what are the different possible sources of influence on the self concept? age, sexual orientation, gender, and religon Episodic self-knowledge Specific episodes in a person's life AD self-perception theory The theory that when our attitudes and feelings are uncertain or ambiguous, we infer these states by observing our behavior and the situation in which it occurs self-awareness theory the idea that when people focus their attention on themselves, they evaluate and compare their behavior to their internal standards and values strategic self-presentation conscious and deliberate efforts to shape other people's impressions in order to gain power, influence, sympathy, or approval self-verification the tendency to seek evidence to confirm the self-concept self-monitoring being attuned to the way one presents oneself in social situations and adjusting one's performance to create the desired impression Mastered (6) You've been getting these terms right! Select these 6 affective forecasting efforts to predict one's emotional reactions to future events Semantic self-knowledge Context free self knowledge social comparison theory The idea that we learn about our own abilities and attitudes by comparing ourselves to other people two-factor theory of emotion the idea that emotional experience is the result of a two-step self-perception process in which people first experience physiological arousal and then seek an appropriate explanation for it Methods for building and protecting self-esteem speak and think positively about self name-letter effect the tendency to show a preference for letters in our own name and prefer stimuli that contain those letters
