Untitled Flashcards Set

·       Concept of Ideology in De Tracy and Marx? Provide critiques of these two views of ideology

·       Definition of Ideology

·       Conception of Democratic Ideal in Euripides and Pericles- elaborate on their notion of good society.

·       What is the ideal form of governance for Aristotle? Why is the notion of middle/moderation so important in Aristotle and how is that related to his notion of virtue?

·       Aristotle’s view of multitude

·       The  role of majority in Plato’s writing as reflected in Crito.

·       Significance of Plato’s three kinds of metal, three parts of psyche, and three kinds of grouping in society

·       The notion of justice in Plato

·       Machiavelli’s notion of  Democracy- why does he think people are better or as good as the prince ?

·       What is Tocqueville’s fear of Democracy?

·       The social and religious context in which liberal ideology emerged 

·       Evaluate Hobbes as a liberal thinker? Why is he considered a proto liberal?

·       Concept of State of nature in Hobbes and Locke

·       Importance of concepts of state of nature and social contract in liberalism

·       Freedom of religion in Hobbes and Locke

·       Comparing Hobbes and Locke as liberal thinkers

·       Describe major features of democracy that emerged from discussion of ancient Greek and modern thinkers that we discussed in the course
