
condescension - patronizing attitude or behavior

prepossession - an attitude, belief, or impression formed beforehand : prejudice OR an exclusive concern with one idea or object : preoccupation

nominal - trifling, insignificant

pompous - puffed up with vanity

corroborate - support with evidence or authority or make more certain

procure - to obtain (something) by particular care and effort

insolent - marked by casual disrespect

veracity - unwillingness to tell lies

rebuke - an act or expression of criticism and censure

taciturn - habitually reserved and uncommunicative

incumbent - necessary as a duty or responsibility; morally binding

imprudent - lacking wise self-restraint

boisterous - (of a person, event, or behavior) noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy.

conciliatory - : intended to gain goodwill or favor or to reduce hostility : tending or intended to conciliate

duplicity - contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action

trepidation - : a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation : apprehension

ardent - : characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity
