Most powerful US President is BUSH → 9/11 in power, united the government early in his term
Second most powerful - Trump →
Most weak president is Biden
Most powerful is Blair -
Most weak -
Analyse how the US President could be considered to be less effective than the Uk Prime Minister in achieving their legislative goals
1st power of persuasion - The UK Prime Minister has more power of persuasion directly within Parliament compared to the US President
Explanation - The UK Prime Minister themselves or their appointed ministers can work directly within Parliament to influence individual MPs to support legislation because of the fusion of powers, whereas the US President is unable to enter Congress and must rely on more formal channels to discuss potential support with members of Congress
Example -
2nd factor - Uk Prime minister uses certain strategies to discipline their MPs, US President cant do this
Explnantion - UK Prime Ministers can offer MPs within their party ministerial positions in return for loyalty and can also use the whip system to ensure support on legislation, whereas the US President has no direct power over the elected representatives
Example - Fracking vote 2022 where 326 mps voted against labours motion for fracking
3rd factor - The UK Prime Minister is able to make appointments to the House Of Lords, which is part of the legislature, whereas the US President cannot make any appointments to the elected chambers
Explanantion - The UK Prime Minister may have more influence over the ideological makeup and gain support within the House of Lords with the ability to make appointments, whereas the directly nature of the US Congress means that the US President is less able to influence legislative decisions unless there is a tie within the Senate, when the Vice President then has the ability to cast the deciding vote
Example - Boris Johnson nominating a lister jack his biggest supporter for a peerage