Digestion: Breaking down foods into absorbable nutrients
• Nutrients are then broken down further for energy
• Digestion prepares our body for absorption
• Absorption: Uptake of these nutrients
• Nutrients are absorbed by cells of the
Small Intestine for transport into the blood or lymph
Challenges of Digestion
• Multiple tasks of the mouth
• breathing, eating & drinking: swallowing and breathing must not interfere with each other
• Diaphragm
• food must pass through the diaphragm
• Food needs consistent, steady, slow, forward movement
• Lubrication with fluids
• correct consistency is key – not too watery, not too dry. Needs to be regulated.
• Digestive enzyme function
• foods must be broken down into small particles and suspended in liquid so that each
particles is accessible by enzymes
• Digestive enzymes digest CHO, Fat, Protein
• digestive tract must be protected from digestive enzymes
• tract also made of CHO, fat, protein
• Excretion of waste
• must be periodic, not continuous© 2016 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.
Anatomy of the Digestive Tract
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract
• Flexible and muscular tube
• Extends from:
• Mouth → esophagus → stomach →
small intestine (duodenum →jejunum →ileum)
→ large intestine → rectum → anus
• All parts are connected by the lumen
• Lumen: inner space of the GI tract
• Begins at mouth ends at anus
Digestion begins in the mouth
• Chewing breaks up food = mastication
• Fluids from salivary glands blend with food and liquids to ease swallowing
• Tongue cannot taste unless food is in a solution
• Five basic taste sensations
• Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami (savory… MSG)
• Aroma, appearance, texture, and temperature also affect taste perceptions
• Swallowed food passes through the pharynx as a bolus*
• Pharynx: short tube in throat - connects mouth to both the lungs and
• Epiglottis: covers the airway (trachea) while food is being swallowed
*Bolus: a mouthful of food after it has been chewed and swallowed
• 2 sphincter muscles: one at each end. They control movement
1. Upper esophageal sphincter/ UES (pharynx to esophagus)
• Opens during swallowing. Bolus enters. Passes through diaphragm.
2. Lower esophageal sphincter/LES (esophagus to stomach)
• Closes once bolus enters stomach. Stops it going back up to esophagus.
• Stomach
• Stomach churns bolus and adds digestive juices creating CHYME*
• Stomach releases chyme into small intestine through pyloric sphincter
• Pyloric sphincter: opens from stomach allowing chyme to enter small intestine
* Chyme: Semi-liquid mass of partly digested food expelled by the stomach into
the duodenum
The Small Intestine
Small Intestine (SI)
• 10 feet long
• 3 segments: Duodenum; Jejunum; Ileum
• Most absorption happens in the small intestine
• Chyme enters the SI and bypasses the common bile duct
• Common bile duct: drips fluids into small intestine from the gallbladder &
• Chyme travels through the 3 segments
1. Duodenum
2. Jejunum
3. Ileum
Contents travel through the small intestine and arrive at the large
Intestine (colon)
• Contents enter large intestine via Ileocecal valve
• Sphincter at beginning of large intestine that connects ileum with large intestine
• Contents bypass the appendix
• Travels along…
• Ascending colon; Transverse colon; Descending colon to the rectum
• At the rectum, colon withdraws water to leave semi-solid waste
• Rectum – strong muscles – holds waste defecation
• rectal muscles relax and 2 sphincters of anus open to allow passage of waste
Gastrointestinal (GI) Motility: ability of the digestive tract to move
• Segmentation & Peristalsis
• GI tract - 2 layers of muscles coordinate to produce
• Segmentation and Peristalsis
• Segmentation:
• Inner circular muscles relax and contract
• Periodic squeezing action mixes and churns chyme
• Aids contact with digestive juices and intestine absorbing cells
• Peristalsis:
• Outer longitudinal muscles rhythmically contract
• Wavelike contractions move chyme forward
• Contractions happen at varying rates and intensity
• Altered by: Stress; drugs; illness
Stomach Action
• Stomach: thickest wall and the strongest muscles of all GI organs
• 3 muscle layers: circular; longitudinal; & diagonal
• Chyme is forced downwards and churned by stomach
• 4
• Pyloric Sphincter holds chyme in stomach until
fully liquefied & mixed with gastric juices
• Gastric juices released from stomach wall
mix with chyme
• Once chyme is completely liquefied with gastric
juices, pyloric sphincter opens and small
portions are released into the duodenum
• Chyme release is timed – about 3x per minute
Sphincter Contractions
• Sphincter muscles periodically open and close.
• Allow contents to move forward along GI tract at a controlled pace
• Sphincter muscles in action
• Upper Esophageal Sphincter: opens when swallowing
• Lower Esophageal Sphincter prevents reflux of stomach contents
• Pyloric Sphincter:
• Located at bottom of stomach
• Holds chyme in stomach long enough for it to be mixed with gastric juice & liquefied
• Also prevents intestinal contents from backing up into stomach
• Ileocecal Valve:
• Located at the end of the small intestine
• Allows contents of small intestine enter into the large intestine
• Rectal & Anal Sphincter Muscles : prevent continuous elimination
To breakdown food into nutrients we need secretions
from 5 different organs
1. Salivary glands
2. Stomach
3. Pancreas
4. Liver
5. Small intestine
Secretions enter GI tract at various points
• Deliver fluids and enzymes*
*Enzyme: protein that facilitates/catalyzes a chemical reaction. Can make, break, change, or exchange parts of a molecule while the enzyme remains unchanged.
