* I can trace the path of food through the organs of the digestive system.
* Key Path: Mouth -> Esophagus -> Stomach -> Small Intestine -> Large Intestine -> Rectum -> Anus.
* Remember key actions at each stage (e.g., chewing in the mouth, nutrient absorption in the small intestine).
* I can distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion.
* Mechanical: Physical breakdown (chewing, churning).
* Chemical: Enzyme breakdown (amylase, pepsin, lipase).
* I can describe where each of the following is digested: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.
* Carbohydrates: Mouth (amylase), small intestine (pancreatic amylase).
* Proteins: Stomach (pepsin), small intestine (proteases).
* Lipids: Small intestine (lipase, aided by bile from liver/gallbladder).
* I can explain the digestive function of the following: mouth, esophagus, epiglottis, stomach, small intestines, and large intestine.
* Mouth: Ingestion, mechanical, and initial chemical digestion.
* Esophagus: Transports food to stomach via peristalsis.
* Epiglottis: Prevents food from entering the trachea.
* Stomach: Chemical digestion (proteins), storage, and mixing.
* Small Intestine: Major site of nutrient absorption.
* Large Intestine: Water absorption, waste compaction.
* I can explain the function of the following digestive glands: salivary, liver / gallbladder, and pancreas.
* Salivary: Produce saliva (amylase) for carbohydrate digestion.
* Liver/Gallbladder: Liver produces bile; gallbladder stores and releases it for lipid digestion.
* Pancreas: Secretes digestive enzymes and bicarbonate (neutralizes stomach acid).
* I can explain how the structure of the small intestines relates to its function.
* Villi and microvilli: Increase surface area for absorption.
* Rich blood supply: Facilitates nutrient transport.
Circulatory System Objectives:
* I can identify the organs and key functions of the circulatory system.
* Organs: Heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries), blood.
* Functions: Transport of oxygen, nutrients, waste, hormones; temperature regulation.
* I can compare/contrast the structure and function of the three types of blood vessels.
* Arteries: Thick walls, carry blood away from the heart (high pressure).
* Veins: Thinner walls, carry blood to the heart (low pressure, valves).
* Capillaries: Thin walls, site of gas and nutrient exchange.
* I can describe the function of the lymphatic system.
* Collects excess fluid (lymph), immune response, lipid absorption.
* I can trace the path of blood flow through the circulatory system.
* Deoxygenated blood: Right atrium -> Right ventricle -> Pulmonary arteries -> Lungs.
* Oxygenated blood: Pulmonary veins -> Left atrium -> Left ventricle -> Aorta -> Body.
* Body-> Vena Cava-> Right Atrium.
* I can identify and describe the function of the main components that make up blood.
* Red blood cells: Oxygen transport (hemoglobin).
* White blood cells: Immune response.
* Platelets: Blood clotting.
* Plasma: Liquid matrix, transports nutrients, hormones, waste.
* 1 can identify diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems.
* Circulatory: Hypertension, heart attack, stroke.
* Respiratory: Asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.
Respiratory System Objectives:
* I can list the organs of the respiratory system.
* Nose/mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, lungs, diaphragm.
* I can describe the process of gas and nutrient exchange in the lungs and body tissues based on concentration gradients.
* Lungs: Oxygen diffuses from alveoli to blood, CO2 from blood to alveoli.
* Tissues: Oxygen diffuses from blood to cells, CO2 from cells to blood.
* These movements are from high concentration to low concentration.
* I can explain negative pressure breathing and how it is regulated.
* Diaphragm contraction creates negative pressure in the chest cavity, drawing air into the lungs.
* Breathing is regulated by CO2 levels in the blood, which affect the breathing rate.
* I can identify the parts of a rat's digestive, circulatory, excretory and respiratory system.
* This will require a rat anatomy diagram. Focus on similarities to human systems.
* Digestive: Esophagus, stomach, intestines.
* Circulatory: Heart, major vessels.
* Respiratory: Lungs, trachea.
* Excretory: Kidneys.