Science 9 Final Exam study guide

100 Multiple choice questions -30 Reproduction and Development questions (Grade 9 level)

  • Understand the basics of human reproduction

  • Compare and contrast asexual and sexual reproduction -30 Atoms and Elements questions (Grade 9 level)

  • Identify different types of atoms and their properties

  • Learn about the periodic table and element groups -20 Characteristics of Electricity questions (Grade 9 level)

  • Understand voltage, current, and resistance

  • Apply Ohm’s law in problem-solving scenarios -20 Exploring our Universe questions (Grade 9 level)

  • Learn about the life cycle of a star

  • Understand distances in space and space technology 18 marks of Diagrams -reproductive systems -periodic table -circuit diagrams -altitude-azimuth diagrams 32 marks of short answer -using the periodic table to determine atomic information -asexual versus sexual reproduction -stages of mitosis -genetically modified organisms -series versus parallel circuits -Ohm’s law -life cycle of a star -measuring distances in space -phenomena in space -space technology/conditions to support life Total: 150 Marks
