Understand the meaning, aims, and objectives of yoga.
Explain the origin of yoga.
Describe the rules followed by yoga practitioners.
Classify the schools of yoga.
Acknowledge the concept of yogic practices such as Sukshama Vyayam, Surya Namaskar, and Asanas.
Derived from the Sanskrit term 'Yog,' meaning 'to join' or 'to unite.'
Represents the union of 'Jivatma' (individual) and 'Parmatma' (Divine) through harmony of mind and body.
Yoga is a spiritual discipline that emphasizes balance between mind and body, incorporating philosophy, art, and a healthy lifestyle.
It extends beyond mere physical exercise by conditioning internal organs and improving gland function.
Janana Yoga - The path of knowledge.
Bhakti Yoga - The path of devotion.
Karma Yoga - The path of selfless action.
Patanjali Yoga - The path according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Hatha Yoga - The path of physical postures.
Sukshama Vyayama - Gentle movements to enhance circulation.
Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation sequence that energizes the body.
Asanas - Physical postures that improve flexibility, strength, and mental focus.
Yujir Yoge - Union.
Yuj Sanyamane - Control.
Yuj Samadhau - Integration.
To achieve the union between individual consciousness and universal consciousness, leading to liberation (Moksha).
Pursuing self-realization and overcoming miseries via ethical living, meditation, and harnessing prana.
Asana: Body Posture in Yoga.
Pranayama: Breathing exercises.
Mudra: Hand gestures used during practice.
Chakras: Energy centers in the body that play a role in energy flow.
Dhyana: Meditation practice.
Sadhana: Spiritual discipline.
Regular practice.
Maintain a balanced diet.
Moderate effort in practice to avoid injuries.
Prepare a conducive environment for practice.
Avoid overstretching or forcing postures.
Refrain from practicing on a full stomach.
Avoid yoga in polluted or noisy environments.
Enhances strength, balance, and flexibility.
Relieves stress and increases overall well-being.
Improves mental clarity and concentration.
Supports emotional stability and moral values.
Promotes spiritual growth and self-awareness.
Yoga is a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being that unites various practices and philosophies for overall development.