Business Cycles
AP Macroeconomics
Unit 2: Economic Indicators and the Business Cycle
The Circular Flow and GDP
Macroeconomics is the study of the large economy as a whole
Why study it? - Government during the Great Depression didn’t understand how to fix a depressed economy with 25% unemployment
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
All countries have three economic goals
Promote economic growth
Limit unemployment
Keep prices stable (limit inflation)
Natural income accounting
Economists collect stats on production, income, investment and savings.
GDP is the dollar value of all final goods and services produced within a country in one year.
What does it tell us?
GDP measures how the U.S. is doing financially
How do you use it?
Compare to previous years (Is there growth?)
Compare to policy changes (Did the new policy work?)
Compare to other countries (Are we better off?)
How to measure growth from year to year?
GDP does not accurately measure the standard of living
GDP Per Capita (one person)
GDP divided by the population. It identifies on average how many products each person makes.
What is NOT included in GDP?
Intermediate Goods
Goods inside the final goods (Price of finished car, not the stock radio or tires)
Non Production Transactions
Financial transactions (stocks, bonds, real estate)
Used goods (old goods, used clothes, existing homes)
Non-market and Illegal Activities
Things made at home (Unpaid work, black markets, drugs)
Ways to Calculate GDP
Expenditure Approach - add up all the spending on final goods and services produced in a given year.
Consumer spending + investment + government spending + net exports (exports minus imports) provides a complete picture of the economy's total output.
GDP (Y) = C + I + G + (X-M)
Consumer spending
Durable goods (cars)
Non-durable goods (food)
Services (dental work)
Investment spending
Investment is NEVER when individuals buy assets like stocks and bonds.
Investments is ALWAYS when businesses by capital like machines, resources and tools.
Government spending
Includes payments made by the gov. for goods and services
NOT stuff like social security
Income Approach - adds up all income earned from selling all final goods and services produced in a year.
Value-added Approach - add up the dollar value added at each stage of the production process.
Each method should generate the same number