The Basic System Components
The basic operational design of a computer system is called its architecture.
John Von Neumann, a pioneer in computer design, is given credit for the architecture of
most computers in use today.
A typical Von Neumann system has three major components:
o the central processing unit (or CPU)
o memory, and
o input/output (or I/O).
Major Components of Computers
an electronic device which manipulates and stores data and performs mathematical and
logical operations.
performs tasks, such as calculations or electronic communication, under the control of a
set of instructions called a program. Programs usually reside within the computer and
are retrieved and processed by the computer’s electronics. The program results are
stored or routed to output devices, such as video display monitors or printers.
Computers perform a wide variety of activities reliably, accurately, and quickly.
Types of Computer
o It is a scaled-down version of the mainframe, since it is now becoming more
powerful it can now be found in hospitals and HMO's.
Microcomputers (PCs)
o It is an inexpensive processing power for an individual user.
Laptop or Notebook, Handheld, and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
o A handy computer which can be carried from one place to another.
Analog Computer
o Deals with quantities that are continuously variable and give approximate results
Digital Computer
o They deal with quantities that are distinct, separate or discrete.
Hybrid Computer
o Special purpose machine that combines measuring capabilities of analog and
logical control capabilities of digital computer
Super Computers
o These are the largest and most expensive, it can perform billions of instructions
every second.
o These are large computers capable of processing several millions instructions
per second. They support organizational functions, therefore have been the
traditional equipment in hospitals. Customized software results in high cost.
Components of Computer
HARDWARE-It is the physical part of the computer and its associated
equipment/tangible parts of the computer.
o Includes
INPUT DEVICES, These are devices used to enter information into a
Examples: keyboard, mouse, trackball, touch screen, light pen,
microphone, bar code reader, fax modem card, joystick, and
OUTPUT DEVICES - used to view and hear processed data; Display or
transfer information to the user after processing. It displays data once it
has been processed;
Examples: video monitor screens, printers, speakers, and fax.
SOFTWARE- General term for the various kinds of programs used to operate
PEOPLEWARE - Refers to anything that has to do with the role of people in the
development and use of computer software and hardware.
Basic Parts of Computer
Keyboard- One of the most used input devices, consisting of keys which are pressed to
enter data and instructions into the computer.
o -IBM first introduced the 83-key keyboard followed by the 84 keys and finally
101-key keyboard which was the de facto standard, until further modifications
were introduced by Microsoft.
o -QWERTY Keyboard Layout - Originally designed by Christopher Sholes in 1867.
Its name was derived from the first six characters on the top row of normal
keyboard arrangement.
Mouse -It is used to move on and control a pointer on the computer screen, specifically
in a graphical user interface (GUI) system. This is connected to the computer by wire/
wireless and is held by hand.
Trackball - It is similar to the mouse. It also has a rotating ball, but the ball is on top.
Instead of moving the device itself, the user moves the ball.
Joystick-This gives the computer information on the direction and extent of displacement
of a hand-held lever, enabling a corresponding movement in an object on the screen that
is part of particular program, usually used for games
Light pen - It is shaped like a pen with the telltale cable connecting it to the computer.
This is used to indicate a particular location on a computer screen and is usually utilized
for programs on computer-aided design (CAD)
o Different types of printers
Dot Matrix: use small wires to press on ribbons and quite noisy.
Inkjet Printer: similar to matrix printers but instead of using needles it
sprays droplets of ink onto the paper to form images
Laser Printer: noise-free, as these employ light to draw text and images;
uses electrostatic process
Plotter-It is a special output device which also causes printed output to be
produced in a manner not too different from that used by regular printers.
Speakers-Provide output for voice, sound or music and are a necessary of a multimedia
Scanner- This device inputs a digital image of a document or picture into a computer.
This is usually consisting of a flat bed, on which an image is placed and scanned.
