1. What was feudalism? How was it created, and what role did it play in the formation of the Medieval nobility?
Feudalism was a system of government where the leaders of small or modest areas perform political tasks needed by their communities such as protection from threats, keeping order, and upholding justice. In this system, feudalism was run by feudal lords who were usually from wealthy families at the time like Dukes, Counts, and Bishops. Due to not being able to properly control all of the lands ruled, a King needed feudal lords b
2. How did the Roman Catholic Church and papacy secure a leading position in Western Civilization during the Middle Ages?
3. How were the Renaissance and Reformation connected? How did the Reformation spread once it started, and what were the new religious ideas and practices introduced by the two leading Protestant Reformers?
4. The religious and civil conflicts of the 16th and 17th centuries inspired the establishment of new states. Describe the features of these states. What political model did most counties adopt in this period? What innovations were employed in France to make it the leading example of this political model?
Dukes- Feudal lords who ruled over towns and cities and mainly led armies of new rulers. Like Counts, they would get others to help protect the communities, keep order, and uphold justice which was the system of government Feudalism.
Pope John XII- Was Pope from 955 to 964 due to family reputation in Italy and was 18 when given the role. He died from a stroke when sleeping with a married woman.
Ninety Five Theses- Martin Luther's reaction to the church allowing indulgences. He writes a letter called Ninety Five Theses. People view this as him questioning the Pope and his decisions.
Printing Press-
Marquis de Louvois- Marquis de Louvois was Louis XIV secretary of state for war. Louvois helped transform the French Army into the largest and strongest of the time. Louvois focused on making the French army bigger. With his help, it grew from 150 thousand soldiers to 360 thousand. It more than doubled in size, and was large enough to take on all of Europe at once.
Glorious Revolution-
Vassalage- leaders would ensure there would be no military rebellion by giving their warriors land and other benefits like noble titles or privileges (usually no taxes or collecting taxes)
Investiture Controversy-
Peace of Westphalia- The Peace of Westphalia ended the thirty years war. It determined that the leaders of each part of the holy roman empire got to pick which religion them and their people would get to follow
Scrofula- Scrofula is a bacterial illness that causes the swelling of lymph nodes. People believed the king's touch could heal diseases such as scrofula
Atlantic System- The Atlantic system led to the widespread use and consumption of colonial goods. The bourgeoisie benefited the most from the Atlantic system. The products being traded directly affected their line of work. They got directly involved in colonial trade. The Atlantic system began to change the way people thought about power.
Humanism- a focus on humankind as the center of intellectual and artistic endeavors. The catholic church believed that humans were inherently bad and sinful. They thought the world around them was evil, so they decided to focus much more on the afterlife.
Artists in the renaissance found beauty in the world around them.
John Calvin- John Calvin left the catholic church in 1523. France still adhered to Catholicism at the time, so it was dangerous for him to remain there. The people of Switzerland asked Calvin to come and establish protestantism there. He relocated and turned that town into the ideal christian city. This formed Calvisim.
Palace of Versaillies- Home of the Royal Court built by Louis XIV during his reign. Whoever lived there spent most of their time with the King, building their relationship with him which would benefit them in getting favors done by Louis himself.
Bourgeoisie- The middle class. The group of people that existed between the nobles and the working class. They tended to be people who worked in business, banking or another professional occupation (law, health care, administration). They served white collar jobs. They tended to live in more urban areas, like towns and cities. The bourgeoisie benefited the most from the Atlantic system. The products being traded directly affected their line of work. They got directly involved in colonial trade. They had more money to get things such as nicer homes, better furniture, higher quality clothes, etc. This allowed them to take advantage of certain opportunities that were previously only open to nobles. These people became accustomed to a higher standard of life. This led them to question why they didn't get the same privileges of nobles. They still did not have access to political powers. The Atlantic system began to change the way people thought about power.