Which of the following is the primary purpose of activating students’ prior knowledge before they read a text?
A. Enhancing students self-monitoring skills
B. Increasing effective student collaboration
C. Promoting active student problem solving
D. Increasing student’s comprehension level
Teachers in a high school are aware of a local gang problem and wish to influence the students in their school to reject gang membership. The teacher can best facilitate achievement of this goal by emphasizing which of the following approaches?
A. Ensuring that all students have access to information from reports, new articles and other credible sources that objectively examine gang membership.
B. Creating a learning environment where students feel a sense of belonging and have opportunities to experience success.
C. Leading a discussion into their own classrooms aimed at examining the various causes of individuals' decisions to join a gang.
D. Establishing systems and procedures in each class that emphasize teacher flexibility regarding expectations for student behavior and learning.
A 4th grade teacher is planning a unit on weather. Students will record temperature, daily weather conditions etc. Using data recorded in the charts the students will create web-based broadcasts of the weather. To complete the project, the teacher will divide the class into groups.
A. Forecast team who analyze and complies students’ predictions.
B. A script writing team who writes the actual broadcast script.
C. A technology team who films the broadcast.
D. A design team who creates the set.
Which of the following types of assessment does the broadcast best illustrate:
A. Reflective
B. Diagnostic
C. Mastery learning
D. Performance based
To best help students create transition in the broadcasting of the weather report, the teacher should demonstrate how to use which of the following graphic organizer?
A. Cluster
B. Venn diagrams
C. Storyboard
D. Cause and effect chart
The end of unit broadcast primarily incorporates which of the following elements in learning?
A. Self-assessment
B. Open ended questions
C. Community involvement
D. Multiple intelligence
Which of the following does not contribute to developing pro-social behaviors in early elementary students?
A. Role model
B. One on one interactions
C. Independent play
D. Active play
Which of the following is an instructional objective?
A. Students will complete a worksheet operating and factoring.
B. Students will finish homework to solve quadratic equations.
C. Students will use fractions to describe the results of an experiment.
D. Students will participate in a district.
An elementary teacher uses a full inclusion model in which students with disabilities are fully integrated into the regular/general education classroom. Compared with traditional approaches to educating students with special needs, which of the following is most likely to be an important advantage of the model?
A. Students with disabilities will have greater opportunities for individualized instruction that addresses their specific.
B. The families of the students with disabilities will be more motivated to participate actively in the planning and implementation of their child’s educational program.
C. The classroom teacher will be able to maintain smoother more efficient.
D. All students will have increased opportunities to develop an understanding and acceptance of diversity through increased interactions with one another.
Which of the following teacher actions would best support middle school students as they each explore their own identity?
A. Providing a variety of learning experiences to give students an opportunity to determine their strengths.
B. Placing students in cooperative learning groups to give students an opportunity to collaborate.
C. Including authentic learning experience for students that are relevant to the curriculum.
D. Breaking complex tasks into several short segments to facilitate student’s comprehension.
An 8th grade team plans a thematic unit in which students learn about the concept of courage in all their subject areas. A primary advantage of implementing thematic instruction is to promote students:
A. Self-reflection about the content area materials
B. Connections with the content in multiple areas
C. Collaboration in groups about the content
D. Comprehension of the content for all ability level
To best demonstrate for elementary students the appropriate note taking skills to use during research a teacher should model which of the following?
A. Outlining when recording information
B. Using graphic organizers to record information
C. Organizing information with notes cards
D. Determines the reliability of the information
When creating a daily schedule for a kindergarten class it is most important for the teacher to consider:
A. Whether the time allotted for each instructional activity allows students to complete each task.
B. The length of an afternoon rest period to help transition students from lunch.
C. How to balance quiet and active instructional activities while including time for play.
D. Ways to incorporate parental involvement within each scheduled activity.
An eleventh-grade teacher with a class learner of diverse ability, including English language learners (ELLs), is planning a group project to investigate the causes of the World War. Which of the following represents the grouping method that will be most effective in supporting the majority?
