also highly personable, fit "cowboy" brand → gained him popularity in midwest
[radically] progressive
established panama canal to increase naval mobility
ended conflict between Japanese + Russians in New Hampshire in 1905
many Japanese people came to the US to work under dangerous conditions → they were not allowed to become citizens, and racism against Asians ran rampant
this led to the segregation of schools to make room for more white students in the San Francisco area, which Roosevelt put an end to
square deal: occurred after coal strikes broke out in Pennsylvania
demanded 20% pay increase, work day from 10→9 hours
due to this, factories, schools, hospitals, etc. had to shut down because it was too cold for them to function
Roosevelt threatened military force and a compromise was made (10% pay increase, 9 hours/day)
created new department of commerce + labor
useless interstate commerce commission
began passing railroad-related legislation in 1903 with the Elkins Act, targeting rebates
Hepburn Act of 1906 - restricts free passes
food safety
passed Meat Inspection Act of 1906 → preparation of meat shipped between states subject to federal inspection every step of the way
also passed Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 to stop adulteration + mislabeling of foods + pharmaceuticals
Roosevelt was a huge proponent of environmental protection
set 125 million+ of natural land aside in federal reserves
william howard taft
"governor general" in philippines
chief justice of supreme court
trusted administrator of TRs
not a dashing political leader
traditional republican conservative - more business-oriented
payne-aldrich bill actually increased tariffs - wanted international competition because of american monopolies, decrease of prices
ballinger-pinchot quarrel - opening public land to corporate development; sides with ballenger, fires pinchot (carryover from roosevelt, progressives furious)
roosevelt forms own party, knock each other out of contention