1. What is the Whiskey Rebellion? Tax on whiskey, rebellion in Pennsylvania, Washington brings out troops

  2. What was Jefferson’s view of the Whiskey Rebellion? Washington is being monarchial, a little rebellion is a good thing

  3. What Supreme Court case established judicial review? Marbury v. Madison

  4. What is assumption? Hamilton’s financial plan to assume state debts to create on federal debt

  5. What deal was made to pass Hamilton’s financial plan? Capital in D.C.

  6. What is the Kentucky Resolution? Jefferson nullification (when the states determine that a law is unconstitutional, nullification by the states is the proper remedy) (response to the alien and sedition acts)

  7. What did Washington do that would cause problems with both Britain and France? Proclamation of Neutrality

  8. Which political party believed in a centralized federal government? Federalist

  9. Who was Jefferson’s vice president? Aaron Burr

  10. What did the 12th Amendment establish? Separate ballots for president and vice-president

  11. What were the 2 points of advice in Washington’s Farewell Address? No political parties and isolationism

  12.  Why is the Louisiana Purchase a violation of Jefferson’s beliefs? Against strict construction

  13. Name the first seven presidents in order. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson

  14. Between 1810 and 1812 what did Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun have in common? War Hawks

  15. During Adams’s presidency, the U.S. conflicted with which country? France

  16. Why was Jay’s Treaty controversial? It was a trade alliance with Britain (they were supposed to support the French)

  17. What was a positive outcome of Jay’s Treaty? No war as it removed troops from Western frontier and promoted trade with Britain

  18.  What is the XYZ Affair? Three agents in France demand bribe and loan to see the foreign minister, Jefferson refuses to believe it

  19. What did the Monroe Doctrine say that European countries could not do? Colonize in Western Hemisphere

  20. What did Pinckney’s Treaty give to the U.S.? Access to the Port of New Orleans, Mississippi River

  21. What was the unpopular legislation of Jefferson’s second term? The Embargo Act of 1807

  22. Who was the Liberator of the South in Latin America? San Martin

  23.  What is the term for a person residing in Latin America, but born in Europe? Peninsular

  24. Who was the Liberator of the North in Latin America? Simon Bolivar

  25. What event in 1808 caused the Independence movements in Latin America? Napoleon taking over Spain and Portugal

  26. Which Latin American revolutionary leader came to believe that there was no hope for an independent government and went into self-imposed exile? San Martin

  27. What did San Martin and Bolivar believe was necessary for Latin American independence? All countries in Spanish America must achieve independence

  28. What act increased the residency requirements of immigrants for citizenship? Alien and Sedition Acts

  29. What action did Adams take that denied him the possibility of reelection? Made peace with France rather than go to war

  30. According to the Missouri Compromise, slavery is not allowed where? North of 36”30’ parallel

  31. Under the Missouri Compromise, is Missouri a free or slave state? Slave

  32. What were the two main causes of the War of 1812? Violation of U.S. neutral rights at sea, troubles with British on frontier

  33. Did jackson favor nullification? No

  34. Why is the election of 1800 noteworthy? Peaceful transition of power or Burr votin

  35. What is the Hartford Convention? Federalist convention, proposed changing the constitution during the War of 1812, ends Federalist party

  36. What is unusual about the Battle of New Orleans? The battle happened after the Treaty of Ghent was signed

  37.  Who wrote the Monroe Doctrine? John Quincy Adams

  38.  What did the Treaty of Ghent provide? Status quo (territorial boundaries would go back to the way they were before the war)territorial

  39. List 2 positive outcomes of the War of 1812. U.S. gains international respect, factories built, growing feeling of nationalism

  40. List the years of the presidential terms of Washington. 1789-1797

  41. List the years of the presidential terms of Jefferson. 1801-1809

  42. List the years of the presidential terms of Monroe. 1817-1825

  43. List the years of the presidential terms of Adams. 1797-1801

  44. List the years of the presidential terms of Madison. 1809-1817

  45. Which happened first – the Monroe Doctrine or the Alien and Sedition Act? The Alien and Sedition Act

  46. Which happened first -  Jay’s Treaty or the XYZ Affair? Jay’s Treaty

  47.  Which happened first - the Missouri Compromise or the War of 1812? War of 1812
