Doing Justice: treating people fairly and ensuring their rights while still upholding the law
Controlling Crime: crime is controlled by prosecuting, arresting, and convicting those who break the law.
Preventing Crime: Deterrent effect of the actions of police, courts, and
Evidence based practices
Policies developed thru research that demonstrates the most useful and cost-effective approach
Division of power. Vast majority of crimes are defined by state rather than federal laws
Expansion of the Federal Gov’t
Department of Homeland Security
Consolidation of border security, intelligence, emergency-response agencies.
created within DHS to assume responsibility for protecting travelers and interstate commerce by screening passengers and their luggage at airports throughout the country.
Discretion: authority to make decisions using one’s own judgment
**Resource Dependence:**dependent on other agencies for funding (politicians, legislators, voters, media)
Sequential Tasks: decisions occur in a specific, sequential order
Filtering: screening process that exits people out of the system
3 major components:
Four Major duties
Keeping the peace
Apprehending violators and combating crime
Preventing crime
Providing social services
Dual court system consists of state and federal
Ensuring fair procedures
Imposition of appropriate sentences
Prisons, jails, probation, and parole
• Police
• Investigation
• Arrest
• Booking
• Prosecution
• Charging
• Initial appearance
•Preliminary hearing/Grand jury
• Indictment/Information
• Courts
• Arraignment
• Trial
• Sentencing
• Appeal
• Corrections
• Jail/prison
• Release
Layer 1: celebrated, highly unusual cases that receive much public attention
Layer 2: Felonies considered serious by officials
Layer 3: Felonies less important than those in Layer 2
Layer 4: Misdemeanors; about 90% of all cases
Crime Control Model: every effort to repress crime. Efficiency, speed, finality, nearly all cases end in a plea bargain. Controlling crime.
Due Process Model: freedom is most important. Prove cases to protect citizens from wrongful convictions. Stresses adversarial process, rights of defendants, and formal decision-making procedures
Disparity & Discrimination
Black and hispanic males incarcerated at higher rates than white counterparts and given sentences 20x longer.
The existence, nature, and extent of disparities can vary from community to community. Thus, racial discrimination may be limited to specific types of cases, circumstances, and defendants
Explaining Disparities: people of color commit more crimes; criminal justice system is racially biased resulting in much harsher treatment of minorities, criminal justice system expresses the racial bias found in society as a whole.