Realism: we live in an anarcical international system, no single government power
Classical realism: Human nature is the driver of this (out of date though)
Structural realism: (neorealism) focuses on international system structure, power distribution among states, not human nature
Offensive realism: aggressive military
Defensive realism: War is the last resuly
Security Dilemma: When a state increases its arms or capabilities causing another state/states to also increase their arms out of intimidation, increased security
3 Conceptual Models
Rational Actor: Singular, Decision making influenced by standard operating procedures
Organizational processes: Decision making influenced by standard operating procedures
Buereaucratic Politics: decisions result from bargaining among government agencies
Article I- Grants congress power to declare war, other specific powers to them, raise an army
Article II- Grants presidential authority, commander in chief, outlines their powers
NSA 1947- Establishes DOD, NSC, and CIA
Goldwater- Nichols Act: Bridges the operational gap between army and navy, restructured chain of command, more military power to civilians, established the NSS
Snowcroft Model: most successful model; promotes processes based NSC, fair decision making, ensures no political bias
NSC for decisions: discussion dona at lower level, works its way up to POTUS
NSC for operational: POTUS makes direct decision
NSA Honest Broker: Mediator between cabinets, high potus trust
NSA POTUS Activate; Argues for the POTUS, gets POTUS desired outcome