A note on Enzymes:
• Enzymes are proteins that facilitates/catalyzes a chemical reaction.
• Can: make, break, change, or exchange parts of a molecule while the
enzyme remains unchanged.
• Digestion: enzymes facilitate hydrolysis - a chemical action that adds
water (hydro) to break (lysis) a molecule into smaller pieces.
• Words ending in ase denote enzymes
• Identified by the organ they come from
• Gastric lipase – stomach
• Pancreatic lipase –pancreas
Saliva moistens food for easy passage
• Secretes enzyme rich saliva into mouth to begin digestive process
• Contains: water, salts, mucus, and enzymes
Stomach: Gastric glands secrete Gastric juice
• Gastric juice is a mix of water, enzymes, and hydrochloric acid
• HCl, pH of 2
• HCL acts primarily in protein digestion
• Acid so strong that it can reflux of stomach contents into
esophagus causing heartburn
• Cells of stomach wall secrete mucous for protection
• Coats the cells protecting it from stomach acid,
enzymes and disease forming bacteria
By the time food leaves the stomach, digestion of all 3
macronutrients has begun
• Small intestine: Pancreatic juice released via ducts into duodenum
• Pancreatic juice has enzymes that act on all 3 macronutrients
• Amylase: amyl- starch/carbohydrate
• Protease: prot- protein
• Lipase: lip- lipids/ fat
• Pancreatic juice also contains sodium bicarbonate
• Alkaline: Neutralizes acidic chyme from stomach – why?
• Bile also flows into the duodenum
• Continuously produced by the liver then concentrated & stored in gallbladder
• Gallbladder squirts it into duodenum in when fat is present
• Bile is an Emulsifier:
• disperses fat in watery solutions so enzymes can access them
The Final Stage
• Large intestine
Some fluids, salts and undigested material (fiber)
enter the large intestine
Fiber brings in some fat, cholesterol, a few
minerals and water to form stool (waste matter)
• Intestinal bacteria ferment some fibers
Produces gas, water, and small fragment of fat as
energy for the cells of the colon
Colon reabsorbs water and some salts
• body recycles these salts
Any excreted waste is of no use to the body
Nutrient Absorption
Within 3–4 hours of a meal, the body must find a way to
absorb the macronutrients and micronutrients
• Small Intestine: Most absorption occurs here
• Ten feet long
• Large surface area >> surface area increased by folds (to size of tennis court!!) -
villi and microvilli
• Absorption techniques- see next slide
• Simple diffusion
• Facilitated diffusion
• Active transport
Absorption happens at the lining of the Small Intestine
• Lining has hundreds of folds
• Each fold has thousands of fingerlike projections called villi
• Villi
• Select and regulate nutrient absorption
• Constant motion
• Microvilli (tiny hair-like projections)
• Provide absorptive surface that allow any nutrient that’s small enough to pass through
the body
• Enzymes and “pumps” recognize and act on different nutrients
• Specific enzymes and pumps fore each nutrient in upcoming chapters
• Crypts
• Found in the crevices between the villi
• Secrete intestinal juices into the small intestine
• Goblet cells
• Mucus secretion (for protection)
Once nutrients are absorbed through the villi, they go to one of the
body’s 2 circulatory systems - the vascular or lymphatic systems
1. Vascular System
• Water-soluble nutrients and smaller products of
fat digestion pass into the villa and go to the liver
first and then the blood stream
• Blood is mostly water
2. Lymphatic system
• Larger fats and fat-soluble vitamins are insoluble
in water
• Get assembled into chylomicrons for transport
• They pass into the villi and go to the lymph and
then bloodstream
• These systems deliver nutrients wherever needed
The Vascular System / Circulatory system
• Closed system of vessels
• Bloods flows continuously
• Heart serves as a pump
• Nutrient Transport
• Body tissues get nutrients and oxygen from blood
• Waste and carbon dioxide deposited back into blood
• Lungs exchange oxygen (delivers to all cells) and carbon dioxide (exhaling)
• Kidneys filter other waste from blood and excrete it as urine
Typical circulatory route
Heart – arteries – capillaries – veins – heart
Routing of blood leaving digestive system
Heart – arteries – capillaries (in intestines) - hepatic
portal vein - capillaries (in liver) - hepatic vein – to heart
Liver is an accessory organ of the GI tract
• Receives almost all nutrients after absorption
• Detoxifies blood
• Plays a detox role
• Synthesizes HDL,VLDL cholesterol
One-way route from digestive tract
• No pump - lymph vessels collect fluid and
direct it towards the heart
• Moves in response to body movement
• Voluntary (skeletal muscle action)
• involuntary (smooth muscle action – breathing)
• Collects in thoracic duct behind heart
• Enters bloodstream via subclavian vein
• Bypass liver at first – then heart for circulation
• Cells remove the nutrients they need,
the liver then deals with the remnants
Microbes in a healthy GI tract
• 100 trillion microbes – GI microbiota
• Good bacteria offer protection by “crowding-out” harmful bacteria
• Similar in people with same disease
• Differences in obese (less diverse) vs nonobese people
• Factors influencing bacteria presence
• Prebiotics: fibers not digested by the human body are food for bacteria
• Plant based eating
• Probiotics: live microbes
• yogurt, miso, kefir (fermented foods)
• Bacteria in GI tract produce vitamins
• Biotin, folate, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, B12, B6, Vit. K
• not in sufficient quantities
• Thoughts on Antibiotics??
