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The Elements of Music


  • Definition: The highness and lowness of a note.

  • Relationship: Pitch combined with rhythm creates melody.


  • Definition: The duration of all sounds and silences in music.

  • Characteristics: Includes short and long sounds.

  • Behavior: Rhythm changes over a steady beat.


  • Definition: The simultaneous sounding of two or more pitches.

  • Role: A vertical aspect of music that supports the melody.


  • Definition: The plan (order and arrangement) for a piece of music.

  • Purpose: Enables understanding of a piece of music and predicting what will happen next.

  • Example: An example of form is ABA.

Timbre or Tone Colour

  • Definition: The unique sound quality of an instrument or voice.


  • Definition: Refers to whether the music is thick or thin in nature.

  • Types of Texture:

    • Monophonic: One melody line with no accompaniment.

    • Homophonic: Two or three voices with different pitches but the same rhythm.

    • Polyphonic: Two or three voices with different pitches and different rhythms.

Expressive Qualities

  • Dynamics

    • Markings that indicate volume levels.

      • Forte: Played loudly.

      • Piano: Played softly.

      • Changes: Indicators of gradual (decrescendo/crescendo) or sudden (sforzando) changes in volume.

  • Tempo Markings

    • Indicate the speed of music.

      • Allegro: Played quickly.

      • Andante: Played somewhat slowly.

      • Speed Changes: Gradually slow down (ritardando) or speed up (accelerando).

  • Articulation

    • Indicate how the music should be played.

      • Staccato: In a detached manner.

      • Legato: Smoothly.