Graphics Tablet- This is an input device in which a stylus is moved, by hand, over a flat
surface. The position of the stylus is tracked so that the user can input shapes and
Touch-Sensitive Screen- This is a computer monitor, which consists of a specialized
screen. Users can touch particular areas or touch-points on the screen to input certain
preferences or commands.
Recognition Devices- These devices are mostly used by banks and commercial
establishments to recognize and input large volumes of data. These include Optical
Character Recognition (OCR), Optical Mark Recognition (OMR).
Voice Recognition Device- Allow you to communicate to the computer through speech
and the like. The simplest example is a condenser microphone which can be used to
capture sound.
Processing Device- Device used to process data into information
CPU (Central Processing Unit) - “Brain" of the computer
The main part of a computer which executes instructions and controls various other
functions of the computer. It consists of Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit
and the Memory.
Three components:
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): Number "crunching“
Registers - Similar to memory but has special purposes
Control Unit: manages instructions to other parts of the computer,
including input and output devices "traffic cop“
Primary Memory:
Read-only memory (ROM) is permanent; it remains when the power is off. Start-up
instructions for the computer is an example of ROM.
Random access memory (RAM) is a temporary storage area for program instructions
and data that is being processed, it is only active while the computer is turned on.
(located on the motherboard not part of CPU)
Secondary Storage Device:
It allows data to be permanently stored so that it can be used at a later time.Provides
space to retain data in an area separate from the computer's memory after the computer
is turned off, these include; hard disk drives, floppy disks, tape, zip drives, optical drives,
flash memory, and CD-ROM drives.
System Unit
It contains the central processing unit and primary memory (the electronic circuitry that
enables the computer to process and store data)
These are devices that are used for the temporary and short-term storage of data, which
the compute can use during processing
These include ROM (Read Only Memory) and (RAM) Random Access Memory
The CPU’s short-term memory.
Volatile storage
Can be accessed quickly but it disappears when the power is turned off.
Power Input
Where your plug in the PC’s electrical power cord
Keyboard Port
Dedicated port for the keyboard
Mouse Port
dedicated port for the mouse
USB Port
Universal serial Bus ports are general-purpose
connectors found on newer PC’s
Serial ports
This 9 pin connector is one of the oldest and most
universal ports found in the back of the PC
Parallel Port
Virtually as old as the serial port, the 25-pin
parallel port has been updated a number of times,
popular means for connecting printers
Video Port
This unique three-row, 15-pin connector is where
the monitor connects to the system unit
Audio Ports
Used to connect speakers, microphones, and other audio devices
Game Port
Also known as a joystick port, this 15-pin connector can be used for both joystick and for
MIDI musical devices
Modem Port
This looks like a telephone jack. It enables your computer to communicate with other
computer via telephone line.
Internal Components of a System Unit
A special helper chip that connects CPU and RAM
multiple wires used to connect two or more devices in the motherboard.
Frontside Bus
connects the CPU, Northbridge and RAM
CPU Speeds
Clock Chip – a crystal that oscillates at a certain frequency when electricity use applied
to it, providing the system speed.
Each click of the clock is measured in millions or billions of cycles per second
o One cycle per second is Hertz (Hz)
o One million cycles per second is a megahertz (MHz)
o One billion cycles per second is a gigahertz (GHz)
Processor Packages
The form factor of the chip: its shape, size and external features
Single-Edge Cartridge (SEC)
o Introduced in mid-1990s
o Pentium II is an example of this package.
Pin-Grid Array (PGA)
o Most commonly used package for the processor
o It has tiny golden wires sticking out the underside of the CPU
The big printed circuit board that covers most of the bottom of the system unit.
Provide an area where all of the internal components of the PC can connect.
Expansion slots
Enable you to expand the capabilities of your system by adding extra components.
Any device that snaps into an expansion slot is an expansion card.
Three Types of Expansion Slots
1. Peripheral Component Interconnect
a. Expansion slot used for high-speed input/output device which uses
PCI bus.
