Names/positions/what do they do?
Jane Doe (HR Coordinator) Help with hiring
Giselle Barron (HR Supervisor): Assist employees
Jackson Escobar, Manage pay and benefits
Veronica Williams, Follow company rules
John Smith, Support training
Jane: Our first employee's job is to assist in hiring; he has to cooperate in the search and selection of candidates, review applications and their CVs, coordinate interviews with managers, and check for clear communication with applicants. He also promotes onboarding with information and documents, maintains organized records, and ensures keeping with policies. (it needs a time/date.)
Giselle: For the second employee, she has to help coworkers with their work needs, answer questions from clients or even from our coworkers, resolve problems, and have clear communication. The environment has to be positive and act as a link between the team and the company. (it needs a time/date.)
Jackson Escobar will be responsible for managing payments and benefits, ensuring that they are made correctly and on time. He will also resolve pay issues, maintain organized records, and comply with company policies.
Veronica Williams: This is for all employees to follow the company rules, concede with the company policies and procedures, respect schedules, and maintain professional behavior at all times.
John's responsibility is to help organize training sessions, ensure that colleagues receive information, and monitor the employees' progress, ensuring that they complete their tasks on time and receive feedback to improve the learning process.
poor employee performance:
Jane: The example could be that the employee, since his responsibility is to hire people, notices that his sales team is not performing well and decides to help with hiring, such as interviewing and selecting candidates.
Giselle: The employee's job is to supervise, notice if the employees are doing their jobs, and also serve the customers. Then she fixes to help with orientations and training. This will help a lot with their coworkers’ tasks, and it will help to know next time.
Jackson: The employee notes that poor performance is due to employee dissatisfaction with their payment. He has to improve these salaries so that employees will feel valued and motivated.
Veronica: The company has a strict policy for employees if they use their phones during work hours or break any rules. If some of the employees do not follow the company rules and have been warned several times, this would affect some employees losing their jobs.
John: If the employee is not trained to perform his duties correctly. The company implemented a new billing system that all employees had to complete, and if he did not receive the materials on his own,. This would affect mistakes and draft the transactions.
essay. for the first employee and the assistant:
Jane Doe's first task is to do the hiring process, review applications and CVs, coordinate interviews with managers, and maintain clear communication with applicants. This will support the orientation of new employees, providing training and documents, keeping records organized, and ensuring compliance with policies. These tasks should be completed within the first 2-3 days after receiving applications, and taking on should be completed within the first week after confirming the hire.
Second, Giselle Barron, her job is to assist employees. She has to help coworkers with work needs, answer questions from clients or other coworkers, solve problems, and maintain clear communication. The environment must be positive, and she must act as a link between the team and the company. Tasks must be performed constantly within 24 hours.
Jane Doe es la coordinatora de contratación, y Giselle Barron es la asistente de empleados. Jane tiene cinco niveles acceptable de desempeño que deben completarse.
Primeiro, Jane revisará las aplicaciones y los CVs para las vacantes disponibles, asegurándose de coordinar entrevistas con los gerentes. Todas las tareas relacionadas con la selección de candidatos deben completarse dentro de los 2-3 días posteriores a la recepción de las solicitudes, y la incorporación de nuevos empleados debe finalizarse dentro de la primera semana después de confirmar la contratación.
Segundo, Jane mantendrá una comunicación clara con los postulantes a lo largo del proceso de contratación, asegurándose de que estén informados sobre los siguientes pasos. También les proporcionará los documentos necesarios para la incorporación dentro de las 24 horas posteriores a la confirmación de la contratación.
Tercero, Jane mantendrá los registros organizados de todos los postulantes y contrataciones, asegurándose de que toda la documentación esté almacenada de manera precisa y cumpla con las políticas de la empresa. Los registros deben mantenerse actualizados en todo momento.
Cuarto, Giselle Barron ayudará a los compañeros de trabajo con sus necesidades laborales diarias, asegurándose de que tengan el apoyo necesario para realizar sus tareas de manera efectiva. Responderá a cualquier pregunta de los compañeros o de los clientes, resolviendo los problemas dentro de las 24 horas.
Quinto, Giselle fomentará un ambiente laboral positivo, actuando como un enlace entre el equipo y la empresa. Se asegurará que la comunicación entre los empleados sea clara y efectiva, ayudando a mantener un ambiente productive durante todo el dia laboral. Todos los problemas deben resolverse dentro de las 24 horas para garantizar que las operaciones sean fluidas.
Jane is the hiring coordinator, and Giselle Barron is the employee assistant. Jane has five acceptable performance levels that must be met.
First, Jane has to review applications and CVs for available positions, making sure to schedule interviews with managers. All tasks related to candidate screening must be completed within 2-3 days of receiving applications, and taking on new employees must be completed within the first week after the hire is confirmed.
Second, Jane will keep clear communication with applicants throughout the hiring process, ensuring that they are informed about the next steps. He will also provide them with the necessary orientation documents within 24 hours of the hiring being confirmed.
Third, Jane will maintain organized records of all applicants and hires, confirming that all documents are stored accurately and in keeping with company policies. Records must be kept up-to-date at all times.
