Member of the Associatie Universiteit Gent
Focus on Risk - Insurance
Uncertain occurrence, timing; possible future event.
Impossible to determine if and/or when a risk may happen.
Characterized by randomness.
Not intentionally caused by the insurance taker.
Insurance taker benefits if the risk does not occur; incurs a loss if it does materialize.
Covers events like:
Fire & force incidents
Civil liability motoring
Examples include:
Branch 21 policies
Pension funds
Involves rights and obligations for both parties:
Bears the risk
Fulfills financial commitments (payments)
Insured (Policyholder):
Must pay premium
Must provide all relevant information related to the insured risk.
Premium: Payment made by the insured to the insurer.
Can be fixed or floating, determined by:
Previous damage occurrences (risk history)
Type of risk involved.
Deductible: Amount of loss the insured will bear (e.g., 2.5%).
General agreements and conditions
Detailed description of the cover provided by the contract
Risky activities (e.g., scuba diving, parachuting)
Intentional damage
Special Conditions:
Insurer details
Insured object or event
Insured amount
Premium details
Contract term / maturity date
Asset Protection: Protection for real estate or other assets (e.g., cars)
Personal Protection: Financial protection against physical damage.
Liability Protection: Coverage for third-party liability.
Home Insurance: Covers fire, burglary, water damage, natural forces.
Family insurance: Liability cover for family members (children, pets).
Civil Liability for Cars: Mandatory cover that typically only includes 3rd party liability.
Additional coverage needed for driver.
Outstanding Loan Balance Insurance: Covers mortgage or loans in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
Hospital Insurance: Supplemental healthcare coverage.
Travel Insurance: Covers cancellation, assistance, luggage loss, theft of valuables.
Life Insurance: Various types including savings insurance and comprehensive car insurance (covering own damage).
Risk Clusters:
Pure (Object) Risks: Transport, fire, machinery breakdown, business interruption, credit insurance.
Personal Risks: Work-related accidents, etc.
Liability Risks: Product liability, Director and Officer Liability.
Property Insurance:
Coverage for fire, explosion, burglary, machinery breakdown, electronic risk.
Business interruption due to damage to assets requires separate covers.
Liability Insurance:
Covers damage to third parties, personal injuries.
Guarantees: Protection against loss of income due to health problems or accidents.
Tailored insurance policies addressing specific functional needs.
Covers damages to third parties:
Characteristics: Fault leads to damage (physical or psychological).
Includes corporate liability insurance options for various professions.
Manufacturers and distributors' legal responsibility for injuries caused by their products.
Typically limited to tangible personal property.
Conduct a Risk Inventory:
Assess all potential risk areas related to industry, real estate, customer liabilities, and workforce.
Establish a checklist for relevant insurance types.
Long Tail Risks:
Increasing prevalence of long tail risks in:
Product liability.
Environmental damage.
Occupational diseases.