Whole Numbers, Decimals, Integers
Place value in various bases (5, 6, 2, 8, etc.)
Conversion between base ten and other bases
Number sequences in various bases
Operations in Different Bases
Addition, subtraction, multiplication only
Drawing operations is essential
Understanding the meaning of each place in base ten
Expanded forms of numbers
Properties of addition and multiplication
Order of operations
Whole Number Operations
Addition and subtraction (base ten models, expanded forms)
Multiplication (partial products, area models)
Division (partial quotients, scaffold method)
Decimal Concepts
Representations of tenths and hundredths (base ten blocks, decimal paper)
Number lines based on base ten
Rounding with number lines
Expanded forms of numbers
Decimal Operations
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Drawing operations on decimal paper
Representation with counters
Absolute Value
Integer Operations
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Representing operations with counter diagrams
Understanding Fractions
Definition of fractions (measurement interpretation)
Comparison and Equivalence of Fractions
Reasoning strategies to compare fractions
Equivalent fractions using models
Fraction Operations
Addition and Subtraction
Importance of common denominators
Area models for visualization
"How many groups?" perspective and common denominator strategy
Base-Ten Blocks
Draw a whole number (1,524) using base-ten blocks
Alternative representation and explanation of part (a)
Rounding Demonstrations
Draw marked number lines to demonstrate rounding
a. Round 653,079 to the nearest ten-thousand
b. Round 12.07519 to the nearest hundredth
c. Round 503.982 to the nearest tenth
Identifying Decimal Numbers
Find a decimal between -3.06 and -3.07 using a base-ten frame number line
Measurement Perspective of Fractions
Describe the shaded region of the rectangle in terms of fraction
Convert this fraction to a decimal
Explain the relationship between the model and decimal value
Problem Solving with Fractions
a. Determine fraction of doughnuts with frosting and sprinkles
b. Calculate the amount of lemonade Dwight sold; compare with Jim's sales
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