CO1 - L1 (COM01)

Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

  • Course Code: COM01 - CO1

  • Focus: Understanding the evolving influence of media and information on communication.

Course Objective

  • Discuss the influence of media and information in communication by understanding prosumers as media and information literate individuals.

Knowledge Sharing Activity

  • Encourage students to share recent learning experiences from any source (media, books, conversations, etc.).

What is Media and Information Literacy?

Media Literacy

  • Definition: Understanding and utilizing mass media in both assertive and non-assertive manners.

  • Importance: Critical understanding of media techniques and their effects.

Information Literacy

  • Definition: Ability to recognize the need for information and the capacity to locate, evaluate, and communicate this information across various formats.

Digital Literacy

  • Definition: Capability to effectively use technology for accessing, managing, integrating, evaluating, creating, and communicating information.

Understanding Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

  • MIL Competencies: A set of skills empowering citizens to access, retrieve, understand, evaluate, and create and share information and media content responsibly in personal, professional, and societal contexts.

  • Source: UNESCO, 2013

Challenges in Media and Information Literacy

Fake News

  • Definition: Daily information with misleading headlines and alternative facts.

Bias in Information

  • Awareness of biases inherent in information sources is crucial for literacy.

How to Enhance Media and Information Literacy

Explore, Engage, and Empower Model of MIL

  • MODEL BY: Dr. Jose Reuben Q. Alagaran II

  • Components:

  1. Explore: Identifying, accessing, and retrieving information effectively.

  2. Engage: Critically analyzing and evaluating media and information.

  3. Empower: Creating, sharing, and using media content ethically and responsibly.

5 Laws of Information Literacy

Law #1

  • All information mediums (communication, libraries, media, technology) are essential for civic engagement and sustainable development without hierarchy.

Law #2

  • Every citizen contributes to information/knowledge creation and must have access to express themselves equally (human rights).

Law #3

  • Information and knowledge are not neutral; it's vital to understand biases in MIL applications.

Law #4

  • Every citizen has an intrinsic desire to seek and understand information, and their rights must be preserved.

Law #5

  • Media and information literacy is a dynamic, progressive process encompassing knowledge, skills, and attitudes beyond a singular acquisition.


  • The role of media literacy in fostering informed choices for peace building, equality, freedom of expression, and sustainable development.

  • Source: UNESCO, 2022

Closing Reflection

  • Encourage students to reflect on which aspects of the lesson empowered their roles in society in relation to media and information.