Fourth, Giselle Barron will assist coworkers with their daily work needs, ensuring that they have the support they need to perform their tasks. She is required to answer any questions from coworkers or customers and resolve issues within 24 hours.
Fifth, Giselle must promote a positive work environment between the team and the company. She will ensure that communication between employees is clear and effective, helping to maintain a productive background throughout the workday. All issues must be resolved to ensure that operations are smooth.
Project 2 English:
The first example of poor job performance is when Jane fails to complete the hiring process within the time structure specified. Instead of reviewing solutions and scheduling interviews in 2-3 days, he could take up to a week, causing a waste of time in the hiring process. As a result, some qualified candidates lose interest or take other job offers. What needs to be improved is that Jane create a structured daily schedule for reviewing applications and set reminders to follow up with managers on time.
The second example is that Jane struggles to interact easily with applicants. He frequently fails to provide updates on their hiring status and does not send orientation supplies within 24 hours of confirmation of hire. This leaves new employees unprepared and unsure of the next steps, causing frustration and confusion. To avoid these issues, Jane should create a checklist to keep track of her communication objectives with candidates. He can also set up automatic email reminders to ensure that documents and appointments show up on time.
In the third example, Jane fails in keeping precise paperwork of people and hired employees. Some documents are incorrectly filed, while others are completely missing, making it difficult for the HR team to track the hiring process and ensure that employees follow company policies. This can lead to legal and organizational issues. Jane must set up a digital filing system with standard naming conventions and regular authorities.
In the fourth example, Giselle is not helping her coworkers. She frequently ignores work requests, takes too long to respond to emails, and does not assist with day-to-day operations. Employees struggle to finish their tasks efficiently. To fix this issue, Giselle should establish clear response times and choose and track requests using task management software. Finally, she must conduct regular check-ins with her coworkers to stay on top of their needs and ensure they receive timely support.
In the fifth example, Giselle fails to establish a positive work environment or help effective communication among employees. She avoids resolving conflicts, allows misunderstandings to get worse, and rejects collaboration. This makes the workplace tense and unproductive. She should improve by introducing open communication practices such as team meetings and conflict resolution training, as well as encouraging employees to express their concerns and collaborate on solutions to maintain a positive and productive work environment.
Project 3:
Giselle Barron, Human Resources Supervisor, will provide three resources to help employees improve their job performance.
Employees will first go through a training program led by John Smith, Training Support, that covers company policies, job-specific skills, and professional development. This will include both in-person and virtual components. In-person training will take place on the second Thursday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the main conference room. This will make sure that employees have enough coverage during this time. Virtual training will also be available immediately after the in-person session, allowing employees to review materials, videos, and quizzes at their time off. Employees must participate in at least one virtual training per month.
Second, employees will have the opportunity to participate in volunteer work opportunities managed by Jane Doe, Human Resources Coordinator, to help them develop skills and transition into new roles. New employees will be able to participate in job shadowing sessions up to twice a quarter, with scheduling coordinated with supervisors to ensure appropriate job coverage.
Third, employees will have a benefits consultation with Jackson Escobar, the compensation and benefits manager. These personal meetings will take place in the HR office on the first Tuesday of each month, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Employees may use this time to talk about their salaries, benefit options, and financial situation. Meetings will be scheduled in advance, and Veronica William will assure that company policies and guidelines are followed during appointments.
The tools listed below will provide employees with the necessary training, support, and guidance to advance their careers and be satisfied with their jobs.
Porject 4:
Jane Doe's recruiting efforts will be analyzed by John Smith, Human Resources Manager, based on the number of candidates hired for open positions each month. Jane's goal is to assist in the hiring of at least ten qualified candidates per month, with performance considered during his weekly meetings organized every Friday at 10:00 a.m.
Jane Doe's success in processing job applications will be looked at by John Smith, Human Resources Manager. Jane's goal is to process and screen at least 50 job applications per week, with her progress checked by all three at 3:00 p.m. during her one-on-one meeting.
Giselle Barron, Human Resources Manager, will keep track of Jane's responsiveness to job applicants questions. Jane tries to respond to all candidate emails and phone calls within 24 hours, with a weekly review of response times scheduled for Monday at 9:00 a.m.
Giselle Barron will evaluate Jane Doe's interview schedule coordination, with the goal of successfully scheduling and confirming at least 90% of interviews within 48 hours of receiving an application, and a performance review every other week on Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m.
Giselle is going to evaluate Jane's honesty in maintaining employee records, and work will be completed so that Jane can ensure that 100% of employee records are updated and filed correctly within 48 hours of any changes, with a monthly audit conducted on the first Monday of each month at 10 a.m.
Jane Doe will receive a verbal warning from her supervisor, and Giselle Barron will address areas for improvement. This meeting will review expectations and discuss a plan for improvement.
If Jane Doe does not show improvement, her supervisor, Giselle Barron, will give her a written warning. This document will go over the specific performance issues, set clear expectations for improvement, and establish a timeline for progress. If she does not improve within the specified time frame, further disciplinary action may be taken.