Lymph Nodes:
Contain lymphocytes, the cells of the immune system that recognize and eliminate invading pathogens.
Respiratory System:
Cilia line the airway and move mucus and contaminants upward and out of the respiratory tract.
White Blood Cells:
How they attack pathogens in the blood and other tissues.
Protects the body against bacterial infections.
Functions of the Immune System:
Protect the body from foreign pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites).
Acts as a barrier against invading pathogens.
Stomach and Intestines:
Stomach acid kills most harmful bacteria.
Antibodies from intestinal cells attack viruses and pathogens in the intestinal tract.
Infectious Agents (Pathogens):
Can damage or kill host organisms.
6 major categories of infectious agents:
Multicellular Parasites
Infectious proteins found in the brain.
Accumulate over time in nervous tissue and misfold normal proteins (plaques).
Viruses (NOT A CELL):
Composed of pieces of RNA or DNA in a protein shell (capsid).
Obligate intracellular parasites: requiring a host cell to reproduce.
Host cell may be killed by the virus or immune response.
Examples: Common cold, Ebola, Chickenpox, HIV, Flu, coronavirus.
Single-celled prokaryotes.
Most are harmless; skin is covered with protective bacteria.
Virulent bacteria can release toxins and cause damage.
Examples: Tuberculosis, Staph, Lyme disease, Syphilis, strep throat, Chlamydia.
Eukaryotic cells (molds, yeasts, multicellular fungi).
Release digestive enzymes for extracellular digestion.
Can cause superficial diseases in the integument and mucosal linings.
Examples: Yeast infections, athlete’s foot, ringworm.
Eukaryotic cells without a cell wall.
Can be intracellular and extracellular parasites.
Examples: Malaria, Giardia.
Multicellular Parasites:
Take nourishment and live inside hosts.
Examples: Tapeworms, roundworms.
Bone Marrow:
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) differentiate into two major lineages:
Myeloid Lineage:
Mature Cells: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Mast cells, Macrophages, Dendritic cells.
Lymphoid Lineage:
Thymocytes, NK cells, B cells, T cells.
Myeloid immune cells with granules containing enzymes, released during infections, allergic reactions, and asthma.
Types: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils.
Neutral colored cytoplasm, polymorphonuclear (PMN).
Most abundant granulocyte (40-70% of all WBCs).
First responders to infection; phagocytize pathogens.
Primarily in mucous membranes, with deep red granules and a bilobed nucleus (5% of all WBCs).
Attack multicellular parasites and release cytotoxic chemicals.
Present in blood vessels; also known as mast cells in tissues (0.5% of all WBCs).
Involved in inflammation and allergic reactions.
Basophils and Mast Cells:
Release chemicals that cause inflammation:
Histamine: Vasodilator, increases capillary permeability.
Heparin: Anticoagulant.
Circulate in blood for 1-3 days, then enter tissues and become:
Dendritic cells (epithelium)
Dust cells (lungs)
Kupffer cells (liver).
Phagocytosis Process:
Bacterium engulfed by a macrophage, encased in a vacuole.
Lysosomes fuse with the vacuole and digest the bacterium.
Antigens from the digested bacterium presented with MHC II on the cell surface.
Immune Role: Antigen Presenting Cell (APC), activates receptors on other immune cells.
Three types: B-lymphocytes (B-cells), T-lymphocytes (T-cells), and Natural Killer cells.
Essential for adaptive immunity and destruction of infected cells.
B-lymphocytes (B-cells) and T-lymphocytes (T-cells):
Found in lymphatic organs and tissues, become activated to manage the adaptive immune response.
Natural Killer Cells (NK cells):
Also known as cytotoxic T cells, located in lymphatic organs, lymphatic tissue, lymph, and blood.
Function: Destroy virally infected cells.
Innate Immunity:
Immediate response to a wide variety of substances, includes:
Skin and Mucosal Membranes: Prevent entry of pathogens.
Internal Defenses: Macrophages, NK cells, chemicals (e.g., interferons, complement).
Physiological Responses: Inflammation, fever.
