The Wars of Religion (1560s-1648)

Europe is a country of wars. The Crusades were wars of religion, but nowhere in the Bible does it advocate for war

The Civil War in France (1562-1598)

  • domestic war

  • over 600,000 people died

The Valois Family: the beginning of the end

  • Henri II was the last powerful Valois

  • Three weak sons followed

    • Francis II (married to Mary Stuart)

    • Charles IX

    • Henri III

  • Cathrine de Medici controlled the sons

    • was the mother to the boys

    • played both sides in the Civil War

    • developed a reputation for cruelty

French Civil War

  • Two sides

    • Guise family led the Catholics in the North

    • Bourbon family led Hugenots in the South

    • fighting over royal inheritance

  • Cathrine supported the Guises in the first phase

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

  • August 24, 1572

  • 20,000 Hugenots were killed

  • Henri of Navarre, a Bourbon, survived

  • Cathrine started supporting Bourbons

Catholic League → Civil War ← Protestant Union (Bourbons)

  • Henri of Navarre defeated Catholic League and becomes Henri IV of France

Effects of the Civil War

  • France was left divided by religion

  • Royal power had weakened

  • Valois family replaced by Bourbons

Henry IV of France

  • Ended Spanish interference in France

  • Converted to Catholicism

    • did this to compromise and make peace

    • Paris is worth a mass

    • this was an example of politique (the interest of the states comes first before any religious consideration)

    • fighting for royal inheritance

  • Passed Edict of Nates in 1598

    • granted religious freedom to Hugenots

    • did not grant religious freedom for all