A. Grouping students homogeneously by ability
B. Grouping students heterogeneously by ability
C. Allowing students to form their own groups
D. Grouping students randomly such as by counting off
When two elementary school students are having a disagreement, the primary goal of the teacher should be to:
A. Encourage both students to discuss the situation and resolve it in a mutually agreeable manner
B. Determine which student started the argument and initiate consequences for the responsible student
C. Points out the inappropriate behavior and punish both students
D. Listen to the concerns of both students privately to ensure that they each feel heard and understood
A 2nd grade teacher is preparing for a new school year. Which of the following would be the most effective way for the teacher to establish expectations for student’s behavior in the classroom?
A. Providing each student with a set of rules
B. Establishing rules that describe the undesired behaviors in the classroom
C. Involving the students in the process of creating the rules
D. Listens to the concerns of both students privately to ensure that they each feel heard and understood
Each week students compose, send and respond to emails pal from different communities. Which of the following is the most important benefit of the project?
A. Teaching students to use various technology
B. Engaging students in hearing how to properly write letters
C. Enriching students understanding of different cultures
D. Instructing student on effectively cooperating with others
A middle school science teacher requires students to keep a learning log to record their observation, identify concerns, and summarize learning. The primary benefit of this practice is that it
A. Helps students to consider data from multiple viewpoints
B. Provides students with additional study materials
C. Encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning
D. Caters to students with a variety of preferred learning styles
A 9th grade world geography teacher is planning a unit on how geographic processes affect political situations in different areas of the world. To begin designing appropriate learning goals for the unit, the teacher should first:
A. Reviews the information presented in the geography textbook
B. Conference with the team of world geography teachers
C. Consult the statewide students’ objectives for world geography
D. Create an assignment timeline for the geography unit
Mr. Trang has his mathematics students keep a learning log. At the end of each class period, students are asked to record three sentences that paraphrase what they learned from the day's lesson. This strategy is beneficial for students learning primarily because it asks them to:
A. Practice setting goals
B. Develops communication skills
C. Elaborates on new ideas
D. Activates prior knowledge
Before beginning a science unit, a teacher has the students record the unit objective in their science journals. During the unit, students make daily journal entries recording what they have learned. At the end of the unit, the students revisit the journal entries and discuss how well they feel they have mastered each objective. The activity best exemplifies which of the following instructional goal.
A. Assessing students’ prior knowledge
B. Encouraging student self-assessment
C. Providing scaffolding for students without prior knowledge
D. Focusing student attention on content material
A teacher introduces students to an interactive web site. Before having students explore the site it is most important that the teacher first emphasize which of the following in the acceptable use policy?
A. Website validity
B. Net etiquette
C. Electronic copyright laws
D. Proper use of search engines
A teacher is creating an introduction to a content-based unit presentation software. Which of the following guidelines should the teacher adopt when designing each slide?
A. Including multiple graphics
B. Highlighting a single key point
C. Explaining each point fully
D. Asking a higher-level question
A middle school teacher integrates internet research skills into a project. Which of the following teacher actions best addresses the needs of students who have limited experience with technology?
A. Providing reading materials about how to use the internet
B. Creating topic lists to focus the internet research
C. Offering specific strategies on how to use the internet
D. Promoting additional practice of internet research
The following is a dialogue between a fourth-grade student and her teacher regarding an assignment to write about a favorite memory.
Student: I don't know what to write about. I don’t have a favorite memory.
Teacher: Hmm. Ok. If you don’t have a favorite memory, you can write about a day you would like to have in the future. Tell me what your idea of a good day would look like.
In order to help the student, begin writing, which of the following instructional strategies did the teacher say?
A. Providing an increased wait time
B. Reframing the assignment
C. Sharing a relevant example
D. Simplifying a complex idea
An economics teacher plans to assess a class understanding of unit content by having students complete a performance assessment that is based on a case study. The case study describes problems facing a company and students will be asked to prepare a report that analyzes the company's situation and proposes short- and long-term solutions. The teacher can best help ensure that the assessment will yield fair and accurate results by taking which of the following steps before students begin their work?
A. Providing students with an outline that highlight key facts and issues from the assigned case study.
B. Helping students locate information relevant to the case study in their textbook or in the classroom resources.
C. Giving students information about the specific criteria and standards that will be used to evaluate their performance.
D. Showing students a sample response to the case study.
A teacher reviews a list of discussion guidelines before students begin discussing a topic in small groups. The list includes guidelines such as "Be respectful of others' opinions," and don't speak out of turn.” Practice best fosters which of the following for the students?