2. AGP
a. Accelerated Graphics Port
b. Expansion slot used for a video card
3. ISA
a. Industry Standard Architecture
b. Used by older and/or slower devices
Hard Drive
The PC’s long-term memory; data stored there remains available for later use.
Integrated Drive Electronics
A standard that defines how the motherboard communicates with secondary storage
Floppy Drives
Read floppy discs
The first kind of storage used by PCs
Data Hierarchy
Bit = 1 or 0
1 Byte = 8 bit = 1 character
1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte
1024 KB = 1 Megabyte
1024 MB = 1 Gigabyte
1024 G = 1 Terabyte
Video Card
Also known as graphic adapter
Act as the interface between computer and monitor
Power Supply
Converts standard household A/C current into the D/C current needed by the PC
Sound Card
Provides the sound input and output for your PC.
Used for speakers and microphones
Network Interface Card (NIC)
To access a Local Area Network
Storage Media & Devices
Provide a permanent storage for data, information and programs for later use or
Hard Disk
Most common storage media which usually permanent part of the computer
This is where most programs and data are stored, especially the operating system for
fast retrieval and execution by the user
Floppy Disk
This is removable storage device which has a smaller capacity compared to a hard disk
The standard 3.5-inch floppy disk has 1.44 MB capacity
Compact Disc (CD)
Also a removable device with a larger capacity than a floppy
It usually come in the form of CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read Only Memory)
The common capacity of a CD-ROM is 650MB
There are also recordable and erasable CDs
CD-ROM Drives
Compact Disc – Read Only Memory
Design to read CDs.
Compact Disc Recordable
Allow you to write data to them but only one time
Compact Disc ReWritable
Enables you to read and write repeatedly.
Digital Video Disc (DVD)
CDs which contain a very large amount of data and are used for storing films and other
data-intensive files such as computer games and applications
Usually store up to 8 GB of data
Hardware Connection
These are the connectors that physically connect and link the components and devices
so that they can interact and exchange data
This is a group of wires composing a system interconnection that allow communication
between the different devices
It is the electrical pathway through which the computer processor communicates
Circuit Boards
These are arrangements of electrical components through which signals or current can
pass through
Serial Connection
This type of connection which involves a slow transfer of information from the computer
to an external component such as mouse or printer
Parallel Connection
Uses multiple sets of wires but is limited in terms of distance covered
It also connects components such as printers or scanners to the computer
o Note: Input, output and secondary storage devices are also sometimes referred
to as peripheral devices
It is a set of instructions that tells the computer hardware what to do.
It is also known as program
o Examples: MS Word, Excel, & PowerPoint
Types of Software
System Software: The kind of software that controls and takes care of the working
computer and overall functioning of the system.
The best example of system software is the operating system
Ex. Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows XP, Linux, Unix, Apple’s OS
Application Software: Software that generally suited to perform a particular task or
Ex. Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Computer Games, Desktop Publishing
Software and Graphics Program
They are mainly responsible for the development and use of the system
No computer would run without the help of people
How the Computer Works?
Electronic vs. Electric
Electronic Device- Generally, at 0 volt the state is off and at 5 volts the state is
on. Power dissipation for computers, particularly portable such as laptops and palmtops
is kept low.
Electric Appliance uses raw power to operate and function and not to store or
represent data. Air-conditioning units, refrigerators, electric fans, and the like all use
powerline voltage levels of 110 or 220 volts.
Computers use the 110- or 220-volt electricity for their power supply and
internally convert this to the appropriate voltage levels.
Proper Care of Computers
Here are some ways:
Place your computer in a dry, clean and cool place
Do not eat or drink while working on your computer
Clean your computer regularly. Use dry cloth and a wax specially made for
Cover your computer when not in use so that dust will not gather on it.
When you are using a computer, handle its parts with care.
Do not hit your computer when there is something wrong with it. Call somebody who
is technically knowledgeable in fixing the problem.
