chp 13 and some 16

Sperm and Egg Cells

  • Release of Sperm Cells

    • Many sperm cells are released during ejaculation.

    • The specific sperm that successfully reaches and fertilizes the egg cell is random.

  • Ovulation

    • In females, during ovulation, a specific egg cell is released from the ovary.

    • Similar to sperm, the egg cell that is released is random among available eggs.

Meiosis in Gametes

  • Arrested Meiosis

    • Meiosis in oocytes (egg cells) is paused for extended periods, sometimes for decades.

    • This prolonged arrest can happen at various stages of meiosis, particularly during prophase I until ovulation occurs.

  • Spindle Attachment Checkpoint

    • Even if spindle fibers attach to chromosomes, cells may remain arrested before proceeding to meiosis II.

    • Cells can exist in this arrested state for many years before continuing the meiotic process, highlighting the complexity of gamete development.
