Random Assignment: Any selection procedure that ensures that every participant in the experiment is as likely to be placed in one group as the other
Reduces the effects of preexisting differences
Researchers match the experimental participants with control participants who are similar in age, sex, socioeconomic status, etc.
Make use of groups that already exist in the world (ex: effects of abuse on children. splits children into groups of abused and not abused)
Violates the rule of random assignment
Matched design minimizes confounding variables caused by not using random assignment
Nature itself manipulates the independent variable while the experimenter observes the effects
Used for studying the psychological effects of natural disasters and other unpredictable events (floods, plane crashes, fires, etc)
Experimenters induce lab participants to behave in ways that seem to resemble real-life abnormal behavior
Investigators can manipulate independent variables freely while avoiding ethical and practical limitations of clinical research
Often use animals as participants
A single participant is observed both before and after the manipulation of an independent variable
Rely on baseline data (information gathered before any manipulations) that can be compared to data gathered after the manipulation of an independent variable
Determine the incidence and prevalence of a problem in a particular population
Incidence: Number of new cases that emerge in a population during a given period of time
Prevalence: Total number of cases in the population during a given period
Help researchers identify groups at risk for particular disorders
Cannot confirm causation alone