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Unit 1 Civilizations (Minus China)

  1. Paleolithic Era

  • Ice Age, hunters & gatherers, nomadic lifestyle

  • Out of Africa Theory

    • Origin of the human species: Africa

  1. Neolithic Era

  • Melting of the Ice Age

  • The discovery of agriculture

  • Sedentary lifestyle -> Civilizations

    • Gender Roles

      • Paleotithic: Matriarchal

      • Neolithic: Patriarchal

  • Increases

    • Human population

    • Permanent settlements

    • Number of domesticated animals 

    • Average human lifespans

    • Disease

  • Decreases

    • Free time for children & elderly

    • Social equality

  1. River Valley Civilizations

  • Mesopotamia (Iraq)

    • Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

    • Job specialization

    • Hammurabi’s Code: World’s 1st set of written laws

  • Egypt

    • Nile River

    • Hieroglyphics, pyramids, Sphinx, mummification

  • Indus (Pakistan/India)

    • Monsoons: Seasonal winds

    • Mohenjo Daro: Grid-like cities

    • Indoor plumbing

    • Toys (free time for kids)

    • No palaces (no social pyramid)

Unit 1 Civilizations (Minus China)

  1. Paleolithic Era

  • Ice Age, hunters & gatherers, nomadic lifestyle

  • Out of Africa Theory

    • Origin of the human species: Africa

  1. Neolithic Era

  • Melting of the Ice Age

  • The discovery of agriculture

  • Sedentary lifestyle -> Civilizations

    • Gender Roles

      • Paleotithic: Matriarchal

      • Neolithic: Patriarchal

  • Increases

    • Human population

    • Permanent settlements

    • Number of domesticated animals 

    • Average human lifespans

    • Disease

  • Decreases

    • Free time for children & elderly

    • Social equality

  1. River Valley Civilizations

  • Mesopotamia (Iraq)

    • Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

    • Job specialization

    • Hammurabi’s Code: World’s 1st set of written laws

  • Egypt

    • Nile River

    • Hieroglyphics, pyramids, Sphinx, mummification

  • Indus (Pakistan/India)

    • Monsoons: Seasonal winds

    • Mohenjo Daro: Grid-like cities

    • Indoor plumbing

    • Toys (free time for kids)

    • No palaces (no social pyramid)