Hist 221 Test 2 Day 5

Constitutional Convention Overview

  • Date and Location: Philadelphia, 1787.

  • Participants: Prominent revolutionaries from different states represented various factions:

    • Small States vs. Large States: Differing population sizes led to varying interests.

    • Slave States vs. Free States: Agricultural vs. manufacturing economies shaped their priorities.

Proposals for Government Structure

  • Two major plans emerged:

    • New Jersey Plan (Small State Plan)

      • Proposed by William Patterson.

      • Aimed to maintain the existing structure of the Articles of Confederation with a unicameral legislature where each state had one vote (equality).

      • Acknowledged the need for some changes, including:

        • Power for Congress to tax and regulate trade.

        • Establishment of an executive and judicial branch.

        • Suggested an executive committee instead of a single president.

    • Virginia Plan (Large State Plan)

      • Proposed by Edmund Randolph and primarily authored by James Madison (the "Father of the Constitution").

      • Called for a bicameral legislature with representation based on population (larger states would have more influence).

      • Lower House chosen by popular vote; Upper House chosen by state legislatures.

      • Expanded powers for Congress, including the ability to tax, regulate trade, and supersede state laws.

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)

  • Mediator: Roger Sherman from Connecticut.

  • Outcome: A combination of both plans:

    • Bicameral Legislature:

      • House of Representatives: Representation based on population.

      • Senate: Equal representation with two senators per state.

  • Impact on Smaller States: Maintained balance and influence in the Senate.

Slavery and Representation

  • Three-Fifths Compromise: How enslaved individuals would be counted for representation and taxation.

    • Slave States: Wanted enslaved people counted for representation but not for taxation.

    • Free States: Opposed counting enslaved people for representation but favored taxing them.

    • Compromise outcome: Enslaved people counted as three-fifths of a person.

Finalization and Ratification of the Constitution

  • Signing: September 17, 1787, not all delegates signed.

  • Majority Support: Some delegates refused to sign due to lack of a Bill of Rights.

  • Ratification Requirements: 9 of 13 states needed to ratify for the Constitution to take effect.

  • Ratification Process:

    • Conventions were held in each state, with many states quickly organizing due to anticipated benefits.

    • First state to ratify: Delaware.

    • Final state: Rhode Island, took about 2.5 years for all states to ratify.

Opposition and Support

  • Federalists vs. Anti-federalists:

    • Federalists supported a stronger central government, while Anti-federalists opposed it fearing loss of power to the states.

    • Voting was limited to a minority of white males, raising issues of representation equality.

  • Notable Federalists: Advocated for the Constitution’s passage, contrasting with the more working-class Anti-federalist opposition.

  • First Major State Ratifications: Major battles over ratification occurred in states like Virginia and New York.


more detailed below

Constitutional Convention Overview

Date and Location

  • Philadelphia, 1787: The Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during the summer months, from May to September.


  • Prominent Revolutionaries: Delegates from the 13 original states included notable figures such as George Washington (who presided over the convention), Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, among others.

  • Diverse Factions: The participants represented various factions:

    • Small States vs. Large States: Smaller states sought equal representation regardless of population, while larger states wanted representation based on their larger populations.

    • Slave States vs. Free States: There were significant economic and social differences between slave-holding states in the South and free states in the North, impacting their priorities concerning representation and governance.

Proposals for Government Structure

  • Two Major Plans Emerged:

    • New Jersey Plan (Small State Plan):

      • Proposed by: William Patterson.

      • Goal: To amend the Articles of Confederation, preserving state sovereignty while creating a more robust federal government.

      • Features:

        • A unicameral legislature allowing one vote per state to ensure equality among states.

        • Acknowledged the necessity for changes such as granting Congress the power to tax and regulate trade.

        • Suggested an executive committee rather than a single president to mitigate the risks of centralized power.

    • Virginia Plan (Large State Plan):

      • Proposed by: Edmund Randolph and extensively influenced by James Madison, who is considered the “Father of the Constitution.”

      • Goal: To create a new framework of governance that favored larger states.

      • Features:

        • A bicameral legislature where representation in both houses would depend on state populations.

        • The Lower House would be directly elected by the people, while the Upper House would be selected by state legislatures.

        • Expanded powers for Congress to include the authority to tax, regulate commerce, and even supersede state laws if necessary to maintain national interests.

  • The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise):

    • Mediator: Roger Sherman from Connecticut played a crucial role in reconciling the competing interests of small and large states.

    • Outcome: Created a bicameral legislature combining elements from both plans:

      • The House of Representatives: Representation based on state population, thus giving larger states more influence.

      • The Senate: Equal representation where each state has two senators, ensuring that smaller states retained significant power and influence in the legislative process.

Slavery and Representation

  • Three-Fifths Compromise: This crucial agreement determined how enslaved individuals would be counted when apportioning representation and taxation.

    • Slave States: Desired to count enslaved individuals fully for representation but not for taxation to maximize political power.

    • Free States: Opposed this notion, arguing that counting enslaved people for representation but not for taxation was unjust.

    • Compromise Outcome: Ultimately, enslaved people were counted as three-fifths of a person for both representation and taxation purposes, reflecting deep societal divisions on the issue of slavery.

Finalization and Ratification of the Constitution

  • Signing Date: The Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787, though not all delegates endorsed it.

  • Majority Support: Some delegates, notably Edmund Randolph and Elbridge Gerry, refused to sign, primarily due to the absence of a Bill of Rights, which they felt was essential to protect individual freedoms.

  • Ratification Requirements: For the Constitution to take effect, it required the approval of nine out of thirteen states.

  • Ratification Process:

    • Each state held conventions to debate the proposed Constitution, leading to robust discussions about its merits and drawbacks.

    • First State to Ratify: Delaware quickly ratified the Constitution on December 7, 1787.

    • Last State: Rhode Island was the final state to ratify, doing so on May 29, 1790, taking approximately 2.5 years for all the states to come onboard.

Opposition and Support

  • Federalists vs. Anti-federalists:

    • Federalists: Advocated for a stronger central government and supported the Constitution’s ratification, arguing that it created a necessary balance of power and stability for the new nation.

    • Anti-federalists: Opposed the Constitution, fearing that it would undermine state sovereignty and individual rights, calling for a Bill of Rights to safeguard freedoms.

    • Voting Limitations: The political process surrounding ratification was limited to a minority of white males, raising critical questions around representation and equality in governance.

    • Notable Federalists: Prominent figures such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote a series of essays (The Federalist Papers) to bolster support for ratification, contrasting with the working-class sentiments of the Anti-federalists.

    • First Major State Ratifications: Significant battles over ratification took place in states like Virginia and New York, where debates highlighted differing perspectives on federal power and individual liberties.

      Types of Government

    • 1. Confederation: A system where states retain most of the power, and the central government has limited authority.

    • 2. Federal: A mixed system of government in which power is shared between a central authority and smaller political units (like states).

    • 3. National: A system where the central or national government holds significant authority over its subjects, often at the expense of state power.

Overall, the Constitutional Convention was a pivotal moment in American history that resulted in the establishment of a new government structure intended to unify the fledgling nation while balancing the diverse interests of its states and populations.
