Generalists | Specialists |
Able to survive on a wide variety of food resources | Specific/limited number of prey |
Able to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions | Prone to extinction, sensitive to environmental change |
Live in broad niches | Live in narrow niches; e.g., pandas |
Examples: cockroaches, humans, mice | Examples: Giant pandas, koalas, mountain gorillas. |
Law of Tolerance: It states that the existence, abundance, and distribution of species depend on the tolerance level of each species to both physical and chemical factors.
Predator-prey cycles are based on a feeding relationship between two species:
Biomes: These are major regional or global biotic communities characterized by dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climates
Many places on Earth %%share similar climatic conditions%% despite being located in different areas.
Most terrestrial biomes are identified by the plant life primarily found within them.
The geographical distribution of the various terrestrial biomes is controlled primarily by the %%average air temperature and the amount of rainfall the biome receives%%.
Animals include numerous birds, bats, small mammals, and insects.
Decomposition is rapid and soils are subject to heavy leaching.
Distinct seasonality where winter is absent and only two seasons are present.
The length of daylight is 12 hours and varies a little year-round
Large diversity of species.
Occur near the equator.
Annual rainfall exceeds 80 inches (200 cm) and is evenly distributed.
Plants are highly diverse.
Most nutrients are rapidly assimilated and stored in plant tissue, leaving soil nutrient-poor.
Temperature is warm to hot and varies little throughout the year.
Tree canopy is multilayered and continuous, allowing little light penetration.
Trees have buttressed trunks, shallow roots, and large, dark green leaves.
Occur in eastern North America, northeastern Asia, and western and central Europe.
Have a distinct winter, moderate climate, and a 140–200-day growing season during four to six frost-free months.
Temperature varies from –20°F to 85°F (–30°C to 30°C).
Precipitation averages 30–60 inches (75–150 cm) per year.
Fertile soil is enriched by decaying leaf litter.
The tree canopy allows light to penetrate, resulting in well-developed and diverse understory vegetation and animal stratification.
Oaks, hickories, beeches, hemlocks, maples, cottonwoods, elms, willows, and spring-flowering herbs are deciduous trees.
Birds, squirrels, rabbits, skunks, deer, mountain lions, bobcats, timber wolves, foxes, and black bears live there.
Development, land clearing, and timbering have left few temperate forests.
Found in temperate regions with warm summers, cool winters, and enough rainfall to support forests.
Common in coastal areas with mild winters and heavy rainfall, or inland in drier climates or mountains.
These forests have cedar, cypress, fir, juniper, pine, redwood, and spruce.
These forests have two layers:
Some forests have a shrub layer.
Grassy understories in pine forests often burn in ecologically important wildfires.
The understory has many herbaceous and shrub species.
Conical trees shed snow and protect branches.
Dark green needles absorb more light for photosynthesis.
As temperatures rise, trees can start photosynthesis with their year-round needles.
In winter, when food is scarce, many animals hibernate to conserve energy and build fat in summer.
Birds have feathers and many animals have thick fur to protect them from cold weather.
Some animals migrate to warmer climates during the winter months.
Taiga: Largest terrestrial biome; found in northern Eurasia, North America, Scandinavia, and two-thirds of Siberia.
Southern Taiga: Also known as boreal forest, consists primarily of cold-tolerant evergreen conifers with needle-like leaves, such as pines, spruces, and larches.
Northern Taiga: It is more barren as it approaches the tree line and the tundra biome.
The harsh climate in the taiga limits both productivity and resilience.
Seasons are divided into:
Soil is thin, nutrient-poor, and acidic.
Animals include woodpeckers, hawks, moose, bears, weasels, lynxes, deer, hares, chipmunks, shrews, and bats.
Antarctica has the %%coldest climate on Earth%%.
The interior averages −70°F (−57°C), while the coast averages 14°F (−10°C).
Antarctica's total precipitation (mostly snow) averages ~6.5 inches (166 mm) per year, with deserts in the interior receiving less than 10 inches (~250 mm).
Rainfall is rare and usually occurs in coastal and island areas during summer.
Antarctica's dry air and low temperatures reduce humidity.
The ice sheet is formed from compressed snow that rarely melts.
Winters are dark, cold, and phytoplankton-free.
Antarctic seas are productive because summer phytoplankton grows abundantly.
Littoral Zone: Also known as the intertidal zone, it is the part of the ocean that is closest to the shore.
Neretic Zone: Also known as the sublittoral zone, this zone extends to the edge of the continental shelf.
Photic Zone: The uppermost layer of water in a lake or ocean that is exposed to sunlight down to the depth where 1% of surface sunlight is available.
Carbon Sink | Amount (Billions of Metric Tons) |
Marine Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks | ~75,000,000 |
Oceans | ~40,000 |
Fossil fuel deposits | ~4,000 |
Soil organic matter | ~1,500 |
Atmosphere | ~578 to 766 |
Terrestrial plants | ~580 |
Before the Industrial Revolution, CO2 transfer rates through photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and fossil fuel burning were balanced.
After the Industrial Revolution, the deforestation of old-growth forests and the combustion of fossil fuels released carbon stored in long-term carbon sinks, causing climate change and the following environmental impacts:
Human Activity | Impact on Water Cycle |
Agriculture | Runoff contains nitrates, phosphates, ammonia, etc. |
Building power plants | Increased thermal pollution |
Clearing of land for agriculture and urbanization | Accelerated soil erosion; Decreased infiltration; Increased flood risks; Increased runoff. |
Destruction of wetlands | Disturbing natural processes that purify water |
Pollution of water sources | Increased occurrences of infectious agents such as cholera, dysentery, etc. |
Sewage runoff, feedlot runoff | Cultural eutrophication |
Withdrawing water from lakes, aquifers, and rivers | Groundwater depletion and saltwater intrusion |
Source of H2O | Average Renewal Rate |
Groundwater (deep) | ~10,000 years |
Groundwater (near the surface) | ~200 years |
Lakes | ~100 years |
Glaciers | ~40 years |
Water in the soil | ~70 days |
Rivers | ~16 days |
Atmosphere | ~8 days |
The ultimate source of energy is the sun.
Plants capture light primarily through the green pigment chlorophyll, which is contained in organelles called chloroplasts.
The energy derived from the oxidation of glucose during cellular respiration is then used to %%form other organic compounds%% such as cellulose, lipids, amino acids, and eventually proteins.
Oxygen gas is released into the atmosphere during photosynthesis, and plants emit carbon dioxide during respiration.
Since plants produce less carbon dioxide than they absorb, they, therefore, become net sinks of carbon.
Factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis include:
Trophic Level: The position an organism occupies in a food chain and is the number of steps it is from the start of the chain.
Food web: The natural interconnection of food chains.
Heterotrophs: Organisms dependent on photosynthetic organisms.
Cellular respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis.
Biomass pyramid: It shows how much organic mass is within each trophic level.
Marine pyramid of biomass is inverted because:
Energy Pyramids: These show the proportion of energy passed from one trophic level to the next-level consumers in an ecosystem
Net primary production (NPP): The remaining fixed energy is the rate at which a ll the plants in an ecosystem produce net useful chemical energy.
Open oceans collectively have the %%highest net primary productivity%%.