Know the following terms:
AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Act
TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
SSA - Social Security Act
WPA - Works Progress Administration
CCC - Civilian Conservation Control
FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
RRR- Relief Recovery Reform
Wagner Act - made unions legal and punished businesses who didn’t support that memberships to unions grow
Revenue Act - tax the wealthy
Scottsboro Trial- Nine African American boys convicted for raping two white girls (Ruby and Victoria) on a train in Alabama
Indian Reorganization Act - gave them control of their land again, legalized tribal councils that had governing authority, allowed them to practice their culture again, created by collier
Dust Bowl- Nutrients pulled out of soil by poor farming techniques
Appeasement- When you say yes to something but just tell someone not to do it again, ex. Britain and France allowed Hitler to take land, but said to him “ok, but don’t do it again..Okay…” and he said “yes I wont”. and he kept doing it because this gave him the courage to push farther. This was what eventually helped lead to WWII.
Zoot Suit Riots - Mexican Americans wearing extra big clothes and wasting materials that could be used for war so everything needed to be rationed, fight broke out with military and the Mexican Americans got arrested even though our military.
Exec Order 9066 - forced Japanese Americans to undersell all their stuff within 3 days to go into concentration camps as an after effect of Pearl Harbor
Exec Order 8802 - during Great Depression, said no discrimination in military of defense production, all people needed to work together to win the war
D-Day Invasion-(well planned mission) America Invaded Omaha Beach along with other beaches on the coast of France to break Nazi control over Eastern Europe. Something America did to win was we led the Nazi’s in France to believe they were going to come in from a lot farther down the beach. This gave us an advantage because they moved a ton of their artillery down the beach to protect that spot, but we came in at a different spot.
Battle of the Bulge- The Battle of the Bulge was the last big attack by Germany(offensive) in World War II, happening in December 1944 in Belgium. They tried to break through the Allied lines, but the Allies, mainly Americans, fought back and won. It weakened Germany’s army and brought the war in Europe closer to ending. They surrendered May 7th 1945.
Battle of Midway- Major U.S. Victory weakened Japan's naval power in the pacific. The U.S. Navy, with help from codebreakers, ambushed and defeated the Japanese fleet near Midway Atoll. The U.S. sank four Japanese aircraft carriers, turning the tide of the war in the Pacific and weakening Japan’s naval power which gave us a major advantage.
Hoover - first President during Great Depression, he had a mindset of “people not being tough enough and needing to just push through it”, trashy places called Hoovervilles
FDR-Innovative and reformative thinker. His ideas of the fireside chats helped get Americans pushed through the GD. He wanted more opinions from intelligent minds so he made the Brain trust for advice on political situations.
Coughlin -
Long - went against FDR and thought he wasn't helping the poor and elderly enough and there wasn't enough wealth sharing
John Collier - Helped Natives receive aid. Indian reorganization act which let natives have their tribal councils and allowed them to practice their customs/culture. Tried to give back natives most of their sovereignty.
Randolph-Challenged FDR. Said “enough is enough” and we need to be equal he threatened the Walk on washington(peaceful protest) to advocate African American equality. This lead to Executive order 8802, which stated there would be no more discrimination in the military or factories. He was smart and well planned because he knew FDR was very stressed and couldn’t handle a protest and would just give in.
Korematsu - Japanese American refused to pack up and leave and argued 9066 went against his 5th amendment right, lost the case sentenced anyway an dismissed
Perkins - she was the first women in the the cabinet, secretary of labor
Rosie the Riveter- Iconic Images of Rosie the Riveter motivated women in the working force while they had to overcome challenges in their new environment of the working world with men.
Code Talkers- Nazis had every language translator so we had to come up with a language they didn’t know. For this we utilized Native American Soldiers who used their native language to speak in code. Most famous group of them was the Navajo Code Talkers. The code was incredibly difficult for the enemy to decipher which lead to much advantages for the U.S.
Oakies - People who moved from the dust bowl region and relocated to California for work, leading to deportation of many Mexicans
Hirohito - invaded china, did the rape of mankind
Stalin- Part of the big three. Along with Stalin was Churchill and Roosevelt. Wanted to win against Russia and use underbelly but had a bad motive he wanted total control. He used brutal tactics like purges, executions and forced labor to eliminate threats to his power. Ended up getting Hitler to surrender to Russia.
Hitler- Thought he was God. Dictator of Nazi Germany who initiated WWII and was responsible for the holocaust. Aggressive activity, wanted to take sudetenland. Appeasement.
Mussolini. - aggressive, “el duce”, got kicked out of school at 10 and 14 for stabbing kids, womanizer, thought he was God’s gift
Patton - good leader in WWII, completed the underbelly with Eisenhower, part of the bonus army incident,
Eisenhower -he led the D-Day invasion
MacArthur - Douglas MacArthur was a U.S. Army general in World War II, leading Allied forces in important battles like the Philippines and Japan. After the war, he helped rebuild Japan as the leader of its occupation. MacArthur was known for his strong leadership and key military strategies.
Nimitz -Chester W. Nimitz was a U.S. Navy admiral in World War II. He led the Pacific Fleet and helped win important battles like Midway, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. His leadership was key in defeating Japan.
Essay/Short Answer:
Causes and effects of the Great Depression
Causes: stock market crash of 1929, bank failures, overconsumption and overproduction, drought and agriculture failure
Effects: massive unemployment, bak failures, financial instability, decline in industrial production.
Defend FDR as a good or bad president overall
Leadership during the Great Depression
New Deal programs
Baking reforms
Fireside chats
Planted around 220 million trees
Japanese’s interments camps
Expansion of power - some people argue that FDR’s new deal program stretched the limits of federal power
Didn’t support African Americans even having a black cabinet
Didn’t pass the no lynching act cause he wanted to hang onto the southerners votes.
Take a controversial event of the Great Depression or war and support it and then destroy it:
dropping of the Atomic Bomb, Korematsu v. US, Nuremburg Trials, New Deal Policies, FDR’s presidency
Atomic Bomb
Ended WW2
US is top power over Russia 🔥
Killed millions of people
Moral and ethical implications
Korematsu v US
National security
Korematsu brought attention to the issue which resulted in publicity which may have caused people to see the injustices
Against the 14th Ammendment
Pushed Japanese Americans into poor internment camps
Citizens had to give up within they owned in just a week
Nuremberg Trials
Justice served to those who committed war crime
Gave closure to those affected
Justice should be served?
Only the five allied nations dealt with the crimes so they might be a little biased
New Deal Policies
AAA helped farmers and brought prices up
FDIC insured deposits and reassured poeple their money was safe
Helped the elderly and the disabled
AAA harmed African American sharecroppers
SSA critics for not including agriculture and domestic workers
The WPA only reached out to 1/3 of the workers
People began to abuse the welfare system
FDR’s presidency