building the new country

Foreign Issues under G. Wash

  • FR Rev

    • Jefferson wanted to help FR, Wash didn’t - did not like allies

    • lead to Neutrality Proclamation of 1793

    • Napoleon saved the day in FR, began his world domination tour

  • Impressment

    • FR and BR were kidnapping AM soldiers, forcing us to fight for them

  • Jay’s Treaty 1794

    • meant to stop Impressment + get BR to actually leave the US soil

    • didn’t work bcuz Jay wasn’t that great of a negotiator

      • led to War of 1812

  • Pickney Treaty 1795 w/SP

    • opened up port of New Orleans + Mississippi River

Farewell Address

  • 32 pages long bcuz of Hamilton and Madison

  • 4 points to the address

    • maintain national unity

    • obey + support constitution

    • beware of political parties

    • don’t get into alliances

Political Parties

  • Federalists and Republicans (aka anti-federalists aka democratic republicans)

  • Federalists believed the rich should provide national leadership/run gov bcuz they were more educated

1796 Election

  • Adams (Federalist) wins, Jefferson (ant-Federalist) is VP

    • loser for pres race became the VP

    • Jefferson later becomes Pres, undoes everything Adams did (broke their friendship; only reconciled bcuz a friend tricked them into it/wrote them fake apology letters from each other)

  • Adams = 1st Pres to be in the White House

    • WH only lasts a few years, was burned down in War of 1812

  • Relations with BR/FR worsen due to impressment

    • BR was stealing sailors bcuz they needed more to fight FR (also vice-versa)

  • XYZ Affair in FR w/PM Talleyrand

    • Adams sends ambassadors to FR to try resolving issue related to impressment

    • XYZ told them they needed to $250K if they wanted to see the PM

      • FR wanted them to go back to Congress and get the money; 3 months spent going to FR was a waste

    • when US ambassadors told Adams, Congress wanted to go to war w/FR

  • Alien + Sedition Acts

    • passed by Adams in response to XYZ Affair

    • Alien Act: they can deport any immigrant they thought was a danger

      • targeted FR ppl

    • Sedition Act: if anyone says anything neg about gov, they can be fined/jailed (limited freedom of speech)

  • Kentucky + Virginia Resolutions

    • written by Jefferson, pointing out to everyone the Pres is going against Bill of Rights

    • argue that states should have power to declare federal laws as unconstitutional/void

  • Adams began building US Navy

    • could see a war was brewing w/FR + BR

  • Midnight Judges

    • Adams last night as Pres: appoints multiple federalist judges

    • did it to spite Jefferson

Abigail Adams

  • most recognized woman of the AM Rev

  • wrote 12K letters, remembered for “remember the ladies”

    • didn’t want ppl to forget all the stuff women did in the AM Rev war

  • Republican Motherhood- believed women should be educated

  • Adams saw her as equal; she controlled their finances; called “Madam Pres”

  • angry there were no memorials to her husband

Jefferson as Pres

  • Election of 1800 vs Burr

    • Jeff and Burr tied for Pres

    • sent to House of Rep to choose who would be Pres

    • A. Ham voted for Jeff, swayed the rest of the Reps, Jeff won

    • led to 12th amendment

  • aka Rev of 1800

    • ppl thought that switching from Federalist to anti-Federalist would cause a rebellion (it didn’t)

  • represented the “Common Man”

    • pro-agriculture (90% of population)

  • Marshall Court

    • Marbury v Madison: judicial review

      • Supreme Court has the final say

    • McCulloch v Maryland

      • state gov cannot tax the federal gov

    • Cohens v Virginia

      • can’t play the lottery in a state that you don’t live in

      • can’t sell lottery tickets across state lines

    • Gibbons v Ogden: interstate commerce

      • Congress is in charge of interstate trade

      • companies have to publish their prices/rates for shipping so everyone knows

    • Dartmouth College v Woodward

      • if a school is established as a private school, it can’t become a public school

    • Fletch v Peck

      • deals w/land titles

      • if you buy a piece of land, when you sell it, the title goes with it

  • Louisiana Purchase

    • doubled the size of US (made 13 new states)

    • Jeff sent Livingston to FR bcuz we wanted just the port of New Orleans; offered $10M for it; Napoleon said he’d sell entire LA land for $15M (4 cents per acre)

