Foreign Issues under G. Wash
FR Rev
Jefferson wanted to help FR, Wash didn’t - did not like allies
lead to Neutrality Proclamation of 1793
Napoleon saved the day in FR, began his world domination tour
FR and BR were kidnapping AM soldiers, forcing us to fight for them
Jay’s Treaty 1794
meant to stop Impressment + get BR to actually leave the US soil
didn’t work bcuz Jay wasn’t that great of a negotiator
led to War of 1812
Pickney Treaty 1795 w/SP
opened up port of New Orleans + Mississippi River
Farewell Address
32 pages long bcuz of Hamilton and Madison
4 points to the address
maintain national unity
obey + support constitution
beware of political parties
don’t get into alliances
Political Parties
Federalists and Republicans (aka anti-federalists aka democratic republicans)
Federalists believed the rich should provide national leadership/run gov bcuz they were more educated
1796 Election
Adams (Federalist) wins, Jefferson (ant-Federalist) is VP
loser for pres race became the VP
Jefferson later becomes Pres, undoes everything Adams did (broke their friendship; only reconciled bcuz a friend tricked them into it/wrote them fake apology letters from each other)
Adams = 1st Pres to be in the White House
WH only lasts a few years, was burned down in War of 1812
Relations with BR/FR worsen due to impressment
BR was stealing sailors bcuz they needed more to fight FR (also vice-versa)
XYZ Affair in FR w/PM Talleyrand
Adams sends ambassadors to FR to try resolving issue related to impressment
XYZ told them they needed to $250K if they wanted to see the PM
FR wanted them to go back to Congress and get the money; 3 months spent going to FR was a waste
when US ambassadors told Adams, Congress wanted to go to war w/FR
Alien + Sedition Acts
passed by Adams in response to XYZ Affair
Alien Act: they can deport any immigrant they thought was a danger
targeted FR ppl
Sedition Act: if anyone says anything neg about gov, they can be fined/jailed (limited freedom of speech)
Kentucky + Virginia Resolutions
written by Jefferson, pointing out to everyone the Pres is going against Bill of Rights
argue that states should have power to declare federal laws as unconstitutional/void
Adams began building US Navy
could see a war was brewing w/FR + BR
Midnight Judges
Adams last night as Pres: appoints multiple federalist judges
did it to spite Jefferson
Abigail Adams
most recognized woman of the AM Rev
wrote 12K letters, remembered for “remember the ladies”
didn’t want ppl to forget all the stuff women did in the AM Rev war
Republican Motherhood- believed women should be educated
Adams saw her as equal; she controlled their finances; called “Madam Pres”
angry there were no memorials to her husband
Jefferson as Pres
Election of 1800 vs Burr
Jeff and Burr tied for Pres
sent to House of Rep to choose who would be Pres
A. Ham voted for Jeff, swayed the rest of the Reps, Jeff won
led to 12th amendment
aka Rev of 1800
ppl thought that switching from Federalist to anti-Federalist would cause a rebellion (it didn’t)
represented the “Common Man”
pro-agriculture (90% of population)
Marshall Court
Marbury v Madison: judicial review
Supreme Court has the final say
McCulloch v Maryland
state gov cannot tax the federal gov
Cohens v Virginia
can’t play the lottery in a state that you don’t live in
can’t sell lottery tickets across state lines
Gibbons v Ogden: interstate commerce
Congress is in charge of interstate trade
companies have to publish their prices/rates for shipping so everyone knows
Dartmouth College v Woodward
if a school is established as a private school, it can’t become a public school
Fletch v Peck
deals w/land titles
if you buy a piece of land, when you sell it, the title goes with it
Louisiana Purchase
doubled the size of US (made 13 new states)
Jeff sent Livingston to FR bcuz we wanted just the port of New Orleans; offered $10M for it; Napoleon said he’d sell entire LA land for $15M (4 cents per acre)
FR needed the money to fight all their wars (v. BR, Haiti Rev, yellow fever was killing a lot of soldiers)
SP had previously transferred the land to FR
happened May 2, 1803
827K sq mi; took 863 days to explore 7689 miles
Lewis + Clark exploration (Corps of Discovery) w/help of Sacagawea
Jefferson struggled w/purchase bcuz he was a strict constructionist (Constitution never said anything about buying land from other countries)
ppl questioned him about it, he said “you’ll thank me later
Barbary Pirates
b4, BR had been protecting US from pirates; no more when AM Rev
pirates: from states off of N. Africa; Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, Algiers
US paid pirates bribes of $80K per year for them to leave us alone (prior to Jeff)
Jeff stopped paying bribes, pirates came after US full force
also stopped building US Navy (it was Adams idea)
came back to bite us in War of 1812
caused the Tripoli War
Path to War of 1812:
Non-Intercourse Act 1806
Jeff was thinking, if I stop trading w/foreign countries, won’t have ships out vulnerable to impressment + pirates
stopped BR imports
led to stores being closed + increased smuggling
Embargo Act 1807
stopped ALL foreign trade (import AND export)
hurt N. English states, was repealed
Non Intercourse Act 1809
trade open to all foreign countries EXCEPT BR + Fr
ppl didn’t like - they had the best goods
Macon’s Bill No. 2, 1810 (Madison)
opens trade with BR + FR
War of 1812
aka “2nd War for Independence” or “Mr Madison’s War”
started for 2 reasons:
tried to work it out (Jay’s Treaty), didn’t work
Brits were arming the Native AMs to go against us
War Hawks: pro-War of 1812; Clay and Calhoun
Clay = senator, comes up a lot later
Calhoun = “the mouth of the south” during Civil War
Federalists were anti-war
war would ruin trade w/BR + other countries, destroying NE states’ economies
some battles
Battle of Tippecanoe
Harrison vs Tecumseh + the Prophet
battle lasted <2 hrs; US defeated confederacy of tribes
Harrison becomes hero; later runs for Pres, called himself “Tippecanoe”
died 40 days after being inaugurated; got sick after giving a rlly long speech in the cold
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
intro to Andrew Jackson
hates Natives and BR
goes to Fort Mims w/his men; hoped to rest; saw 300 women + kids who had been scalped
killed over 500 Creek Indians + cut off their noses and ears for revenge
BR burned down the White House; revenge for US burning down Parliament during Battle of York)
Dolley Madison (First Lady) grabbed any valuable things in the White House she saw
Fort McHenry
Francis Scott Key, lawyer, rowed a boat from Fort McHenry to a BR ship docked away from the shore
negotiated a one-on-one exchange of BR + US POWs
BR told him sure, but they were going to wipe out Fort McHenry (many women+kids were there); would only stop when their flag was lowered
Key told the US POWs; during the attack, he could hear them praying that the flag would stay up
attack is over, gets the POWs, went to check on the flag - it was being held up by men (dead + alive)
Key wrote “the Defense of Fort McHenry” → became the Star Spangled Banner
Treaty of Ghent, Dec 1814 in Belgium
kinda weak, they basically just went back to how things were b4 the war
no one knew about it for a while (no new outlet)
Battle of New Orleans, Jan 1815
ppl didnt know war was over; US troops wanted to block BR from getting the port of New Orleans, so that they couldn’t enter the country
Andrew Jackson made a curfew, enlisted literally anyone he could find; they won the battle
if BR had won, they would have ignored Treaty of Ghent
Hartford Convention - NE state Federalists meet secretly w/BR to try and end the war
was treason; killed the Federalist party
impacts of War of 1812
ruined economy
need to rebuild the White House
Federalist party is dead
nationalism skyrocketed
gained foreign respect
ushered US into “Era of Good Feelings”
lasts for ~3yrs