Leadership + Management



  • leader

    • Focuses on change

    • Innovates and sets a vision for the future

  • Manager

    • Focuses on order and stability


  • Leader

    • Guides the organization towards achieving its goal

    • Motivates and inspires employees

    • Fosters a positive organizational culture

  • Manager

    • Develops resources to support organizational needs

    • Allocates resources effectively to ensure productivity

    • Maintains resources to sustain ongoing operations


Strategic planning: Where?

  • Focuses on long-term goals and the overall direction of the organization

  • Defines the mission, vision, and objectives

  • Considers external factors such as market trends and competition

  • Ex. Deciding to expand business operations to a new geographic region

Tactical planning: What?

  • Focuses on short-term actions and specific tasks needed to achieve strategic goals

  • Breaks down the strategic plan into actionable steps

  • Involves setting measurable targets and timelines

  • Ex. Developing a marketing campaign to attract customers in the new region

Operational planning: How?

  • Focuses on day-to-day operations and processes

  • Provides detailed instructions on how tasks should be carried out

  • Ensures that resources are used efficiently to meet tactical goals

  • Ex. Scheduling staff shifts and managing inventory for the marketing campaign

Contingency planning: What if?

  • Focuses on preparing for unexpected events and potential risks

  • Identifies alternative courses of action in case the original plan fails

  • Helps the organization respond quickly to crises and minimize disruptions

  • Ex. Developing a backup plan for supply chain disruptions during the marketing campaign



  • Authority

    • Power or right to make decisions, give orders, and enforce obedience

  • Responsibility

    • Duty to carry out tasks and roles effectively

  • Accountability

    • Obligation to answer for one’s actions and decisions


  • Vision

    • Communicate the organization’s vision clearly

    • Rally employees to support and work towards the vision

  • Values

    • Establish and uphold corporate values

  • Ethics

    • Promote ethical behaviour and practices within the organization

  • Transformational Change

    • Drive and manage change to improve the organization

  • Accountability and Responsibility

    • Model accountable and responsible behaviour

    • Emphasize the importance of these traits within the team


  • Autocratic

    • Workers inform the leader and the leader makes decisions

  • Participate

    • Employees in the decision-making process

  • Free Rein

    • Leader coaches and supports workers while allowing them to be self-governing

    • Workers have the freedom to use resources as needed



  • Positive attributes and resources that the business possesses

  • Ex. Strong brand reputation, skilled and experienced workforce, financial stability

Weaknesses (Internal to the firm)

  • Internal factors that hinder the business’s performance and growth

  • Ex. Outdated technology, high employee turnover, and limited financial resources

Opportunities (External to the firm)

  • External factors that the organization can capitalize on to achieve its goals

  • Ex. Emerging markets, technological advancements, and changes in consumer preferences

Threats (External to the firm)

  • External factors that could negatively impact the business

  • Ex. Increased competition, economic downturns, and regulatory changes that impose constraints



  • Define clear and specific KPIs based on business’s goals

  • Ex. Set a KPI to increase monthly sales by 10%


  • Regulatory, collect data to tack the performance of KPIs

  • Ex. Measure monthly sales figures to monitor progress


  • Evaluate the measured performance against the set KPI targets

  • Ex. Compare actual monthly sales figures with the target of a 10% increase


  • Identify any deviations from the KPI targets and take corrective actions

  • Ex. If sales didn’t increase as expected, analyze the reasons, and implement strategies to improve


  • periodically review ad adjust KPIs to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the business’s goals

  • Ex. Revise the sales target if market conditions change or new opportunities arise



  • Divide takes (division of labor)

    • Break down tasks into smaller, manageable components

    • Assign specific tasks to individuals based on their skills and expertise

  • Group (Departmentalizations)

    • Group related tasks into departments or teams

    • Organize departments based on functions, products, geography, and customer segments

  • Assign (Delegation)

    • Assign tasks and responsibilities to employees

    • Empower employees with the authority to complete their tasks

  • Skills required

    • Technical

      • Task-oriented skills specific to a particular job or function

  • H.R.

    • Skills related to communication, motivation, and interpersonal relationships

  • Conceptual

    • Skills for understanding the organization as a whole and how different parts interact
