Review for Test 2 – Chapters 5-9
Chapter 5
1. Know the terms mastication and deglutition
2. Enterocolostomy – surgical creation of a new opening between
the small intestine and colon; it is an anastomosis (any time you have two different organs combined with the suffix -ostomy or the same organ repeated twice combined with –ostomy, it is an anastomosis
3. Mesentery – membrane that holds the intestine together
4. Parenteral – refers to the delivery of substances anyway other
than through the GI tract
5. Ileocecal sphincter – pertaining to the ring of muscles between the ileum and the cecum
6. Don’t forget what gastrojejunostomy, jejunojejunostomy and
choledochojejunostomy are.
7. Orthodontist – specialist in the straightening of teeth
8. Periodontist – specialist in the gums
9. Endodontist – specialist in within the tooth (root canal)
10. Gluconeogenesis – production of new sugar from proteins
and fats
11.Know the pathologies on pages 160-170. Pay particular attention to what is in bold type after the terms; know
canker sores, fever blisters, IBD diseases, piles (hemorrhoids), oral leukoplakia.
Chapter 6
1. Menorrhagia – bursting forth of blood during menstruation
2. Atresia – no opening
3. Esophageal atresia – no opening of the stomach into the stomach
4. Biliary atresia – no opening of the bile ducts into the duodenum
5. Cecal volvulus – twisting of a part of the cecum upon itself
6. Gastroduodenal anastomosis – surgical creation of a new opening between the stomach and duodenum
7. Splenic flexure – area of the colon that bends downward near the spleen
8. Aphthous stomatitis – inflammation of the mouth with small ulcers; canker sores
9. Know the liver function tests on page 193
10. Know what an ERCP is (page 194)
11. Know the following abbreviations – BE, ERCP, ALT, AST,
Chapter 7
1. Know what nitrogenous wastes are – urea and creatinine
2. Know the electrolytes – sodium (Na) and potassium (K)
3. Know what renin and erythropoietin are
4. Know micturition is the act of voiding
5. Paranephric – pertaining to near the kidney
6. Albuminuria – protein in the urine
7. Azotemia – increased amounts of nitrogenous wastes in the blood
8. Oliguria – scanty urination
9. Uremia – urea in the blood
10. Enuresis – bedwetting
11. Review urinalysis on page 230-231
12. Know that renal calculi and kidney stones are the same
13. Know what a BUN is
14. Know what an IVP is
15. KUB is one of the most common urinary tract X-rays
16. Know about dialysis
17. Know the following abbreviations - BUN, IVP, PKU, UA, and
Chapter 8
1. Gestation and pregnancy are the same
2. Know what an episiotomy is
3. HCG is the hormone tested for in urine for a pregnancy test
4. Galactorrhea – abnormal discharge of milk
5. Gynecomastia – enlarged breasts in the male
6. Oligomenorrhea – scanty menstrual flow
7. Menorrhagia – excessive discharge of blood from the uterus during menstruation
8. Metrorrhagia – excessive discharge of blood from the uteus between menstrual periods
9. Edometriosis – abnormal condition of the inner linner of the uterus; endometrial tissue found ectopically
10. Obstetric – Pertaining to delivery of the newborn
11. Primigravida – woman who is in her 1st pregnancy
12. primiparous – woman who has delivered her 1st child
13. Leukorrhea – white discharge; vagina secretion associated
with cervicitits
14. Cephalic version – turning of the head of the fetus toward
the cervix
15. Know salpingitis and PID are the same
16. Know about abruptio placentae and placenta previa
17. Know about Apgar score and hyaline membrane disease
18. Know the following abbreviations: EDC, FSH, GYN, IUD,
LMP, OB , and PMS
Chapter 9
1. Know what the prepuce is
2. Seminiferous tubules – produce sperm in the testes
3. Seminal vesicles – glands near the ejaculatory duct that produce fluid for semen
4. oligospermia – scanty production of sperm
5. aspermia – semen is neither formed nor emitted
6. teratoma – tumor that is composed of many types of tissue
7. varicocele – swollen, twisted veins above the testes
8. Vasvasostomy – new opening (anastomosis) between two parts of the vas deferens; surgery to reverse a vasectomy
9. Know what PSA is
10. Know what BPH and TURP are
11. Know what a STD is
12. Know what Hypospadias is