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Topic 18: Biochemical Tests Review

  • How the Biochemical Tests Work/How Substrates are Broken Down

    • Simple sugar (glucose & fructose) are broken down by endoenzymes into acids

    • Complex sugar (lactose & sucrose) are broken down by exoenzymes into simple sugars which are then broken down by endoenzymes into acids

    • Amino acids (ornithine & tryptophan) are broken down by endozymes into ammonia

    • Proteins (peptone & gelatin) are broken down by exoenzymes into amino acids which are then broken down by endoenzymes into ammonia

  • Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB)

    • Selective for gram neg & differential for lactose fermentation

    • Results

      • Thick strong growth: gram neg organism

      • No growth: no gram neg organism

      • Colorful (pink, black, purple, metallic green) growth : lactose fermentation

      • No colorful growh: no lactose fermentation

    • Gram pos organims may grow but growth is stunted

    • EMB is selective due to methylene blue and eosin

  • Phenylethyl Alcohol (PEA)

    • Selective for gram pos

    • Results

      • Opaque growth : gram pos

      • Transparent/Weak/No growth: not gram pos

    • Phenylethyl alcohol inhibits growth of gram neg

  • OF Glucose

    • Differential for oxidation and fermentation of glucose

    • Results

      • Aerobic tube yellow & anaerobic tube green : pos for glucose oxidation only

      • Aerobic tube & anaerobic tube yellow: pos for glucose oxidation & fermentation

      • Aerobic tube green & anaerobic tube green : neg for glucose oxidation and fermentation

      • Yellow : acid produced; green/blue: ammonia produced

    • pH indicator is bromthymol blue

    • can also test organism’s motility and oxygen requirements

  • Starch Hydrolysis

    • Differential for production of amylase

    • Results

      • Clearing after addition of iodine : pos for amylase and starch hydrolysis

      • No clearing after addition of iodine: neg for amylase and starch hydrolysis

    • Amylase is exoenzyme that breaks down starch

  • Fermentation Tubes (glucose, lactose, sucrose, xylose, trehalose, mannitol)

    • Differential for fermentation of specified carbohydrate

    • Results

      • Yellow color : pos for fermentation

      • Red/Pink color : neg for fermentation and pos for pepone

      • Bubbles in Durham tube : gas production

      • No bubbles in Durham tube : no gas production

      • True fermentation : acid and gas production

      • Fermentation : acid production

      • No fermentation : no acid or gas production

    • Incubate less than 24 hrs

    • pH indicator is phenol red

  • Gelatin Hydrolysis (Gelatinase Test)

    • Differential for production of exoenzyme gelatinase

    • Results

      • Liquid medium : pos for gelatinase

      • Solid medium : neg for gelatinase

    • Incubate 4-7 days at room temperature

  • Urease Test

    • Differential for production of urease

    • Results

      • Fuchsia : pos for urease

      • Orange/yellow/no color: neg for urease

    • incubate 24-48 hrs

    • pH indicator is phenol red

  • Peptone Iron Deep

    • Differential for liberation of hydrogen sulfide from amino acid

    • Ferrous iron reacts w/ H2S and produces black precipitation

    • Results

      • Black color : pos for H2S

      • No color change : neg for H2S

    • Tests motility

  • MIO Deep

    • Differental

    • Tests for production of indole, ornithine decarboxylase, and motility

    • Results

      • purple : pos for ornithine decarboxylase

      • yellow : neg for ornithine decarboxylase

      • red after kovac’s reagent : pos for indole

      • no colar change after kovac’s reagent : neg for indole

  • Phenylalanine Deaminase Test

    • Differential

    • Tests for production of phenylalanine deaminase

    • Results

      • Forrest green color : pos

      • No color change : neg

    • Testing reagent is 10% ferric chloride (after incubation)

  • Nitrate Reduction Test

    • Differential

    • Tests for reduction of nitrate

    • Nitrate reduction is an anaerobic process

    • Results

      • Red/pink color after adding reagents A & B : pos (reduced to nitrate)

      • No color change after A, B, & Zinc : pos (reduced to nitrous oxide or nitrogen gas)

      • Red after A, B, & Zinc : neg (nitrate never reduced)

    • Zinc is a reducing agent and will confirm whether or not nitrate has been reduced

  • Oxidase Test

    • Differential

    • Tests for presence of cytochrome c

    • Results

      • strip turns purple : pos

      • no color change : neg

    • only strict aerobes will yield pos result

  • Catalase Test

    • Differential

    • Tests for production of catalase (breaks down into water and O2)

    • H2O2 is byproduct of aerobic respiration

    • Results

      • Bubble : pos

      • No bubbles : neg

  • IMViC Tests

    • Identifying enterics (faculative anaerobes, gram neg, non-endospore forming, bacilli, live in large intesting

    • Indole Test

      • Differential

      • Tests for production of endoenzyme tryptophanase and production of indole

      • Results

        • red/purple after kovac’s : pos for indole and tryptophanase

        • no color change : neg for indole and tryptophanse

    • Methyl Red Test

      • Differential

      • Tests for production of stable acid from glucose

      • Results

        • Red/pink after methyl red : pos for stable acid production

        • Yellow/orange after methyl red : neg for stable acid production

    • Voges-Proskauer Test

      • Differential

      • Tests for production of acetoin (unstable acid)

      • Add VP 1 & VP 2 reagents and leave cap off

      • Results

        • Red: post for acetoin production

        • gray/brown : neg for acetoin production

    • Citrate Utilization Test

      • Differential

      • Tests if organism can use citrate as sole carbon source and production of citrase

