Health - a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
Infant mortality rate - the number of babies, of every 1,000 born, who die before their first birthday
Life expectancy at birth - the number of years, on average, people in a society can expect to live
Chronic disease - an illness that has a long-term development
Acute disease - an illness that strikes suddenly
Social epidemiology - the study of how health and disease are distributed throughout a society's population
Epidemic - the rapid spreading of disease through a society's population
Socialized medicine - a medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and employs most physicians
Direct-fee system - a medical system in which patients or their insurers pay directly for the services of physicians and hospitals
Health maintenance organizations - private insurance organizations that provide medical care to subscribers for a fixed fee
Prenatal care - healthcare for women during pregnancy
Disability - a physical or mental condition that limits everyday activities
Mental disorder - a condition involving thinking, mod, or behavior that causes distress and reduces a person's ability to function in everyday life
Psychotherapy - an approach to mental health in which patients talk with trained professionals to gain insight into the causes of their problems, resulting in change to troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
Deinstitutionalization - the release of people from mental institutions into local communties
1802-1887 Dorthea Dix - people with mental illness should be cared for in an asylum
1856-1939 Sigmund Freud
1981 - AIDS identified
2010 - Affordable Care Act, Obama’s Health Care Law passed, extended health care coverage to everyone
2019 - Republican tax reform removed penalty for not having health care
1990 - National Institutes of Health create the Office of Research on Women's Health
1990 - Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act, prohibiting discrimination against those with disabilities
1964 - Civil Rights Act
1997 - Definition of disability in the Americans with Disabilities Act is expanded to physical AND mental disabilities
2000 - Supreme Court narrowed the definition of a disability
2010 - Congress increased protection for those with disabilities
2019 - COVID-19 is recognized
2020 - COVID-19 is declared a global pandemic
1963 - Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act