Maintained its urle through confucianism and an imperial buereaucracy. Budhism continued to shape China’s society. The song economy flourished during this period.
Confucianism saw the world as hierarchical. Revival of confucianism during this period in song china…led to the civil service exam
exam creates a meritochracy for burecuratic jobs in the state. instead of being appointed by family lineage, they were appointed for being the best person for the job.
Bureacracy- gorup of ppl who work in the government to make sure rules of emperor wre followed throughout the realm.
Allowed song china to consolidate its power.
Budhism was a result of outside influence. Started in india, but as it spread it was innovated upon and took on new forms. when budhism spread to china (and korea) budhism was focused on spiritual growth for all beings.
There was a very distinct influence on budhism known as zen. A blend of budhism and daoism.
Daoism is thorougly chinese, and budhism is indian.
Cultural traditions:
Philial piety- organization structure of family and therefore society (obedience to one’s parents)
Song state was strengthened by this philosophy. Family concept was compared to the head of state.
Rise of foot binding- sign of high social status (wrapping womens feet so their feet could not grow)
kept women in the home and they did not have to work
champa rice- caused song economy to flourish
came into china from champa kingdon (modern day vietnam)
qualities like…
led to population increase
canal that allowed china to become most populous trade system
tribute system- various states aroudn china had to pay to honor the emperor. those who did wre able to trade with china. china had that
As abbasid caliphate declined, new islamic political entities emerged and they expanded, creating the occasion for intellectual innovations and transfer
As song increases, abbasid caliphates declines
Spread of islam. How?
Miloitary expansion, MERchants and trade routes (cultural diffusion)
This led to a big revival of trade through silk roads
Innovation of islam- Sufism
Mythical version of islam
Intellectual innovations and transfers:
innovations-mathematics (algebra and trigonometry)
literature (sufi themes, poetry)
transfer-muslims and spain translate greek classics into arabic
indian mathematics to europe
adapted papermaking into Europe
hinduism, budhism, and islam deeply influenced state building in south and southeast asia.
South asia:
Deli sultanate established in india. vast majority hindu, so when deli sultanate ws established some converted, but most did not. were made to pay the jizsat (tax for not being muslim)
those who converted could move up from caste system
vijaymigara empire- hindu kingdom, rival empire of the deli
rise of the baktif movement (mystical movement of hinduism)
strong attachment to a singular deity
spread hindu faith, bc faith could easily conform to other cultures
East asia:
This region was influential in trade.
Serivijaha empire was hindu, and taxed ships that used their sealines
majapahif empire 1300-1500 was budhist, and prospered also by controling sea routes
landbased kingonds like the chymara empire
were hindu but changed to become budhist. budhist and hindu were able to live together
various civilizatons of the americas developed strong states, large urban center,s and complex belief systems
cohocia (missisippir river valley) largest urban center of this region
mound builders
in this time period there are complex civilizations in the americas
mexica (name of people) Aztecs Empire
significant to their state building was the tribute system, similar to song china
sent local governers to extract tribute (land, services, goods, money) to leader
this way theyd exact dominance without being directly over them
inca empire
divided territories into provinces led by governeers
not lie tribune system in aztec
methica system- men
african state building was facilitated through participation in trade networks and religion
zimbabwe- prospere din trade because of its strategic place in trafe routes
indian ocean trade network connected east africa to middleast and asia.
merchants led to development of a new language, known as swahili (bantu and arabic).
capital city- great zimbabwe
died away end of 14th centuries
ethiopia- emerged in 12th century
christian kingdom
state build on monumental architecture. those in authority were puttign their authority in place.
christianity developed its own “flavor” apart from eastern orthodoxy and roman catholicism
not really ruling over massive territories, instead ruled over small regions
state building in europe was characterized by religious blief, feudalism, and decentralized monarchies
more educated ppl were men of the catholic church. small population of jews and muslims, but dominated by christians
minoriteis also helped shape european society. christians desired muslim goods, and jews acted as brokers (middle men) between interactins
feudalism- system of loyalty that existed between different classes, based primarily on land owndership
kind gave land to lord, lords (nobles) offered them service. nobles offered knights (samurai) land in exchange for protection.
peasants lived their existence tied to the meadow
3 field system- form of crop rotation. 2 fields planted, 1 not so soil could be replanted. led to an abundance of food
rise of monarchs who began to consolidate power and shift away from feudal lands. prior to htis church and nobles had more power
(establish beureacracies to carry out their rule)