Adaptive Immunity:
Delayed response to specific antigens, involving:
T-lymphocytes: Cell-mediated immunity.
B-lymphocytes: Humoral immunity, plasma cells produce antibodies.
Innate Immunity:
Present at birth, nonspecific, responds immediately to potentially harmful agents.
Adaptive Immunity:
Acquired immunity; involves T & B cells. Specific responders to an antigen take days to become effective and develops memory for future exposures.
Cutaneous Membrane:
Epidermis and dermis serve as physical barriers, tightly linked cells prevent microbial entry.
Dermis produces hyaluronic acid to slow microbial migration.
Skin pH:
Healthy skin has a pH of 5.5; alkaline pH results in skin issues.
Skin Microflora:
Nonpathogenic commensal microflora help prevent growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
Sweat Glands: Release antimicrobial substances (salt- solute).
Sebaceous Glands: Secrete sebum to lower skin pH.
Mucosal Membranes:
Line body openings (respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive tracts), form barriers.
Respiratory Tract Defense:
Nasal hairs (vibrissa) trap microbes; mucin with antimicrobial substances secreted.
Cilia sweep mucus towards pharynx; coughing and sneezing expel microbes.
Gastrointestinal Tract Defense:
Saliva contains antimicrobial substances.
Stomach acid (~pH 2) destroys bacteria.
Defecation and vomiting remove microbes before they enter the bloodstream.
Intestinal commensal microflora inhibit pathogen growth.
Urogenital Tract Defense:
Urine flushes microbes; lactate secretion lowers pH.
Innate Immunity:
Immediate response; involved skin and mucosal membranes, internal defenses, cells (macrophages, NK cells), chemicals (interferon, complement), and physiological responses (inflammation, fever).
2nd Line of Defense:
Immune cells recognize foreign microbes through surface molecules and glycocalyx (sugar coat). Pattern recognition receptors identify non-self cells for targeting.
Phagocytic Cells:
Include neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells that engulf unwanted substances.
Neutrophils undergo apoptosis, contributing to pus.
Dendritic Cells:
Destroy particles and present antigen fragments to T-lymphocytes; serve as APCs.
Adaptive immunity
Macrophages are also APC
Attack multicellular parasites through degranulation (release of enzymes and toxic substances).
Basophils and Mast Cells:
Promote inflammation; basophils circulate in blood, mast cells are located in tissues.
Basophils/Mast Cell Granules:
Contain chemicals like histamine and heparin, promoting inflammation and anticoagulation.
Eicosanoids- increase fluid movement
Natural Killer Cells:
Destroy unwanted cells via chemical agents; essential for immune surveillance against viruses, bacteria, tumors, and transplanted cells.
Destruction Mechanism:
NK cells release perforin, forming pores in unwanted cells.
Granzymes enter pores, causing targeted cell apoptosis.
Effects of Interferon:
A class of cytokines targeting intracellular pathogens, interfering with pathogen replication.
Complement System:
Comprises over 30 plasma proteins synthesized by the liver; released in inactive form and acts alongside antibodies.
Complement Activation:
Classical Pathway: Antibody attaches to foreign substances, activating complement proteins.
Alternative Pathway: Complement binds to polysaccharides of certain bacteria and fungi.
Opsonization, inflammation, cytolysis.
Complement protein (C3b) tags bacteria, attracting phagocytic cells (macrophages).
Inflammation Promotion:
C3a and C5a promote histamine release from basophils, attracting phagocytes to infection sites.
Cytolysis Mechanism:
Complement protein components form pores within pathogenic cells (protein channel), compromising integrity and causing cell lysis.
Immediate, local, nonspecific response to injury-causing stimuli in vascularized tissues.
Events of Inflammation:
Release of chemicals promoting inflammation.
Vascular changes (vasodilation, increased permeability) facilitating leukocyte adhesion.
Recruitment of leukocytes through margination, diapedesis, and chemotaxis.
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) adhere leukocytes in the blood.
Leukocytes squeeze between endothelial cells to reach infection sites.
