learning allows us to adapt to our environment
we learn by association
Associative learning can occur with classical conditioning or operant conditioning
classical conditioning is the how we learn to associate two stimuli and then anticipate events
operant conditioning we lean to associate a response and its consequence; we learn to repact acts that follow good results and avoid acts that follow bad results
Ivan Pavlov found dogs would salivate at the sound of a bell after presenting them with food immediately after several times
conditioned= learned unconditional=unlearned
acquisition is the stimulus-response relationship that can link neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditional response
higher-order conditioning (aka second-order conditioning) is the association of something from another stimulus
spontaneous recovery is the recovery of a formed habit
positive and negative reinforcement occur in any situation
primary reinforcers are unlearned
condition reinforcer is gained through reinforcing power through association with primary reinforcer
humans react to delayed reinforcers
reinforcement increases behavior while punishment does the opposite
negative reinforcement increases the frequency of a preceding behavior
punishment is an event that tends to decrease the behavior that it follows
classical and operant conditioning are forms of associative learning involving acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination
through classical conditioning, we associate different stimuli we do not control, and we responded automatically
through operant conditioning, we associate our own behaviors with their consequences
there are biological limits to Classical Conditioning
Cognition matters since some people are more aware of associations they have learned
a series of events may create a state of learned helplessness
internal locus of control has influenced individuals in achieving more and acting more independently, enjoying their health, and feeling less depressed than thosw with external locus of control mentality
younger americans express more external locus of control then their parents generation and could explain depression rates, and other psychologial disorders
imitation helps us gain friends and we grasp others states of mind
parents can easily pass down their moral beliefs to kids through observational learning
observational learning can also have antisocial effects such as repeating aggression to future generations