Instructor: Galani Nelson
Teaching Fellow: Jeffrey
Contact Email:
Mailing List: Importance of signing up via course website
Course Website: Students are encouraged to frequently check the course website for updates, resources, and announcements.
Office Hours: Thursdays 3 PM - 5 PM in Room 302, where students can seek help and clarification on course materials.
Course Materials: Lecture notes and assignment details will be available on the website to aid in your learning.
Grading Policy: A detailed breakdown of grading criteria will also be posted on the website, ensuring transparency and clarity on how your performance will be evaluated.
Scribing (10%)
Students take turns writing lecture notes based on recorded lectures.
Notes to be written in LaTeX, template available on the website.
Scribe notes due 9:00 AM the following day.
Problem Sets (60%)
Must be submitted via email.
There are specific page limits to encourage concise solutions.
Final Project (30%)
Proposal due: October 30th.
Project due: Last day of reading period.
Project is graded by the instructor; feedback is provided on proposals.
Students may do practical implementations for the project.
Students may take turns grading problem sets. Participation is mandatory but typically required once.
Scribing and grading slots are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
CS224 focuses on advanced algorithms, not covered in CS124.
Emphasizes theoretical analysis, with no programming assignments.
Develop greater analytical skills in creating and analyzing algorithms.
Explore various algorithmic techniques not covered in previous courses.
Consider additional models for efficiency beyond time and space (memory).
Review of sorting fundamentals and limitations.
Discussion on the static predecessor problem:
Static Predecessor Definition: Query returns the maximum element in set S less than a given element.
Algorithms explored in terms of space and query time.
Static: No insertions or deletions allowed.
Dynamic: Insertion and deletion operations supported.
Importance of storage structure, e.g., binary search trees for static predecessor.
Solutions to predecessor problems:
Static: Use binary search on sorted array (log n query time).
Dynamic: Use a balanced binary search tree (log n time for queries and updates).
Van Emde Boas Tree
Achieves O(log W) query and update times.
Space complexity related to universe size U.
Fusion Trees
Supports O(log base W of n) query time with linear space.
Improves on O(n log n) comparison-based sorting models.
Expected time sorting using Fusion trees leads to O(n * square root log n).
Research explored for potential linear time sorting algorithms.
Exploration of advanced algorithms remains dynamic and theoretical, within the framework set by CS224. All students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions and work collaboratively.