yoga half yearly

Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices

Learning Objective

  • Understand the meaning, aims, and objectives of yoga.

  • Explain the origin of yoga.

  • Describe the rules followed by yoga practitioners.

  • Classify the schools of yoga.

  • Acknowledge the concept of yogic practices such as Sukshama Vyayam, Surya Namaskar, and Asanas.

Yoga Etymology and Definition

Etymology of Yoga

  • Derived from the Sanskrit term 'Yog,' meaning 'to join' or 'to unite.'

  • Represents the union of 'Jivatma' (individual) and 'Parmatma' (Divine) through harmony of mind and body.

Definition of Yoga

  • Yoga is a spiritual discipline that emphasizes balance between mind and body, incorporating philosophy, art, and a healthy lifestyle.

  • It extends beyond mere physical exercise by conditioning internal organs and improving gland function.

Introduction to Yoga Practices

Major Schools of Yoga

  1. Janana Yoga - The path of knowledge.

  2. Bhakti Yoga - The path of devotion.

  3. Karma Yoga - The path of selfless action.

  4. Patanjali Yoga - The path according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

  5. Hatha Yoga - The path of physical postures.

Yogic Practices

  1. Sukshama Vyayama - Gentle movements to enhance circulation.

  2. Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation sequence that energizes the body.

  3. Asanas - Physical postures that improve flexibility, strength, and mental focus.

Meaning of Yoga

Interpretations in Yogic Literature

  1. Yujir Yoge - Union.

  2. Yuj Sanyamane - Control.

  3. Yuj Samadhau - Integration.

Central Goals of Yoga

  • To achieve the union between individual consciousness and universal consciousness, leading to liberation (Moksha).

  • Pursuing self-realization and overcoming miseries via ethical living, meditation, and harnessing prana.

Common Terminology

  • Asana: Body Posture in Yoga.

  • Pranayama: Breathing exercises.

  • Mudra: Hand gestures used during practice.

  • Chakras: Energy centers in the body that play a role in energy flow.

  • Dhyana: Meditation practice.

  • Sadhana: Spiritual discipline.

Rules and Regulations for Practitioners

Essential Do's

  • Regular practice.

  • Maintain a balanced diet.

  • Moderate effort in practice to avoid injuries.

  • Prepare a conducive environment for practice.

Essential Don'ts

  • Avoid overstretching or forcing postures.

  • Refrain from practicing on a full stomach.

  • Avoid yoga in polluted or noisy environments.

Major Benefits of Yoga

  1. Enhances strength, balance, and flexibility.

  2. Relieves stress and increases overall well-being.

  3. Improves mental clarity and concentration.

  4. Supports emotional stability and moral values.

  5. Promotes spiritual growth and self-awareness.


  • Yoga is a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being that unites various practices and philosophies for overall development.