A. Safe environment for expression
B. Sense of community with peers
C. Opportunity to practice critical thinking
D. A connection between their school and the world.
The teachers at a middle school are concerned about many students' failure to complete their homework assignments. During the school's first round of parent teacher conferences, the teachers learn from some parents/guardians that their children often tell the adults in their homes that they have no homework to do. In response the teachers decided to create a homework help line that the students and their families can use to obtain information about homework assignments for each class. Which of the following is likely to be the most significant benefit of this strategy?
A. Strengthens family’s ability to be partners with school personnel in their children's education.
B. Promoting students’ sense of ownership of and responsibility of their own learning.
C. Enhancing teachers’ ability to create a classroom environment that is responsive to diverse student needs.
D. Reinforcing the idea to both students and families that teachers have high expectations for students' achievement.
When planning conferences with families a teacher can best demonstrate the value of parent-teacher interaction through which of the following strategies?
A. Utilizing email as the main method of communication with families
B. Sending home conference talking points for families who cannot attend
C. Rescheduling conference times to accommodate families’ schedules
D. Asking students to convey school related messages to their families
Mr. Dunn’s discipline plan for his 4th grade classroom includes calling the parents if a student breaks the rules three times in one day. Mr. Dunn often finds that warning a student that a parent will be called will serve to change the student’s behavior. Which of the following analyzes best describes the major problem with this discipline method?
A. It undermines the teacher’s authority in the classroom
B. It does not allow the teacher and parents to work together to reduce problem behavior
C. A characteristics communication between parents and teachers as something students should fear
D. It causes disruption when the teacher must interrupt instruction to call a parent
Which of the following is the most effective method a teacher assesses students use of higher order thinking skills as they complete a group project?
A. Noting the frequency of students’ verbal interactions
B. Observing the intellectual behaviors students exhibit
C. Recording the number of questions students ask each other
D. Requiring students to complete a questionnaire
Under which of the following conditions can a teacher make multiple copies of an article for students prior to a class discussion without requesting copyright permission?
A. The article will be reused from year to year for similar
B. The teacher has copies at least one other article by the same author
C. The article is less than 2,500 words and includes notice of copyright
D. The teacher keeps one of the copies that contains copyright information as it appears in the publication
Before assigning new reading material to her class. Ms. Weiss a MS reading teacher preteaches vocabulary. Some of the students in the class are ELL learners. Ms. Weiss instructs the students to scan the text to identify unfamiliar words. Once the student identifies unfamiliar words, she provides a brief definition of each word as it used in the context of the new material. A primary reason this method of vocabulary instruction is effective for the ELL is that:
A. Students are involved in selecting the words for instruction
B. New vocabulary words are presented in a less structured context
C. The teacher allows students to use the classroom dictionary
D. Students are required to use other comprehension strategies.
Ms. Murphy is concerned about a student’s recent academic and behavioral performance. Mrs. Murphy can best prepare for a productive conference with the parents by:
A. Sending the parents an email to inform them of their child’s difficulties and to designate a time to conference
B. Making arrangement for a special education teacher and an administrator to attend the conference to address any potential parental concerns
C. Collecting other students work samples and behavior logs to give the parents as a basis for comparison
D. Gathering the students various work samples and anecdotal records of the student’s behavior
A kindergarten teacher notices that the same group of students regularly argue over materials at the art center. To most effectively help these students learn to resolve their differences, the teacher should:
A. Create a list of procedures that explain ways to care for the materials
B. Removes the group of students from the art center when they start to argue
C. Has a class meeting to model various ways to solving differences in class
D. Read various books to the class in which the character has conflicts and learn to get along
A class of HS students prepare to complete an independent research paper; the teacher provides an explanation of plagiarism and demonstrates proper ways to paraphrase material and cite source information. By doing so, the teacher is primarily promoting:
A. The interests of the students in analyzing research papers
B. Student’s accountability for their own learning
C. The ability for students to apply knowledge of the writing process
D. Academic integrity among students
Which of the following students’ activities is the most authentic assessment of students’ knowledge after a unit on Chemistry
A. Designing an experiment that could create a chemical reaction
B. Responding to a multiple-choice assessment requiring students to identify chemical reactions
C. Matching chemical symbols to relative chemical reactants and their products
D. Identifying mathematical statements that represents specific chemical reactions
6th grade students choose one threat from a list of environmental threats to research and present to the class. Which questions by the teacher reach the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy?
