Deen - your worldview
Fiqh - linguistically : holistic understanding of islam, technical definition : the study of actions
Greatest accountability a human being has is their accountability to Allah (swt)
Every pillar of this deen is a means of forgiveness to Allah (swt)
Fiqh is islam
Increases our faith through practice
Integral part of Iman is practice and the word if knowledge that deals with practice is Fiqh
Analogy : Fiqh is to the practices of Islam what Tajwid is to the art of reciting the Quran
What is the difference between Fiqh and Shariah
Fiqh refers to when scholars differ on an issue regarding what the shariah is saying
Ex - an issue in fiqh would be the placement of your hands during prayer
Not Ex - what month do we fast
Shariah is everything that was revealed to our prophet
Ex - we say according to shariah, the 5 daily prayers are fard
Where do the 4 mathahib
Shafii, maliki, hanafi, hanbali
Madhhab linguistically means ‘the place he went’
Fiqh is ultimately a process that leads a scholar to a certain destination or to a conclusion
Technical definition : A school of thought within Fiqh
Madhabs happen when :
Scholars differ over the meaning, context, authenticity of a text
Scholars differ when there is no text but a ruling has to be made
Haram - harmful (prohibited) one is sinful if they commit these acts (eat pork)
Makruh - (discouraged / disliked) one is not sinful if they commit a makruh act but you are encouraged not to do it ( over eat)
Mubah - (allowed) all acts fall under this category unless categorized otherwise (wearing clothes)
Mustahab - (encouraged) any act done will be rewarded, if one leaves a mustahab act, he will not be punished ( to pray taraweeh)
Wajib / Fard - (obligatory) - you are obliged to do this act, it is mandator (if you do it, you are rewarded, if you leave it, you are sinful) - (pray salah)
4 Imams Notes
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
Was born in Baghdad, Iraq
He was a Muslim theoligist and jurist
Taught by imam Al shafi'i and Imam Al Shaybani
Studied Hadith (one of the biggest)
Went to prison b/c people thought that the Quran was a creation while he thought it was a word of Allah
Performed hajj 5 times
Hanbali madhhab is the smallest of four major sunni schools
Imam Shafii
Born in Gaza, Palestine
Died at 53
Studied under ibn Khalid al Xanji
By age of 7 he memorized the quran
Founder of the science of fiqh principles
15 % muslims follow the shafi madhab
Imam Malik
Was a student to Nafi Mawla Ibn Umar
Along with Abu Hanifah
Founder of Maliki School : established one of the 4 majors sunni schools of fiqh
The Madhab today is practiced in North Africa, West Africa, Chad, Sudan
Wrote over 100,000 hadiths
It took 40 years to write his most famous book al-Mutqatta
Known as Aura man
quiz aug/21 fiqh
Tahara (purification) - to purify and to clean
Linguistically - cleanliness of mind, body, soul, heart
Types of purification
: Inner purification - cleanliness of the the heart from sin, diseases of the heart, etc
: Physical purification - purification from hadath (spiritually impurity)
Statement on water : water was created pure and purifying, it purifies from ritual impurities (al-hadath) and physical impurities (najasa)
Purity cannot be attained using a different liquid
What is Hadath - The state of ‘hadath’ prevents a person from praying, making tawaf, holding a mushaf, until it is removed
Hadath requires wudu and/ or ghusl
There are 2 types of hadath :
Hadath al-Asghar (state of minor impurity) - requires wudu
Hadath al-akbar (states of major impurity) - requires ghusl
Everything which requires ghusl, also requires wudu, except death (which only requires ghusl)
Purification from physical impurities entails :
Purification of the place of prayer
Purification of clothing
Purification of the body
Water has 3 main types :
Tahoor - purifier, this is pure in itself and purifying other objects ex : rain water, tap water, water of seas, lakes, wells and springs
Tahir - pure but not purifying ex - soda, tea
What has been changed greatly in color, taste, or smell due to a tahir object
Can be used/drank, just not for purification
When is water not pure anymore?
When a substance is cooked in the water
If it is mixed with something pure and then prevails upon its name (it’s not called water anymore)
It is used for ritual purification (what remains)
Najis - impure, dirty (does not purify)
When water is mixed with an impure substance
Ex : human urine stool
Najasa - means ritually unclean
Contact with najis things brings a Muslim into state of ritual impurity
Some examples :
Human urine and stool
Excretions of animals that we are not permitted to eat
Dog saliva
Earth - the najis elements are
removed from the soles of
shoes by walking on the earth
the earth is dry and tahir
“The entire earth has been
made a masjid, except for the
graveyard and the bathroom”
Sun - Purifies things in nature that
have become najis (ground,
trees, etc)
How to clean impurities :
1. A piece of cloth that has become najis
by urine must be washed in running
water with soap. OR put it in the
washing machine
2. A piece of cloth licked by a dog should
be cleaned in the same manner as #1.
If cleaning/changing is no option
and prayer time will be up, pray
as you are.
3. As for the liquid things that may
become najis (ex: water), they cannot be
purified with water; and cannot be used
for purification
4. If you have a bucket of water you
intend to use for purification but a dog
drinks from it, the water is now najis and
cannot be used for purification
It can be used for something
else; watering plants, etc
Tahara Scenarios
If a liquid falls on a person and he does not know if it was water or
urine, he does not need to ask about it unless he smells a bad
smell. In that case, the person should wash his clothes.
It is related that 'Umar passed by a gutter (and got wet). 'Umar's
companion asked the owner of the gutter if the water was pure or
impure. 'Umar told the owner not to answer the question, and
went on his way.
Clothes that have street mud on them don’t need to
be washed. Reported by Kamyal ibn Ziyad, "I saw
'Ali wading through the mud, after which he entered
the mosque and prayed without washing his legs."
Water that is: “foul-smelling, discolored, and
off-tasting water piped into homes”
Cannot be used for wudu because of the impurities
If one can afford clean water, bottled water, etc then
do that if not, tayammum is the alternate
Mistakes and Forgetfulness
If a person finishes his prayer and
sees some impurities on his clothes or
body of which he was not previously
aware, or he was aware of them but
forgot about them, then his prayer is
still valid and he need not repeat it.
This opinion is supported by Allah's
statement, "And there is no sin for
you in the mistakes you make unintentionally." (al-Ahzab 5)
If a person can not determine what part of his clothes contain the impurity, he should wash the whole garment.
This is based on the axiom, "If an obligation cannot be fulfilled except by performing another related act, then that act also becomes obligatory."
We have the assumption that everything is tahir and halal unless we come
to know otherwise.
Importance of The day of Ashura
The Prophet (saw) taught us in an
authentic narration found in Sahih
Muslim, that the Day of Ashura is from
among the days that are dedicated to
Allah (swt)
He told us that this was the day on which
Allah swt displayed his power and
protected and rescued Musa A and his
followers from the tyrant Firawn (Sahih
The Prophet (saw) said that as Muslims,
we have a very strong and close
relationship with Prophet Musa (a) and he
encouraged us to fast on this day
All sins are erased from the previous year
are erased from the person who fasts on
this special day (Sahih Muslim).
Thursday, August 19 is the 10th of