Scientific Truth: making a hypothesis and testing to see if it’s true, it’s always open to development and can be challenged. So it’s never absolute it’s conditional
Religious Truth: comes from religions and holy books, their information is open to interpretation, but their truth is absolute and unchanging
Genesis Creation Story (Religion)
God creates the world from nothing in 7 days, with the last being a day of rest. It’s ordered
God’s words have power “Let there be…”
Creation is good
Humans were made in God’s image, they have a purpose (stewardship)
Big Bang Theory (Science)
Universe came into existence at a particular point in cosmological event
There was nothing and the a huge explosion
It tooks millions of years for different elements and bodies to form
No need for God as creator or God caused the Big Bang
Theistic Evolution (Religion)
Theory of Evolution (Science)
Fundamentalist/Literalist: the truth is exactly as it’s said in scripture
Figurative: Scripture is not exactly true but up to interpretation
Conservative: Scripture is the word of God, but truth is mediated through human inspiration so it’s not entirely true
Liberal: Scripture is completely man-made and is human reflection on the way the world is