A. What is the relevance of this threat to your community?
B. What examples can you list for this type of threat?
C. What was the most interesting fact you learned?
D. What is the main idea of the research?
When introducing an author study to students a 5th grade teacher shares information about and has students’ authors writing. The students then work in pairs to discuss their reactions to the excerpt. The primary benefit of this is to
A. Develops students background knowledge
B. Provide support for student interactions
C. Engages students in problem solving
D. Promotes student motivation
What nonverbal behavior shows a teacher is engaged in what a student is saying?
A. Using hand movements while the child is talking
B. Leaning forward and looking at the student and nodding when appropriate
C. Leaning backwards with arms folded keeping eye contact and a neutral expression
A teacher frequently checks for understanding throughout instruction. A primary purpose is:
A. Promote integrated learning
B. Emphasize student collaboration
C. Develop student study habits
D. Increase student accountability
A high school biology teacher begins a lesson on mitosis by asking the class “What do you think when you hear the word?’’ What is the primary purpose of this question?
A. Extending student understanding
B. Activating prior knowledge
C. Accessing critical thinking skills
D. Promoting student inquiry
A 6th grade language arts teacher is planning a unit on Greek mythology and creates the following timeline and planning questions.
How do I ensure that students are on task during the group work?
How can I integrate technology into the final project?
How do I help students see the connections between Greek?
Which of the following teacher actions is most appropriate for addressing the third unit planning question?
A. Inviting the art teacher to teach students about Greece so they may design their own
B. Leading mini lessons about the history culture and intellectual contributions of ancient Greece
C. Requiring students to research various aspects of ancient Greece and share them in small groups
D. Asking other teachers on the team to incorporate lessons on ancient Greece into their curriculum
Which of the following is the primary purpose for performing the tasks scheduled for the first day of the unit? Teacher talks about the TEKS, materials the student may need, teacher tells parents about the project.
A. Providing time for students to connect prior knowledge of myths with the unit
B. Communicating expectations to successful completion of the unit
C. Explain the history behind the myths in the unit
D. Informing students of the TEKS that they should master by the end of the unit
Which of the following describes the best way for the teacher to address the first unit planning question? How do I keep all students' tasks?
A. Giving the students a focus by assigning each student to a specific role within the group
B. Requiring each student to complete a daily assessment of their participation in the group
C. Asking one student in each group to keep a record of the other students
D. Rotating around the classroom to observe each group at work and grading students participation
A teacher asks students to work in groups of four to create a model of a concept being studied. One group struggles. Which of the following strategies will best assist the group in meeting project timelines?
A. Choosing a group leader who will keep group members on task
B. Deciding who will take minutes and create agendas
C. Ensuring that group interactions are based on mutual respect
D. Outlining the rule and guidelines given by the teacher
Which of the following is the best way to promote student success during small group instructional activities?
A. Ensuring that group member reach consensus during activities
B. Rewarding group members who correctly answer question about the activities
C. Providing group member a list of expectations before conducting each activity
D. Recording group members interactions during each activity in a comprehension chart
When introducing an author study to students a 5th grade teacher shares information about and has students’ authors writing. The students then work in pairs to discuss their reaction to the excerpts. The primary benefit of this is to
A. Develop students background knowledge
B. Provide support for student interactions
C. Engages students in problem solving
D. Promotes student motivation
When planning a conference with families, a teacher can best demonstrate the
value of parent teacher interaction through which of the following strategies?
A. Utilizing email as the main method of communication with families
B. Sending home conference talking points for families who cannot attend
C. Rescheduling conferences times to accommodate family’s schedules
D. Asking students to convey school related messages to their families
Which of the following strategies should a high school teacher implement to best improve students conflict resolution skills?
A. Role playing negotiation techniques
B. Involving students in developing classroom rules
C. Redirecting students toward other activities and tasks
D. Applying consistent and appropriate behavioral expectations
A middle school teacher integrates internet research skills into a project. Which of the following teacher actions best addresses the needs of students who have limited experience with technology?
A. Providing reading material about how to use the internet
B. Creating topic lists to focus the internet research
C. Offering specific strategies on how to use the internet
D. Promoting additional practice of internet research
During a lesson on telling time a teacher performs a quick assessment of the students’ understanding by displaying a clock and having them write the correct time. The teachers observe that many students are confusing the hour and minutes. Which step for the teacher take?