Run the shutdown program before turning off, your computer. Failure to do so many
results in data loss.
Clean your mouse regularly so that you will not have difficult rolling it over a mouse
Protect the data stored in your storage media. Place your disks and CD-ROM in a
protective case. Don’t bend your disks or put them near magnets. Magnets will
damage the data stored in your disks.
Opening of a Computer
Check all the cables if properly connected
Plug and switch on the AVR
Switch on the Monitor
Press the Power Button of the System Unit
Wait until the desktop appears and the cursor will look like this before opening any
Shutting Down of a Computer
Close all the programs
Click the Start button and click Turn Off or Shut Down
A dialog box will appear, click again the Turn Off or Shut Down button
Wait until the monitor turns off or totally black screen.
Switch Off the monitor
Switch off and unplug the AVR
Software Breakdowns: What to do?
Turn the computer off and then on again (cold booting), then run the program again
If the program continues to encounter difficulties, try reinstalling it.
If the problem continues, contact your software vendor or dealer and try replacing the
Note: This problem may occur due to other problems such as a hard disk loaded
with too many programs, viruses or just simple incompatibility with the hardware.
Hard Disk Crash: What to do?
Have your hard disk checked if there is hope for recovering any important data or file
Have your hard disk reformatted and programs you want to reinstalled
The next time you use your computer, have a BACKUP of all your important files in
another storage media.
It is a program that copies itself, and then transfers from one computer to another
without users knowing it.
The program cannot be seen like an ordinary file. It is hidden within executable files or
It is made to either express something through screen, or to infect and erase data
A virus is not a germ, bacteria or organic virus
A virus is not a malfunction of any devices or computer part.
Virus Attacks
Hard disk may crash caused by viruses
Computer may behave in an unpredictable manner
The software or programs may breakdown
Things to do to in Virus Attacks
Always BACKUP your important data
Install an anti-virus program on your computer.
NEVER share floppy disk and other storage media with other computer users. Also don’t
use pirated software.
Don’t open or access unknown files or attachment in the Internet as these be affected by
a virus
Safety Precautions for Working on a Computer
1. Make notes as you work so that you can go back step-by-step to check your work later if
2. When unpacking hardware or software, remove the packing tape and cellophane from
the work area as soon as possible
3. Keep components away from your hair and clothing
4. Keep screws and spacers orderly and in one place, such as a cup or tray
5. Do not stack boards on top of each other, you could remove a chip accidentally
6. When handling motherboards and expansion cards do not touch the chips on the boards
7. Hold expansion cards by the edges. Do not touch any soldered components on a card,
and do not touch chips or edge connectors unless it is absolutely necessary. Do not
touch a chip with a magnetized screwdriver.
8. Do not use a graphite pencil to change DIP switch settings, because graphite is a
conductor of electricity and the graphite can lodge in the switch.
9. Always turn off a computer before moving it. A computer’s hard drive always spin while it
is on, unless it has a sleep mode
10. Always turn off a computer before moving it. A computer’s hard drive always spin while it
is on, unless it has a sleep mode.
11. To protect disks, keep them away from magnetic fields, heat and extreme cold. Do not
open the shuttle window or touch the disk’s surface.
12. The power supply and the monitor can hold a dangerous level of electricity even after
you turn them off and disconnect from a power source.
ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD)
Commonly known as static electricity
An electrical charge that can build up on the surface of insulating materials, such as
clothing or plastic.
This is why touching a metal doorknob after you cross a carpet in your stocking feet can
result in a very noticeable shock.
Why worry about ESD?
A charge of much less than 3000 volts can damage electronic components.
Walking across carpet can generate 1,500 to 30,000 volts of static electricity.
Just picking up a common plastic bag can generate over 1,000 volts and often much
How to prevent ESD?
