AP World History Unit 6 Vocabulary: Consequences of Industrialization/Imperialism

  1. Imperialism

  2. Nationalism

  3. Sino-Japanese War

  4. Formosa

  5. Social Darwinism

  6. “White Man’s Burden”

  7. East India Company (EIC)

  8. Dutch East India Company (VOC)

  9. Berlin Conference

  10. Suez Canal

  11. Corvee laborers

  12. Gold Coast

  13. Ivory Coast

  14. Afrikaners

  15. Boer Wars

  16. Cecil Rhodes

  17. apartheid

  18. King Leopold II

  19. Liberia

  20. Ethiopia

  21. Opium War

  22. Spheres of influence

  23. Taiping Rebellion

  24. Boxer Rebellion

  25. Indochina

  26. Siam

  27. Penal colony

  28. Monroe Doctrine

  29. Spanish-American War

  30. Roosevelt Corollary

  31. Great Game

  32. Indian Removal Act

  33. Trail of Tears

  34. Wounded Knee

  35. Sepoys/Sepoy Rebellion

  36. Indian National Congress

  37. Mohandas Gandhi

  38. Maori Wars

  39. Pan-Africanism

  40. Great Famine

  41. Chinese Exclusion Act/Chinese Immigration Act

  42. White Australia Policy