A. Continuing with the lesson as planned to stay on schedule
B. Reassessing the students at the end the lesson using a different method
C. Incorporating time for independent practice during the lesson
D. Adjusting the lesson to correct students’ misconceptions
Mr. Lopez an elementary school teacher uses the following verbal and nonverbal techniques when teaching:
Changing the pitch tone and volume of his voice
maintaining eye contact with the student while they speak
using positive facial expression and body language
A. Extrinsic motivation
B. Self monitoring
C. Student accountable
Middle school teachers wanted to start a program. Each teacher will meet with small groups. How will this help adolescents needs?
A. Have a community, positive, making feel safe school
B. Ongoing feedback, for academic
C. Horizontal learning
An ELL student came to US for six months with limited education setting in her homeland. What should you teach her first?
A. Read directionally print
B. Resources for materials
C. Finding the main ideas
Mr. Tucker is a high school health teacher who has students of various levels of English-language proficiency in his classes. He asks beginning-level students yes/no questions, often with the use of visual cues. He asks intermediate-level students either/or questions, to which possible answers are limited. Finally, he asks advanced students more grammatically complex questions, such as embedded and open-ended questions that uses “who”, “what”, “when”, or “where”. The practice best reflects which of the following principles related to questioning strategies?
A. Embedding students’ prior knowledge in the questions will support their learning.
B. Eliciting responses from students will produce active learners.
C. Modifying the language structure of questions will support student participation.
D. Using an organized process for questions will help track which students are called on.
A teacher asks students to work in groups of four to create a model of a concept being studied. One group struggle with meeting project timelines. Which of the following strategies will best assist the group in meeting project timelines?
A. Choosing a group leader who will keep group members on task
B. Deciding who will take minutes and creates agendas
C. Ensuring that group interactions are based on mutual respect
D. Outlining the rules and guidelines given by the teacher
Namrata, an English-language learner, writes in complete sentences, but she has difficulty with verb tenses and frequently uses the present tense when not appropriate to the context. She uses familiar words from the word wall in her writing, which still includes many spelling and grammatical errors. Which of the following is Namrata’s language proficiency level in writing?
A. Beginning
B. Intermediate
C. Advanced
D. Advanced-high
A middle school language arts teacher is planning the first writing activity of the year. The class includes several English-language learners of various levels of writing proficiency. Which of the following activities would most likely ensure the active participation of all the students?
A. Writing an expository essay outlining the steps of a task that has been chosen for them.
B. Writing a narrative about an event that has left a lasting impression on them.
C. Writing a persuasive essay outlining an opinion of the school’s cell phone policy.
D. Writing a literary analysis of a novel that they were assigned to read over the summer.
Before assigning new reading material to her class, Mrs. Weiss, a middle
school reading teacher, pre-teaches vocabulary. Some of the students in the
class are English-language learners (ELLs). Ms. Weiss instructs the students to
scan the text to identify unfamiliar words. Once students identify the unfamiliar
words, she provides a brief definition of each word as it is used in the context of the new material. A primary reason this method of vocabulary instruction is effective for the ELLs is that:
A. Students are involved in selection the words for instruction.
B. New vocabulary words are presented in a less structured context.
C. The teacher allows students to use the classroom dictionary.
D. Students are required to use other comprehension strategies.
Which of the following is an instructional objective?
A. Students will complete a worksheet on operating and factoring.
B. Students will finish homework to solve quadratic equations.
C. Students will use fractions to describe the result of an experiment.
D. Students will participate in a district math symposium.
An elementary school uses a full inclusion model in which students with disabilities are fully integrated in the regular/general education classroom. Compared with traditional approaches to educating students with special needs, which of the following is most likely to be an important advantage of this model?
A. Students with disabilities will have greater opportunities for individualized instruction that addresses their specific strengths and needs.
B. The families of students with disabilities will be more motivated to participate actively in the planning and implementation of their child’s educational program.
C. The classroom teachers will be able to maintain smoother, more efficient classroom management routines and simplified patterns of collaboration with special education professionals.
