AP Environmental Science 9.1-9.2 - Ozone Depletion

What is the Ozone Shield?

Ozone Shield: a natural process that filters ultraviolet (UV) radiation before it reaches the lower atmosphere.

  • The layer of ozone gas (O3) in the upper stratosphere that screens out harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

  • If the full amount of ultraviolet radiation falling on the stratosphere reached Earth’s surface; it is doubtful that any life could survive.

Ozone Depletion

How does Ozone Depletion Occur?


  • CFCs (clorofluorocarbons) emitted into atmosphere; they’re stable, move from troposphere to stratosphere

  • UV light breaks off chlorine molecule (Cl) from the CFC particle

  • Cl acts as a catalyst to break down ozone (O3)

    • catalyst – promotes a chemical reaction without itself being used up  in the reaction

  • Shifts equilibrium of oxygen / ozone reaction

Summary of Reactions

  • Cl₃CF (example CFC) + UV → Cl+CCl₂

  • Cl+O₃ → ClO + O₂

  • ClO + O → Cl + O₂

  • This cycle repeats itself several times

“From Dream Chemicals to Nightmare Chemicals”

  • Thomas Midgley, Jr.  A General Motors chemist, discovered the first chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) in 1930.

  • Family of highly useful CFCs – trichlorofluoromethane and dichlorodifluoromethane (AKA; freons)

  • Stable, odorless, nonflammable, nontoxic, and noncorrosive

  • Used in air conditioners, refrigerators, aerosol spray cans, cleaners for electronic parts, sterilants for hospital instruments, fumigants for granaries, bubbles in plastic foam used for packaging.

Consequences of Ozone Depletion


  • Increase in skin cancer & cataracts, especially in the southern hemisphere

  • More ozone near earth’s surface, produced in photochemical smog – lung problems, suppressed immune response, cancer

Threat of Ozone Depletion

  • Radiation from the sun includes ultraviolet (UV) radiation; UVA and UVB

  • UV radiation penetrates the atmosphere and is absorbed by biological tissues damaging protein and DNA molecules at the surfaces of all living things (sunburn).

  • Most of the dangerous UVB radiation (over 99%) is absorbed by ozone in the stratosphere.

Other Organisms

  • Primary Producers:

    • Reduction in phytoplankton

    • Lower crop yields

    • Decline in forest productivity

  • Animals:

    • Species disruption through increased exposure to UV-B radiation

    • Disruption of food chain

Effect of Ozone Depletion

Ozone Depleting Chemicals

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

  • Halons: fire extinguishers

  • Methyl bromide: fumigant

  • Carbon tetrachloride: cheap, highly toxic solvent

  • Methyl chloroform: cleaning solvent-clothes & metals

  • Hydrogen chloride; U.S. space shuttles

Ozone Hole

  • Seasonal thinning of the ozone layer has resulted at the poles, especially in the southern hemisphere

  • Recent models suggest the hole might not get larger

Why is there Seasonal Thinning of Ozone Over the Poles?

  • In 1984, researchers discovered 40-50% of the ozone in the upper stratosphere over Antarctica was being destroyed during the antarctic spring and early summer (Sept.-Dec.)

  • In 2000, ozone thinning above Antarctica was the largest ever and covered an area three times the size of the continental U.S. (11 million square miles)

  • Measurements indicate that CFCs are the primary culprits.

Ozone Loss

  • Projected total ozone loss, averaged over 2010-2019, during September for the Antarctic (left) and during March for the Arctic (right). Dark red represents ozone depletion of 54% or more; light blue, 18-30%; dark blue, 6-12%.

Solutions to Ozone Depletion


  • Phase out use of ozone–depleting chemicals  (halons, CFCs, methyl chloroform, methyl bromide)

  • Phase in use of CFC substitutes [non–halogen aerosol propellants, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), hydrocarbons (HCs), ammonia, water & steam, terpenes, helium]

International Agreements

  • Montreal Protocol (1987)

    • Cut emission of CFCs by 35% by 2000

  • London (1990) and Copenhagen (1992)

    • Accelerate phase-out of other key ozone-depleting chemicals

World Meteorological Organization

  • Continued depletion for several decades

    • 11-20 year time lag between when CFCs are released into the atmosphere and when they actually reach the stratosphere.

    • Persistence for decades

  • Return to 1980 levels by about 2050 and to 1950 levels by about 2100.

    • International agreements are followed

    • No major volcanic eruptions

  • Restoring the ozone layer may lead to an increase in global warming

    • Ozone depletion has been cooling the troposphere

    • Disguise as much as 30% of global warming caused by our greenhouse gas emissions.

How Can We Protect the Ozone Layer?

  • Technofixes

    • Huge radio-controlled blimps to form an electrical curtain.

    • Lasers blasting CFCs out of the atmosphere before they reach the stratosphere.

  • Montreal Protocol

    • Phase-out CFC emissions

  • Copenhagen Protocol

    • Phase-out CFC emissions and other ozone deleters