      • Results

        • Blue : pos

        • Green: neg

      • pH indicator is bromthymol blue


Topic 18: Biochemical Tests Review

  • How the Biochemical Tests Work/How Substrates are Broken Down

    • Simple sugar (glucose & fructose) are broken down by endoenzymes into acids

    • Complex sugar (lactose & sucrose) are broken down by exoenzymes into simple sugars which are then broken down by endoenzymes into acids

    • Amino acids (ornithine & tryptophan) are broken down by endozymes into ammonia

    • Proteins (peptone & gelatin) are broken down by exoenzymes into amino acids which are then broken down by endoenzymes into ammonia

  • Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB)

    • Selective for gram neg & differential for lactose fermentation

    • Results

      • Thick strong growth: gram neg organism

      • No growth: no gram neg organism

      • Colorful (pink, black, purple, metallic green) growth : lactose fermentation

      • No colorful growh: no lactose fermentation

    • Gram pos organims may grow but growth is stunted

    • EMB is selective due to methylene blue and eosin

  • Phenylethyl Alcohol (PEA)

    • Selective for gram pos

    • Results

      • Opaque growth : gram pos

      • Transparent/Weak/No growth: not gram pos

    • Phenylethyl alcohol inhibits growth of gram neg

  • OF Glucose

    • Differential for oxidation and fermentation of glucose

    • Results

      • Aerobic tube yellow & anaerobic tube green : pos for glucose oxidation only

      • Aerobic tube & anaerobic tube yellow: pos for glucose oxidation & fermentation

      • Aerobic tube green & anaerobic tube green : neg for glucose oxidation and fermentation

      • Yellow : acid produced; green/blue: ammonia produced

    • pH indicator is bromthymol blue

    • can also test organism’s motility and oxygen requirements

  • Starch Hydrolysis

    • Differential for production of amylase

    • Results

      • Clearing after addition of iodine : pos for amylase and starch hydrolysis

      • No clearing after addition of iodine: neg for amylase and starch hydrolysis

    • Amylase is exoenzyme that breaks down starch

  • Fermentation Tubes (glucose, lactose, sucrose, xylose, trehalose, mannitol)

    • Differential for fermentation of specified carbohydrate

    • Results

      • Yellow color : pos for fermentation

      • Red/Pink color : neg for fermentation and pos for pepone

      • Bubbles in Durham tube : gas production

      • No bubbles in Durham tube : no gas production

      • True fermentation : acid and gas production

      • Fermentation : acid production

      • No fermentation : no acid or gas production

    • Incubate less than 24 hrs

    • pH indicator is phenol red

  • Gelatin Hydrolysis (Gelatinase Test)

    • Differential for production of exoenzyme gelatinase

    • Results

      • Liquid medium : pos for gelatinase

      • Solid medium : neg for gelatinase

    • Incubate 4-7 days at room temperature

  • Urease Test

    • Differential for production of urease

    • Results

      • Fuchsia : pos for urease

      • Orange/yellow/no color: neg for urease

    • incubate 24-48 hrs

    • pH indicator is phenol red

  • Peptone Iron Deep

    • Differential for liberation of hydrogen sulfide from amino acid

    • Ferrous iron reacts w/ H2S and produces black precipitation

    • Results

      • Black color : pos for H2S

      • No color change : neg for H2S

    • Tests motility

  • MIO Deep

    • Differental

    • Tests for production of indole, ornithine decarboxylase, and motility

    • Results

      • purple : pos for ornithine decarboxylase

      • yellow : neg for ornithine decarboxylase

      • red after kovac’s reagent : pos for indole

      • no colar change after kovac’s reagent : neg for indole

  • Phenylalanine Deaminase Test

    • Differential

    • Tests for production of phenylalanine deaminase

    • Results

      • Forrest green color : pos

      • No color change : neg

    • Testing reagent is 10% ferric chloride (after incubation)

  • Nitrate Reduction Test

    • Differential

    • Tests for reduction of nitrate

    • Nitrate reduction is an anaerobic process

    • Results

      • Red/pink color after adding reagents A & B : pos (reduced to nitrate)

      • No color change after A, B, & Zinc : pos (reduced to nitrous oxide or nitrogen gas)

      • Red after A, B, & Zinc : neg (nitrate never reduced)

    • Zinc is a reducing agent and will confirm whether or not nitrate has been reduced

  • Oxidase Test

    • Differential

    • Tests for presence of cytochrome c

    • Results

      • strip turns purple : pos

      • no color change : neg

    • only strict aerobes will yield pos result

  • Catalase Test

    • Differential

    • Tests for production of catalase (breaks down into water and O2)

    • H2O2 is byproduct of aerobic respiration

    • Results

      • Bubble : pos

      • No bubbles : neg

  • IMViC Tests

    • Identifying enterics (faculative anaerobes, gram neg, non-endospore forming, bacilli, live in large intesting

    • Indole Test

      • Differential

      • Tests for production of endoenzyme tryptophanase and production of indole

      • Results

        • red/purple after kovac’s : pos for indole and tryptophanase

        • no color change : neg for indole and tryptophanse

    • Methyl Red Test

      • Differential

      • Tests for production of stable acid from glucose

      • Results

        • Red/pink after methyl red : pos for stable acid production

        • Yellow/orange after methyl red : neg for stable acid production

    • Voges-Proskauer Test

      • Differential

      • Tests for production of acetoin (unstable acid)

      • Add VP 1 & VP 2 reagents and leave cap off

      • Results

        • Red: post for acetoin production

        • gray/brown : neg for acetoin production

    • Citrate Utilization Test

      • Differential

      • Tests if organism can use citrate as sole carbon source and production of citrase

      • Results

        • Blue : pos

        • Green: neg

      • pH indicator is bromthymol blue