King Philip- enforced Catholicism and strong monarchical power, faced issues w/ the protestant reformation, rebellion by Netherlands to enforce Catholocism
Elizabeth I- made England stable and let ppl practice different religions, faced war w/ Spain,
James I- believed kings get their power from God, clashed with parliament (which wanted shared power)
Charles I- Son of James I, believed in the divine right of kings and made decisions that upset parliament (like ignoring their petition and trying to make the Church of England more like Catholicism), led to conflict and influenced people to move to America, suspended anti-Catholic laws, made law to keep Catholics from holding office
Roundheads- supporters of Parliament in the English Civil War
Cavaliers- supporters of King Charles I in the English Civil War
Restoration (Charles II)- leaned towards Catholicism and tried to ease restrictions on Catholics and Puritans but Parliament resisted, converted to Catholicism on his deathbed
Oliver Cromwell- skilled cavalry general who led the Roundheads,took control of the government, executed King Charles I and dismissed the Parliament to establish a military dictatorship
Glorious revolution- a response to fears of a Catholic monarchy under James II (a devout Catholic), English leader invited William of Orange and his wife Mary (James Protestant daughter) to invade England (bloodless)
English Bill of Rights- guaranteed certain rights to English citizens, protected Parliament, established a constitutional monarchy, limited royal power, and ensured that even monarchs are subject to the law (1689)
absolutism in Europe- a political system in which a ruler claims to hold total power,Louis XIV of France is an example of an absolute monarch, with total control over laws, taxes, and states policies, he personified the concept of absolutism, ruling by divine right without checks and balances
Thirty Years’ War- a devastating conflict from 1618 to 1648 that involved many European powers, primarily fought within the Holy Roman Empire, resulting in significant political and territorial changes, as well as a massive loss of life and economic disruption. The war concluded with the Treaty of Westphalia.
Austrian Empire- shaped by the Hapsburgs, goal was to create a Catholic Empire from German states,
Russia-Peter the Great- renowned for his extensive reforms aimed at modernizing Russia along Western European lines
Scientific Revolution- began because Renaissance scholars learned Greek and Latin, which let them read ancient texts that questioned old beliefs, new tech like telescopes and the printing press, along with a focus on math and observation, led to fresh scientific ideas
Scientific method- a systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence that was crucial to the evolution of science in the modern world-developed by Francis Bacon
Thomas Hobbes- English philosopher who believed in absolutism, arguing in his work "Leviathan" that a strong monarch is needed to prevent societal chaos
Enlightenment/main ideas and place it began- Began in the eighteenth century and emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method to understand life and improve society, started in Europe, particularly influenced by English thinker like John Locke and Isaac Newton
philosophe-a person who seeks wisdom; term applied to intellectuals during the Enlightenment
John Locke- English philosopher who argued for the natural rights of life, liberty, and property, contrasted with Hobbes' view of absolute monarchy, his ideas shaped modern political thought and influenced the Enlightenment
Montesquie- believed in the separation of powers, which he saw exemplified by England's branches of government, influenced the U.S. Constitution
Voltaire- central figure of the Enlightenment, advocated for religious tolerance and deism, viewing God as a clockmaker who lets the universe run on natural laws
Mary Wollstonecr- championed womens rights, argued that Enlightenment principles of equality and liberty should apply to both genders, advocated for educational and social equality
Adam Smith (laissez Faire) - oncept that the state should not impose government regulations but should leave the economy alone, advocate for this in book “The Wealth of Nations”
Rousseau (Social Contract/beliefs) -concept that an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will and all individuals should be forced to abide by it since it represents what is best for the entire community, Rousseau was a philosopher who believed that laws and government.
Joseph II (enlightenment reforms) -tried to modernize the Austrian Empire with Enlightenment ideals, set out to remove any obstacles to reason which led him to end serfdom and the death penalty, and sought equality before the law and introduced religious reforms, including toleration
Catherine the Great (enlightenment reforms)- used Enlightenment reforms, like drafting a legal code, she doubled down on serfdom, and expanded Russian territory in attempt to modernize Russia
Causes of the American Revolution-