The body regulates digestion through Homeostasis
• Homeostatic regulation of digestion is governed by 2 systems:
1. Endocrine system (hormonal system)
2. Nervous System
• Hormones work via feedback mechanisms
• Feedback mechanisms:
1. A certain condition demands a response.
2. The response changes that condition, that change cuts off the response
3. Back to the beginning
• GI hormones include:
• Gastrin
• Secretin
• Cholecystokinin (CCK)
Healthy Digestive System
Adequate supply of blood
Lifestyle factors
• Sleep, physical activity, stress
Types of foods eaten
• Balance, moderation, adequacy, and variety
Common digestive problems
• More than 5000 die each year from choking
Almost all are over 75yo or younger
than 3yo
• Body's response to food blockage is to cough
Usually clears
• True choking – person cannot cough or breathe
No oxygen – permanent damage within 5 min / or die
• Recognize universal distress signal for choking
Ask can you speak?
If yes, and they are breathing coughing – do not interfere
If no – take action, abdominal thrusts/Heimlich Maneuver
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Common Digestive Problems
• An adaptive body mechanism that can often result in dehydration
• Usually from stomach. Sometimes from the duodenum, if green bile present
• Repeated vomiting – erosion of teeth & gums, and other issues
• Diarrhea
• Categorized by frequent, loose, watery stools
• Intestinal contents move too quickly to allow water resorption
• common symptom with IBS, colitis, and celiac disease, infection, medication
• Treatment begins with rehydration and then remove cause, if possible
• 2000+ child deaths worldwide. Hand washing might reduce incidence
• Symptoms
Hard stool, abdominal discomfort, back aches, headaches, gas
Infrequent or difficult bowel movement relative to the individual’s baseline
• Causes
Lifestyle: diet, hydration, sedentary, ignoring signal to move bowels
Side effect of medications
Certain medical conditions
• Prevention
Fiber: Increase to 25 – 28grams daily. Increases bulk
Water: Lack of H2O >> colon absorbs more water >> constipation
Physical activity: promotes GI motility
Constipation/vomiting/diarrhea: symptoms not diseases
Belching and Gas
• Belching caused by swallowed air
• Eating food fast; ill-fitting dentures; chewing gum; carbonated beverages
• Solutions: eat slowly; chew thoroughly; relax when eating
• Intestinal gas (flatulence) caused by consumption of
certain foods
• Can be embarrassing, but is normal
• Bloating is different
• Gas causing foods individually determined
• Elimination trial
• Most often sugars, starches, and fibers
• Legumes, broccoli, cabbage, onions
• Partially digested fibers reach large intestine
• Digested by bacteria
• Gas is a byproduct
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
• Frequent/severe abdominal discomfort
• Most common GI disorder
• GI contractions are stronger and last longer
• force intestinal contents through quicker
• Gas/bloating/diarrhea
• Cause: unknown. Triggers: Stress and certain foods
• Treatment: Small meals/peppermint oil/drugs/gluten free/FODMAP/probiotics etc.
• Colitis
• Inflammation of the large intestine
• May cause severe diarrhea; abdominal pain; and inflammation
• Some relief with restrictive diet; May have to resect the bowl/remove colon
• Celiac disease / Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity
• Autoimmune condition / Intolerence
• inflammation of SI in response to gluten (protein found in wheat, barley and rye)
Peptic Ulcers
• Gastric ulcers / Duodenal ulcers
• Compromised lining of stomach or duodenum – exposed to gastric juices
• Leads to internal bleeding (iron deficiency) – 250,000 hospital cases yearly
• Causes
• Infection: Helicobacter pylori>> most common cause
• Anti-inflammatory drugs: NSAIDs
• Excessive gastric acid secretion (rare disorder)
• Treatment
• Antibiotics
• Avoid drugs (NSAID)
• Eliminate foods that cause pain
• Eliminate coffee, caffeine & alcohol beverages
Gastroesophagal Reflux aka Heartburn
Painful sensation behind the breastbone
• lower esophageal sphincter allows stomach contents into the esophagus
Causes: Eating or drinking too much; large fat-rich meals; excess carbonation,
tight clothing, lying down after eating; bending over; excess weight; medications;
• Indigestion
Large, improperly chewed meals
• that upset normal peristalsis
May taste stomach acid
Antacids – OTC
Persistent indigestion
• Damage to esophagus – acid
• Barrett’s esophagus
• Esophageal cancer risk