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Biology 1 Rat Practical Review - Labeled with Functions

Right atrium: Receives deoxygenated blood from body via vena cavae.

Right ventricle: Pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs via pulmonary arteries.

Left atrium: Receives oxygenated blood from lungs via pulmonary veins. -

Left ventricle: Pumps oxygenated blood to body via aorta.

Vena cavae: Bring deoxygenated blood to right atrium. -

Pulmonary arteries: Carry deoxygenated blood to lungs. -

Pulmonary veins: Return oxygenated blood to left atrium. -

Aorta: Distributes oxygenated blood to body. -

Atrioventricular valves: Tricuspid (right) and bicuspid/mitral (left). -

Semilunar valves: Pulmonary and aortic. -

Right side: Deoxygenated blood. -

Left side: Oxygenated blood. -

Thickest myocardium: Left ventricle, due to pumping blood to body.

Trachea: - Cartilage rings prevent collapse. -

Lungs: - Gas exchange occurs in alveoli. -

Brain - monitors CO2 levels to regulate breathing.

Diaphragm: - Contracts: Increases chest volume, inhaling air. -

Relaxes: Decreases chest volume, exhaling air

- Liver: - Function: Metabolism, detoxification, bile production. -

Secretion: Bile, emulsifies fats. -

Stomach: - Valves: Cardiac (esophagus) and pyloric (duodenum). -

Secretion: Gastric juice, aids digestion. -

Esophagus: - Muscle contractions Peristalsis, Substance: Bolus.

Duodenum: -Function: Receives bile and pancreatic enzymes, Begins small intestine.

Kidney: Filtration, waste removal, fluid balance. -

Functional unit: Nephron. - Tubes: Ureters carry waste to bladder. -

Bladder: : Urethra leads away.

Spleen: - Function: Filters blood, stores white blood cells.

- Thymus: - Produces T cells for immune system. -

Pancreas: - Digestive secretion: Enzymes for nutrient breakdown. - Endocrine secretion: Insulin and glucagon. -

Adrenal gland: - Produces adrenaline.

Vas deferens: - Transports sperm. -

Seminal vesicles: - Secretes seminal fluid. -

Testes: - Produces sperm; located in scrotum. -

Uterus: - Tube: Fallopian tubes transport egg.

- Lens: Focuses light. -

Cornea: Protects. -

Sclera: Supports. -

Cerebrum: Higher brain functions. -

Tissue: Meninges.

- Cerebellum: Coordination. -

Medulla: Vital functions regulation.


Biology 1 Rat Practical Review - Labeled with Functions

Right atrium: Receives deoxygenated blood from body via vena cavae.

Right ventricle: Pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs via pulmonary arteries.

Left atrium: Receives oxygenated blood from lungs via pulmonary veins. -

Left ventricle: Pumps oxygenated blood to body via aorta.

Vena cavae: Bring deoxygenated blood to right atrium. -

Pulmonary arteries: Carry deoxygenated blood to lungs. -

Pulmonary veins: Return oxygenated blood to left atrium. -

Aorta: Distributes oxygenated blood to body. -

Atrioventricular valves: Tricuspid (right) and bicuspid/mitral (left). -

Semilunar valves: Pulmonary and aortic. -

Right side: Deoxygenated blood. -

Left side: Oxygenated blood. -

Thickest myocardium: Left ventricle, due to pumping blood to body.

Trachea: - Cartilage rings prevent collapse. -

Lungs: - Gas exchange occurs in alveoli. -

Brain - monitors CO2 levels to regulate breathing.

Diaphragm: - Contracts: Increases chest volume, inhaling air. -

Relaxes: Decreases chest volume, exhaling air

- Liver: - Function: Metabolism, detoxification, bile production. -

Secretion: Bile, emulsifies fats. -

Stomach: - Valves: Cardiac (esophagus) and pyloric (duodenum). -

Secretion: Gastric juice, aids digestion. -

Esophagus: - Muscle contractions Peristalsis, Substance: Bolus.

Duodenum: -Function: Receives bile and pancreatic enzymes, Begins small intestine.

Kidney: Filtration, waste removal, fluid balance. -

Functional unit: Nephron. - Tubes: Ureters carry waste to bladder. -

Bladder: : Urethra leads away.

Spleen: - Function: Filters blood, stores white blood cells.

- Thymus: - Produces T cells for immune system. -

Pancreas: - Digestive secretion: Enzymes for nutrient breakdown. - Endocrine secretion: Insulin and glucagon. -

Adrenal gland: - Produces adrenaline.

Vas deferens: - Transports sperm. -

Seminal vesicles: - Secretes seminal fluid. -

Testes: - Produces sperm; located in scrotum. -

Uterus: - Tube: Fallopian tubes transport egg.

- Lens: Focuses light. -

Cornea: Protects. -

Sclera: Supports. -

Cerebrum: Higher brain functions. -

Tissue: Meninges.

- Cerebellum: Coordination. -

Medulla: Vital functions regulation.