D. All students will have increased opportunities to develop an understanding and acceptance of diversity through increased interactions with one another
An eighth-grade team plans a thematic unit in which students learn about the concept of courage in all their subject areas. A primary advantage of implementing thematic instruction is to promote students’
A. Self-reflection about the content-area materials
B. Connections with the content in multiple areas
C. Collaboration in groups about the content
D. Comprehension of the content for all ability levels
Which of the following would be the most effective way to help second-grade students understand the Sun’s apparent movement across the sky?
A. Reading aloud nonfiction books about the Sun and Earth and asking students questions to check for understanding.
B. Observing and recording the length of an object’s shadow at different times during the day with the class.
C. Inviting a meteorologist to speak to the class about how the Sun’s position affects local weather.
D. Creating a bar graph to show hourly changes in outdoor air temperature throughout the day.
Which of the following teacher actions would best support middle school students as they each explore their own identity?
A. Providing a variety of learning experiences to give students an opportunity to determine their strengths.
B. Placing students in cooperative learning groups to give students an opportunity to collaborate.
C. Including authentic learning experiences for students that are relevant to the curriculum.
D. Breaking complex tasks into several short segments to facilitate students’ comprehension.
A teacher is planning an instructional activity for a culturally diverse ninth-grade class. The teacher wishes to ensure that the activity will be effective in promoting all students’ learning. The teacher can best achieve this goal by asking himself whether the activity he is planning:
A. Uses an instructional format that is likely to be familiar to all the students in the class
B. Occasionally includes identifiable elements from the cultural groups represented in the classroom
C. Offers students maximum flexibility in determining how they wish to accomplish intended learning goals.
D. Is accessible and meaningful to students with varied life experiences and background knowledge.
To best demonstrate for elementary students the appropriate note-taking skills to use during research, a teacher should model which of the following?
A. Outlining when recording information
B. Using graphic organizers to record information
C. Organizing information with note cards
D. Determining the reliability of the information
After teaching a lesson on a comprehension skill, the teacher requires the students to write in their reading journals to summarize their learning and identify how they can apply the new skill. The activity primarily demonstrates the teacher’s understanding of the importance of:
A. Allocating time for students to engage in reflection and closure
B. Planning lessons and units to promote the effective use of time
C. Providing a writing activity to create readiness for learning
D. Using resources to stimulate an inquiry-based approach to learning
Which of the following teacher actions is most appropriate for addressing the third unit planning question?
A. Inviting the art teacher to teach students about Grecian urns so they may design their own.
B. Leading minilessons about the history, culture, and intellectual contributions of ancient Greece.
C. Requiring students to research various aspects of ancient Greece and share them in small groups.
D. Asking other teachers on the team to incorporate lessons on ancient Greece into their curricular.
Which of the following describes the best way for the teacher to address the first unit planning question?
A. Giving the students a focus by assigning each student to a specific role within the group.
B. Requiring each student to complete a daily assessment of their participation in the group.
C. Asking one student in each group to keep record of the other students’ participation and interactions for the teacher.
D. Rotating around the classroom to observe each group at work and grading students’ participation.
A teacher introduces students to an interactive web site. Before having students explore the site, it is most important that the teacher first emphasizes which of the following in the acceptable use policy?
A. Website validity
B. Net etiquette
C. Electronic copyright laws
D. Proper use of search engines
A 7th grade teacher is teaching a unit on American Investors. Each day the class reads a sketch to help intermediate ELL comprehend. The teacher should:
A. Administrate formative assessment after student read the sketches
B. Provide students with a graphic organizer to record main ideas covered in the sketch
C. Ask students how well they are able to understand the content of sketches
D. Have students highlight portions of each sketch are unclear to them.
A high school teacher observes that English-language learners (ELLs) at the beginning level of language proficiency in speaking do not participate in classroom discussions. The most effective way to help the ELLs is to:
A. Have native-language-speaking peers interpret discussion points and provide responses for the ELLs.
B. Have English-speaking peers model discussions and then allow the ELLs to rehearse before participating.
C. Provide short sentence stems and terms related to the discussion for the ELLs to practice before participating.
D. Provide one-on-one oral language instruction and then practice discussing a wide range of topics with the ELLs.
After reading from a science textbook written in English, an English-language learner at the advanced-high level of proficiency completes the following activity card by listing a definition for precipitation, listing its part of speech, and listing an example. Which of the following is a primary purpose of the activity?