Delivery of Plasma Proteins:
Antibodies and other proteins increase capillary permeability and CAM production at infection sites.
Redness, heat, swelling, pain, and potential loss of function.
Typically resolves in 8-10 days.
Abnormal body temperature elevation (>2°F from normal 98.6°F) induced by pyrogens.
Fever Stages:
Onset: Temperature rises as hypothalamus constricts blood vessels and muscles shiver.
Stadium: Elevated temperature maintained, increasing metabolic rate to eliminate harmful substances.
Defervescence: Body temperature returns to normal.
High Fever:
Considered high above 100°F (>103°F in children); can alter metabolic pathways and damage proteins.
Risks of brain damage over 106°F and potential death above 109°F.
Benefits of Fever:
Inhibits pathogen reproduction, enhances adaptive immunity, accelerates tissue repair.
Immediate Responses: Nonspecific, involving barriers and internal defenses against pathogens.
Adaptive immunity: Delayed responses to specific antigens using T and B lymphocytes.
Antigen Detection:
T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes recognize pathogens based on (adaptive) antigens present on their surfaces.
Examples of antigens include viral protein capsids, bacterial cell walls, toxins, and tumor cells.
Each contains approximately 100,000 receptor complexes specifically binding to one specific antigen such as TCR for T-lymphocytes and BCR for B-lymphocytes.
T-lymphocytes: Cannot directly bind with an antigen without the help of an APC (Antigen Presenting Cell).
B-lymphocytes: Can bind directly to antigens.
T-lymphocytes possess additional receptors allowing interaction with APCs; helper T-cells (CD4) and cytotoxic T-cells (CD8).
MHC: Major Histocompatibility Complex on APCs that bind with TCR (T-Cell receptors) for recognition.
MHC I: Present on all cells (except RBCs); recognized by CD8 T-cells.
MHC II: Present on professional APCs; recognized by CD4 T-cells.
Activation and Clonal Selection:
Helper T-cells release interleukin 2 upon signaling, stimulating their activation and proliferation into memory T-cells for future infections.
Cytotoxic T-Cells:
First signal: Interaction between CD8 protein and MHC I on APC.
Interleukin 2 released by Helper T-lymphocytes further activates and clones Cytotoxic T-cells.
B-Cell Activation:
B-lymphocytes contact antigens directly and present them on MHC II, obtaining help from a Helper T-lymphocyte for full activation.
Second Signal: The Helper T-lymphocyte releases interleukin 4, further stimulating the B-lymphocyte's activity.
Activated B-cells clone, producing plasma cells that synthesize antibodies and memory B-cells for re-exposure.
B-Cells Clone: Activated B-lymphocytes differentiate into specific clones for rapid antibody production and memory formation.
Antibody Structure:
Y-shaped molecules consisting of light and heavy polypeptide chains.
Contains antigen-binding sites crucial for pathogen neutralization.
Antibodies coat pathogens or toxins, rendering them ineffective for infection.
Cross-linking of pathogens by antibodies creates mass clumps for easier elimination by immune cells.
Antibody cross-linking forms insoluble complexes that deposit in tissues, allowing for engulfment by immune cells.
Constant (Fc) Region:
Determines how the antigen is disposed through mechanisms such as complement fixation, opsonization, and NK cell activation.
Innate Immunity: Born with it; provides resistance to certain pathogens (e.g., humans resist wheat rust).
Acquired Immunity: Develops immunity; body produces its own antibodies.
Types of Acquired Immunity:
Naturally Acquired: Pathogens enter naturally; disease develops.
Artificially Acquired: Weakened or dead pathogens introduced via vaccines.
Immune Response:
Primary Response: Initial exposure generates antibodies (IgM followed by IgG) over time.
Secondary Response: More rapid response upon re-exposure due to memory cells.
Passive Acquired Immunity:
Antibodies are received from another source, do not require pathogen exposure.
Types of Passive Immunity:
Naturally acquired: Antibodies transferred from mother to baby.
Artificially acquired: Antibodies injected (e.g., snake antivenom).