Cell M NOT everything can enter or leave the cell. ↳ determined by the cell membrane. Cell membrane - forms a barrier between the cytoplasm and the cell's environment semipermeability- allows some things out; not all. phospholipid bilayer - the two layers the phospholipids hydrophilic ~ likes water hydrophobic ~ hates water
have a hydrophilic head
has 2 hydrophobic tails-
belongs to lipids -head-attracts to water
tail- attracts hydrophobia’s stuff
what can pass • Steroids/small lipids • hydrophobic molecules
Membrane Proteins • contain primarily our lipids ↳ especially chlorestorol It helps keep shape
Integral membrane proteins . are permanently embed ed in membrane
help w/ transport cell receptors; some are responsible for adhesion.
transmembrane → entire cell membrane monotopic → attached on one side.
Peripheal Membrane Proteins-temporarily on one side; can be easily removed can attach to imp or can stick into small portion-of lipid bilayer; most are hydrophilic.
o Nucleus center of cell; in charge of activities; holds DNA o Golgi - makes lysosomes e packages/transports proteins o Mitochondria - powers cell; converts ATP into useable energy.
Endoplasmic reticulum- makes ribosomes ↳ Smooth-> no ribosomes
Rough has ribosomes
• cell membrane - controls what goes in/out, support; outside of cell. lysosomes- breakdown dead cells; digests new materials brought in. centrioles - help divide cell during cellular division cytoplasm-jelly-like substance that holds everything in place
• vacuole ~ storage area for materials/water. • cytoskeleton - holds everything together
o central vacuole-major place for water
Chloroplast- make sunlight into energy during photosynthesis; contains chlorophyll, giving green color
Cell wall-outside cell membrane; structural support/ gives square shape
Cell Theory
All cells come from other cells
Cells are the smallest unit of life
All living things are made up of cells.
Prokaroytic Older No membrane bound organelles Contain only cell wall, cell membrane, and cytoplasm DNA is free floating Ex: bacteria and archaea bacteria
Eukaryotic younger membrane bound organelles DNA Ex: plant and animal cells
Passive Transport • does not require ATP energy examples include: -diffusion; facilitated diffusion; osmosis moves from high-low concentration
Active Transport Requires ATP energy -examples include: Endocytosis
moves from low-high concentratioN
diffusion- the movement of molecules across the membrane in a high-> low concentration gradient; happens easily w small molecules
facilitated diffusion when a protein transport helps large molecules get through the phospholipid bilayer common examples glucose into GLUT protein channel
Endocytosis-The taking in of things into all pinocytosis- taking in of water phagocytosis- taking in of larger molecules receptor-mediated water going in solid particles already deposit formed, closes to form vesicle exocytosis- letting things out.
Osmosis the movement of water across a cell
hypertonic lots of solute- cell shrives-water moves out of cell
isotonic equal- cell remains the same
hypotonic- lots of solvent- cell swells- water moves into cell
Homeostasis- the body's ideal equalness
Negative Feedback
tries to counteract whatever is breaking homeostasis ex: sweating when hot; shivering When cold.
Positive Feedback
Amplifying whatever is breaking homeostasis ex: contractions; ripening in fruit