War of 1812 Slideshows:
| Key People Key reasons for and events leading up to war Pro/anti-war positions and why Nationalistic, Ideological, and Economic motivations Key Battles Notable events Outcomes/lasting effects | James Madison - 4th president; led during War; pro-war; Dem-Rep Dolley Madison - wife of president - saved portrait of Washington when White House burned Francis Scott Key - initially anti-war, writes Star Spangled Banner during Battle of Ft. McHenry Andrew Jackson - led Battle of New Orleans, which occurred after a truce had been called Tecumseh Shawnee leader who tried to create an alliance of Native Americans to unite against settlers; fought for the British in the War of 1812 and died in the Battle of the Thames in 1813. Oliver Hazard Perry - commander at Battle of Lake Erie William Henry Harrison - fought against Indians in West; led at Battle of the Thames and helped recapture Detroit Henry Clay - senator from Kentucky who wanted war; a “War Hawk” John C. Calhoun - senator from South Carolina who wanted war - a “War Hawk” War Hawks - people who wanted the War of 1812 for various reasons but wanted land gains and more national respect; they also hated the economic impact war between France and Britain was causing the US and they were upset about British encouragement of hostile actions by Native Americans in the West British Major General Robert Ross - British general who led attack on Washington and then killed during Battle of Baltimore Main ones:
Main Pro war reasons: Issues with trade (licenses, embargo, taxes), war between France and Britain causing issues - who to ally with and why?, Impressment, to show strength of US (stand up for our country/national pride), economic concerns out of GB control of ports, Western Frontier issues with GB and Natives Main Anti war reasons: could lose independence or territory, loss of human life, no need to attack Canada, US military was too small, could ruin trade with GB 1811 (prior to war) - Battle of Tippecanoe (Shawnee lose to WH Harrison - leads to Tecumseh aligning with British in War of 1812 1812 - siege on Canada - a “disaster” - US not prepared, NE troops unwilling to help 1813 - Battle of York (now Toronto) - US burns Can. capital -Battle of Lake Erie (US win) -Battle of the Thames (US win, Tecumseh dies) 1814 - Washington D.C. (GB burns WH, govt buildings) - Baltimore/Ft. McHenry - US wins - Star Spangled Banner written 1815 - New Orleans (2-3 weeks after peace) - made Andrew Jackson famous - victorious and kept loss of American life to minimum National Anthem - written during attack on Ft. McHenry land/borders shifts - US briefly controlled parts of Canada, GB controlled Detroit/parts of Maine at times -Ultimately, everything goes back to where it was! Fighting at sea - USS Constitution - Old Ironsides (not made of iron, made of really hard wood so cannonballs bounced off of it) Hartford Convention 1814 - call to end war ultimately harms Federalist Party and is the beginning of the end for the party - they look unpatriotic Star Spangled Banner becomes/remains National Anthem Cost - about 200 million dollars Loss of lives - 2260 Americans sailors/soldiers killed Land changes - more secure Western Frontier, stronger control of Southern area, lead in to acquisition of Florida from Spain in 1819 |