Chapter 22 keywords


  1. Acadian depictions of an idyllic place of rural peace and simplicity

  2. Balustrade  a railing held up by small posts

  3. Baroque a designation of the art of the period 1600 to 1750

  4. Bellini adopted the technique of oil glazing and revolutionized Venetian painting. His most famous students, Giorgione and Titian adopted his glazing technique and which permitted beautiful color and rich tone which was has been unsurpassed

  5. Bramante. Greatest architect of the high Renaissance Pope Julius, his patron, commissioned him to design the new St Peters

  6. Counter-Reformation attempted to stop the migration of Catholics to Protestant religions by reforming the issues from within the Church.

  7. Indulgences pardon for sins, reducing the time a person would remain in purgatory

  8. Inquisition a Church court established specifically to deal with heretics

  9. Jesuits this new order was the Pope’s invaluable ally in the attempt to reassert the supremacy of the Catholic church

  10.  Leonardo Da Vinci painter, sculptor, draughtsman, a universal genius who was architect, town planner, inventor scientist, writer, and musician.  In his paintings he used consummate skill in feeling for the mystery of life – perfected sfumato

  11. Mannerism a style of late Renaissance art which emphasized artifice using contrived imagery not directly from nature. The artists of this style flouted the classical rules of order, stability and symmetry caprice, fantasy, and polish

  12. Michelangelo Florentine   sculptor, painter, poet and architect, Worked for three patrons; Lorenzo   Medici, Pope Julius II and Pope Leo X . His greatness was recognized so he inspired awe in his contemporaries with his creativity so they spoke of his ‘terrabilita” He lived long and at the end of his life his work was influenced by Mannerism

  13. Nepotism the appointment of relatives to important positions

  14. Poesia  describes Venetian art which was sensual and lyrical

  15. Protestant Reformation reformers directly challenged the papal authority

  16. Protestantism establishment of new religions with a belief in personal faith rather than adherence to Catholic creed and practices

  17. Raphael when young he went to Florence to study the work of Michelangelo and Leonardo. He learned his composition and dynamic power of draughtmanship from them.  But his color came from the Venetians

  18. Tintoretto Venetian painter

  19. Trompe l-oeil means “to fool the eye,” a highly realistic optical illusion of three-dimensional space and objects on a two-dimensional surface

  20. Di sotto in su “from below upward” extreme foreshortening of figures painted on a ceiling or other high surface so as to give the illusion that the figures are suspended in air above the viewer

