iv.      Not everyone is sensible in history

3)     Feminism on the Continent: everywhere movements sprung up but none had the effectiveness of that in Great Britain

a.       Takes a couple of decades for this to happen
