Authors: Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Marc O. Opresnik
Edition: Thirteenth Edition, Global Edition, Pearson
Focus: Creating customer value and engagement
1-1: Define marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process.
1-2: Explain the importance of understanding the marketplace and customers, identifying the five core marketplace concepts.
1-3: Identify key elements of a customer value-driven marketing strategy and discuss marketing management orientations.
1-4: Discuss customer relationship management, strategies for creating and capturing value.
1-5: Describe major trends and forces changing the marketing landscape in the age of relationships.
Definition: Marketing is engaging customers and managing profitable customer relationships.
Goals of Marketing:
Attract new customers by promising superior value.
Retain and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction.
Focus on making a sale.
Abundance of products in shopping centers.
Utilizes television, magazine, and direct-mail ads.
Focus on satisfying customer needs.
Makes use of engaging websites, mobile apps, blogs, videos, and social media.
Engages customers directly, personally, and interactively.
Steps Include:
Understand the marketplace and customer needs.
Create value for customers and build relationships.
Design a customer value-driven marketing strategy.
Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value.
Engage customers and capture value from them.
Needs, Wants, and Demands
Market Offerings (Products, Services, Information)
Value and Satisfaction
Exchanges and Relationships
Needs: States of felt deprivation (e.g., physical, social, individual).
Wants: Needs shaped by culture and individual personality.
Demands: Wants that are backed by buying power.
Consists of products, services, information, or experiences offered to satisfy needs.
Marketing Myopia: Focus on specific products rather than the benefits and experiences they provide.
Customers have expectations about value and satisfaction from market offerings.
Satisfied customers are likely to repurchase; dissatisfied ones may turn to competitors.
Importance of setting the right expectations:
Low expectations may fail to attract buyers.
High expectations may lead to disappointment.
Exchange: Act of obtaining a desired object by offering something in return.
Marketing focuses on creating, maintaining, and growing desirable exchange relationships.
Strong relationships are built on consistently delivering superior customer value.
Comprised of all actual and potential buyers of a product.
Customer-managed relationships: Emphasizes consumer engagement and interaction.
Marketing Management: Involves choosing target markets and building relationships.
Key Elements: Market segmentation, target marketing, and choosing a value proposition.
Production Concept
Product Concept
Selling Concept
Marketing Concept
Societal Marketing Concept
Four Ps of Marketing:
Product: What to offer.
Price: How much to charge.
Place: Where to sell.
Promotion: How to communicate about the product.
Focuses on delivering superior value and satisfaction.
Customer-perceived value: Evaluation of a marketing offer relative to competitors.
Customer satisfaction: Alignment of product performance with expectations.
Importance: Retaining customers is economically beneficial.
Customer Lifetime Value: Total purchases a customer makes over their lifetime.
Customer Defections: Can lead to significant losses due to lost lifetime value.
Makes the brand a relevant part of consumers’ lives.
Requires companies to market by attraction, engaging through meaningful conversations.
Digital Age: Leveraging online and mobile platforms.
Changing Economic Environment: Increased focus on value and practicality post-recession.
Growth of Not-for-Profit Marketing: Effective marketing strategies attracting support and engagement.
Rapid Globalization: Local and global perspectives affecting marketing decisions.
Sustainable Marketing: Need for corporate ethics and social responsibility.
Additional Considerations:
Researching customers and marketplace.
Managing marketing information and data.
Partner relationship management.
Ensuring environmental and social responsibility.
1-1: Define marketing and outline the marketing process.
1-2: Discuss the importance of needs, wants, and demands in shaping marketing activities.
1-5: Explain technology's impact on marketing.