      • FR needed the money to fight all their wars (v. BR, Haiti Rev, yellow fever was killing a lot of soldiers)

        • SP had previously transferred the land to FR

    • happened May 2, 1803

    • 827K sq mi; took 863 days to explore 7689 miles

      • Lewis + Clark exploration (Corps of Discovery) w/help of Sacagawea

    • Jefferson struggled w/purchase bcuz he was a strict constructionist (Constitution never said anything about buying land from other countries)

      • ppl questioned him about it, he said “you’ll thank me later

  • Barbary Pirates

    • b4, BR had been protecting US from pirates; no more when AM Rev

      • pirates: from states off of N. Africa; Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, Algiers

    • US paid pirates bribes of $80K per year for them to leave us alone (prior to Jeff)

    • Jeff stopped paying bribes, pirates came after US full force

      • also stopped building US Navy (it was Adams idea)

        • came back to bite us in War of 1812

    • caused the Tripoli War

Path to War of 1812:

  • Non-Intercourse Act 1806

    • Jeff was thinking, if I stop trading w/foreign countries, won’t have ships out vulnerable to impressment + pirates

    • stopped BR imports

    • led to stores being closed + increased smuggling

  • Embargo Act 1807

    • stopped ALL foreign trade (import AND export)

    • hurt N. English states, was repealed

  • Non Intercourse Act 1809

    • trade open to all foreign countries EXCEPT BR + Fr

      • ppl didn’t like - they had the best goods

  • Macon’s Bill No. 2, 1810 (Madison)

    • opens trade with BR + FR

War of 1812

  • aka “2nd War for Independence” or “Mr Madison’s War”

  • started for 2 reasons:

    1. impressment

      1. tried to work it out (Jay’s Treaty), didn’t work

    2. Brits were arming the Native AMs to go against us

  • War Hawks: pro-War of 1812; Clay and Calhoun

    • Clay = senator, comes up a lot later

    • Calhoun = “the mouth of the south” during Civil War

  • Federalists were anti-war

    • war would ruin trade w/BR + other countries, destroying NE states’ economies

  • some battles

    • Battle of Tippecanoe

      • Harrison vs Tecumseh + the Prophet

      • battle lasted <2 hrs; US defeated confederacy of tribes

      • Harrison becomes hero; later runs for Pres, called himself “Tippecanoe”

        • died 40 days after being inaugurated; got sick after giving a rlly long speech in the cold

    • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

      • intro to Andrew Jackson

        • hates Natives and BR

        • goes to Fort Mims w/his men; hoped to rest; saw 300 women + kids who had been scalped

        • killed over 500 Creek Indians + cut off their noses and ears for revenge

    • BR burned down the White House; revenge for US burning down Parliament during Battle of York)

      • Dolley Madison (First Lady) grabbed any valuable things in the White House she saw

    • Fort McHenry

      • Francis Scott Key, lawyer, rowed a boat from Fort McHenry to a BR ship docked away from the shore

      • negotiated a one-on-one exchange of BR + US POWs

      • BR told him sure, but they were going to wipe out Fort McHenry (many women+kids were there); would only stop when their flag was lowered

      • Key told the US POWs; during the attack, he could hear them praying that the flag would stay up

      • attack is over, gets the POWs, went to check on the flag - it was being held up by men (dead + alive)

      • Key wrote “the Defense of Fort McHenry” → became the Star Spangled Banner

    • Treaty of Ghent, Dec 1814 in Belgium

      • kinda weak, they basically just went back to how things were b4 the war

      • no one knew about it for a while (no new outlet)

    • Battle of New Orleans, Jan 1815

      • ppl didnt know war was over; US troops wanted to block BR from getting the port of New Orleans, so that they couldn’t enter the country

      • Andrew Jackson made a curfew, enlisted literally anyone he could find; they won the battle

        • if BR had won, they would have ignored Treaty of Ghent

  • Hartford Convention - NE state Federalists meet secretly w/BR to try and end the war

    • was treason; killed the Federalist party

  • impacts of War of 1812

    • ruined economy

    • need to rebuild the White House

    • Federalist party is dead

    • nationalism skyrocketed

    • gained foreign respect

    • ushered US into “Era of Good Feelings”

      • lasts for ~3yrs
