Wolters Kluwer
Upper Respiratory Tract: Warms and filters air.
Lower Respiratory Tract (Lungs): Accomplishes gas exchange.
Delivers oxygen and expels carbon dioxide from the body.
Works with the circulatory system to maintain homeostasis.
Passageway for air to and from the lungs.
Paranasal Sinuses:
Frontal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid, Maxillary
Includes Nasal, Oral, and Laryngeal areas.
Two Lungs:
Left Lung: Upper and Lower lobes.
Right Lung: Upper, Middle, and Lower lobes.
Other Structures:
Pleura, Mediastinum, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli.
Site for gas exchange (diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide).
Key Components:
Alveolar-capillary membrane, types of alveolar cells, surfactant.
Oxygen Transport:
Respiration and Ventilation:
Factors: air pressure variances, airway resistance, compliance, lung volumes, and capacities.
Pulmonary Diffusion and Perfusion:
Ventilation-Perfusion (V/Q) Balance:
Imbalance can lead to hypoxia.
Partial Pressure of Gases:
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve:
Carbon Dioxide Transport:
Neurologic Control of Ventilation:
Oxygen crosses alveolar-capillary membrane into arterial blood by diffusion, aided by perfusion.
CO2 is produced by metabolic combustion and diffuses from tissues into the blood returning to the lungs.
Process of gas exchange between atmospheric air and blood, as well as blood and body cells.
Oxygen flows from alveoli to blood due to concentration gradient.
Diaphragm contraction and external intercostal muscle contraction enlarge thoracic cavity, creating negative pressure to draw air in.
Diaphragm relaxation creates positive pressure, pushing air out.
Tidal Volume (TV):
~500 mL, air inspired during relaxed breathing.
Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV):
~3,100 mL, additional air inhaled after normal tidal volume.
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV):
~1,200 mL, additional air exhaled after normal tidal volume.
Vital Capacity (VC):
VC = TV + IRV + ERV.
Pulmonary Function Tests:
Arterial Blood Gases:
Pulse Oximetry: Non-invasive oxygen saturation monitoring.
End-tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring:
Imaging Studies: Helps in visualizing respiratory structures.
Best Time to Collect:
Early morning after the patient clears the nose and throat.
Diagnose infections and assess for malignant cells.
Health History and Presenting Problems:
Onset, Location, Duration, Symptoms Impacting Daily Activities.
Physical Assessment:
General appearance indicators, upper airway inspection, auscultation techniques (Tables for specific sounds).
Chemoreceptors, Mechanoreceptors, Proprioceptors:
Work together to regulate respiratory rates based on body needs.