Psychology: Intelligence

History of Intelligence

  • ==Paul Broca== and ==Sir Francis Galton== were among the first scientists to think about measuring intelligence.
  • In mid 1880s, ==Sir Francis Galton== administered a battery of tests measuring variables such as head size, reaction time, visual accuracy, auditory threshold, breathing capacity, etc.
  • He thought he could determine intelligence by measuring the size of the human skull,He assumed that the larger the skull, the smarter the person.
  • In the early 1890s, ==Raymond Cattell,== He used the term ‘mental test’ for the first time in the psychological literature. He expanded his mentor’s ideas by emphasizing that test administration.
  • ==Alfred Binet== published the first scale of intelligence in 1905. So Alfred Binet is considered as the ‘Father of Intelligence Test’
  • . Binet- Simon Intelligence Scale consists of several components such as logical reasoning, finding rhyming words and naming objects. This scale was revised in 1908 and again in 1911.
  • ==Lewis Terman== revised the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale in 1916. He adapted few items, added other items, established new age norms and extended the upper age limit of the scale.
  • This revised test was known as Stanford Binet Test.
  • In 1917, ==Robert Yerks== with the help of his colleagues prepared Army Alpha and Army Beta intelligence tests. These intelligence tests were used while recruiting soldiers in the army.
  • ==David Wechsler==, in 1939, published the Wechsler- Bellevue Intelligence Scale. This scale was revised in 1955 and was renamed as Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).
  • WAIS is a test designed to measure intelligence of adults and older adolescents. The fourth edition of this test (WAIS-IV) was released in 2008 by Karl Pearson.
  • He also developed an intelligence test to measure the intelligence of children. This test is known as Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)


Types Of Intelligence Test

Individual Tests of Intelligence

  • Intelligence tests that can be administered to a single individual at a time are called individual tests of intelligence.
  • Binet’s Scale of Intelligence, Wechsler Scale of Intelligence, Dr. Bhatia’s Performance Test of Intelligence, Arthur Point Scale, Koh’s Block Design, etc. are some of the examples of individual tests of intelligence.


  • The test administrator can establish a rapport with a client .
  • The test administrator can get additional information about the client’s feelings, moods and expressions during testing.
  • Individual tests are more capable of measuring creative thinking, compared to group test.


  • Individual tests are time consuming and costly to administer.
  • Individual tests require a trained and skillful examiner to administer, score and interpret them


Group Tests of Intelligence

  • Intelligence tests that can be administered to more than one person at a time are called group tests of intelligence.
  • Group tests are useful mainly for mass testing. Army Alpha Test , Army General Classification Test, Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices, etc. are some of the examples of group tests of intelligence


  • Group tests are less time consuming and economical.
  • In administrating group tests, the role of the examiner is minimal. So he need not go through any specialized training.



  • The test administrator has much less opportunity to establish rapport, obtain cooperation and maintain interest of the clients.
  • Compared to individual tests, group tests are less capable of measuring creative aspect of intelligence


Verbal tests of Intelligence

  • Intelligence tests that use language (words or numbers) for measuring intelligence are called verbal tests of intelligence
  • Army Alpha Test, Wechsler’s Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), etc. are some of the examples of verbal tests of intelligence.


  • Verbal tests of intelligence are useful to measure higher mental abilities.
  • Verbal tests of intelligence are useful to differentiate between people having average intelligence and people having above average intelligence.


  • These tests cannot be given to people having different linguistic background, illiterate people and small children.
  • These tests are culture bound and therefore cannot be used in other cultures.


Non Verbal test of Intelligence

  • Intelligence tests that use pictures, designs, material objects, etc. to measure intelligence are called non-verbal tests of intelligence
  • Non-verbal tests are of two types viz. (1) Performance tests and (2) Paper-pencil tests
  • Koh’s Block Design Test, Alexander’s Pass-along test, Merril Palmer Block Building test, Dr. Bhatia’s Non-Verbal Test of Intelligence, etc. are some of the examples of performance tests of non-verbal tests of intelligence
  • Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices, Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices, etc. are some of the examples of paper pencil tests of non-verbal tests of intelligence.


  • Non-verbal tests can be given to people having different linguistic background, illiterate people and small children. Performance tests are especially useful to measure intelligence of differently abled people.
  • These tests are culture free and therefore can be used in other cultures.



  • Non-verbal tests of intelligence are less suitable to measure higher and subtle mental abilities.

  • Non-verbal tests of intelligence are less suitable to differentiate between people having average intelligence and people having above average intelligence

Characteristics of people with high social intelligence

  • People having high social intelligence are good at understanding and interacting with others.
  • They have the ability to monitor their verbal and nonverbal expressions while communicating
  • They are good speakers and active listeners
  • They are skilled at assessing the emotions, motivations, desires and intentions of others
  • They are goal oriented, persistent and self confident
  • They can effectively solve conflicts in social context
  • They are successful negotiators
  • They enhance personal and professional relationships with others