A. Applying English phonetics
B. Understanding English syntax
C. Assessing reading comprehension
D. Building academic vocabulary
Use the conversation between Minh, a high school English-language learner (ELL), and his teacher to answer the questions that follow.
Ms. Stevenson: Minh, I saw you at the football game last Friday. Did you have a good time?
Minh: Yes, I am liking American football. I am liking every sports.
Ms. Stevenson: You should join a team here at school.
Minh: I am studying.
Ms. Stevenson: Oh, I see. Well, I hope you'll get some free time soon.
Minh: I hoping.
Minh's speech can best be classified as being at which of the following English-language proficiency levels?
A. Beginning
B. Intermediate
C. Advanced
D. Advanced-high
An intermediate-level English-language learner (ELL) in a middle school class is having difficulty with writing. When responding to short-answer questions, the student writes with little detail and with frequent errors. To best support the student, the teacher should
A. Provide simple sentence stems.
B. Provide a mini-lesson on paraphrasing text.
C. Allow the ELL to use recently memorized phrases.
D. Allow the ELL to analyze genres to learn how to mimic writing features
A third-grade teacher has several English-language learners (ELLs) at varying language proficiency levels in the class. Which of the following best ensures that the ELLs will participate in whole-class discussions?
A. Modeling different sentence structures found in English and having the ELLs repeat the sentences.
B. Pairing ELLs with native English speakers and encouraging conversation between them.
C. Increasing wait time to allow ELLs to process information before contributing ideas.
D. Incorporating systematic documentation to record when ELLs participate.
A teacher can best simplify language for an English-language learner with which of the following strategies?
A. Eliminating nonverbal facial expressions and gestures.
B. Avoiding the use of cognates while doing group work.
C. Reducing the number of pronouns used in spoken instructions.
D. Using slang commonly spoken by students of that age group.
Su-Mei, a high school English-language learner, is at an intermediate level of English-language proficiency. She can communicate and understand a wide range of everyday topics but has difficulty understanding complex content material in class lectures. Which of the following strategies is the most appropriate for her teachers to use to help her comprehend academic content?
A. Assigning supplemental homework based on content material
B. Discussing learning objectives at the beginning and end of class
C. Modeling the use of inferential skills to develop prediction skills
D. Monitoring progress through observation during group work
Which of the following strategies is most appropriate for assisting English language learners (ELLs) at the beginning level of proficiency with reading content-specific material?
A. Providing instruction on text-based academic vocabulary prior to reading.
B. Requiring students to develop outlines of the text in English while reading.
C. Having students read content material aloud in groups with other ELLs.
D. Providing students with parallel texts in English and their native language.
An English-language learner (ELL) who is at an advanced-high level of language proficiency is preparing a report summarizing a science experiment. The most appropriate expectation for the teacher to have of the ELL's report is that it will include:
A. Illustrations of concepts that the student struggles with communicating in writing.
B. A reliance on teacher-provided sentence stems to complete the report.
C. writing that is correct in content but below grade level in syntax and grammar.
D. Grade-level content information communicated with few language-related errors.
A fifth-grade science teacher wants to accommodate science textbook reading assignments for English- language learners (ELLs). Which of the following activities would best support the goal?
A. Providing the ELLs with an audio tape version of the science textbook.
B. Modifying the textbook content according to the instructional level of the ELLs.
C. Segmenting textbook passages into smaller sections for the ELLs.
D. Providing extra time for the ELLs to read each textbook assignment.
Cynthia is an English-Language Learner who frequently makes errors when speaking. When Cynthia participates in small groups, the other students have difficulty understanding her pronunciation of English words, causing her to become frustrated and give up. Which of the following best describes Cynthia's proficiency in spoken English?
A. Beginning
B. Intermediate
C. Advanced
D. Advanced high
Mr. Dunn's Discipline plan for his 4th-grade classroom includes calling the parent if a student breaks the rules three times in one day. Mr. Dunn often finds that warning a student that a parent will be called, will change the students behavior. Which of the following analyzes best describes the major problem with this discipline method?
A. It undermines the teachers authority in the classroom.
B. It does not allow the teacher and the parents to work together to reduce the behavior.
C. A character communication between parents and teachers is something students should fear.
D. It causes disruption when the teacher must interrupt instruction to call a parent.