Ground Bracelet or Antistatic Wrist Strap
Ground Mat
Static Shielding Bag
Manual Way to prevent ESD
As you work on a computer, make a point of touching the metal frame or power
supply box before you touch any other part.
Touch it again every time you move around, this will at least equalize the amount of
static electricity stored up and waiting to move in you and in the PC.
Handling PC Connections
Identify the types of ports and connections
You need a computer with standard peripherals attached including a mouse, keyboard
and monitor.
Opening a System Unit
You need:
A Phillips screwdriver
Preferably an antistatic wrist strap
Identify the internal parts of the System Unit
Handling Expansion Cards
You need:
A PC running Windows
A Phillips screwdriver
A straight-slot screwdriver
An Antistatic wrist strap
A three-prong parts retriever
Identifying the Type of CPU in Your PC
A working PC running Windows
Paper and Pencil
An antistatic wrist strap
You need to know the manufacturer, model, speed and package.
Five ways to identify the type of the CPU
1. System Information
2. My Computer Properties
3. Physical Connection
4. Reboot
5. CPU-Z (Application Program) can be downloaded at
Acute Care Physiologic Monitoring System
Comprehensive patient monitoring systems that can be configured to measure
and display various patient parameters.
Pulse Oximeter:
Measure the arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation of the patient’s blood.
Intracranial Pressure Monitors
Are connected to sensors inserted into the brain through a cannula or bur hole.
Apnea Monitors
Use electrodes or sensors placed to detect cessation of breathing, display
respiration parameters, and trigger an alarm.
Consist of a flexible breathing circuit, gas supply, heating/ humidification
mechanism, monitors, and alarms.
Infusion Pumps
Employ automatic, programmable pumping mechanisms to supply the patient
with fluids intravenously or epidurally through a catheter.
Crash Carts
Also called resuscitation carts or code carts, are strategically placed for
immediate availability when a patient experiences cardiopulmonary failure/
Intra- Aortic Balloon Pump
Uses a balloon placed in the patient’s aorta to help the heart pump.
Softwares used by RNs
o Like electronic conference calls.
o Synchronous; users can connect in real time even at huge distances.
Social Network
o Any number of web addresses designed to create online communities.
Electronic Bulletin board
o may be called discussion boards electronic forums.
o Forums can be posted using administrative or user defined categories.
o Least powerful version of the electronic bulletin board.
o Software functions more like an electronic mailing list.
Impact of Internet on the Different Nursing Areas
Nursing Practice
o Information sites
o Support groups for patients
o Consultations
Nursing Administration
o Careful development of the program according to needs and capabilities of the
users, strong education pedagogical principles, and constant evaluation for
success in order to make alterations as they are needed.
Nursing Education
o No More Pencils, No More Books.
o Students everywhere have access to virtual classrooms and degree programs.
o Online education means that the limits previously imposed by location and time
become less important.
o Employers can select educational seminars and show them in real time in a
conference room or select courses that have been archived for their nurses to
watch later.
Nursing Research
o The internet has the ability to find trends in aggregate data, which derived from
large population group.
o The adoption of standardized language related to nursing terms and computerize
literature searching
Nursing Practice
o Computer system with nursing and patient care data.
o Nursing care plans are no longer separated subsystems of the computerized
HIS, but rather integrated into on interdisciplinary patient health record in the
Nursing Administration
o Policies and procedure manuals are accessed and retrieved via the computer.
o The internet is now being accessed by nurses to access digital libraries, online
resources and research protocols at the bedside.
Nursing Education
o Computer enhanced courses in nursing, online courses, and distance education.
o Campus wide computer systems are now available where students communicate
via emails, transfer data files, access to digital libraries and retrieve online
resources in the internet.
o Educations teach courses via the web and communicate with students via e-mail.
They require new tools techniques and full arrays of multimedia strategies to
stimulate their student.
o Live classroom via computer.
Nursing Research
o Computer were used to analyze nursing data
o Software programs were developed to process qualitative and quantitative data